Aram Zey

Bly'gha 'Bleach' Sa'hir's page

216 posts. Alias of Solicitor.


N | Male Human Wizard (Necromancer) 10 | HP: 118/118 | AC: 26 | F: +19; R: +18; W: +19| Perception +18 / Initiative +19 | Hero Points: 1/1 | Exploration:

About Bly'gha 'Bleach' Sa'hir

Bly’gha ‘Bleach’ Sa’hir
Male Human | Necromancer’s Apprentice | Wizard 9
Neutral Medium Human (Gebbite | Skilled Heritage)
Senses; Perception +18 (Wis 4 + Prof 14 (E))(+19 initiative)
AC 26 (Dex 3 + Armor Prof 12 (T) + Mage Armor Bracers 1)
HP 118 (8 Ancestry, 10 Toughness, 40 Con, 60 Wizard)
Fort +18 (E), Ref +17 (E), Will +18 (E)
(Mage Armor grants +1 AC & Saves)
Spell DC 28 (10+Expert Proficiency+INT)
Dagger +15 to hit, 1D4 piercing, Agile / Finesse / Thrown 10 ft. / Versatile S
Dagger +15 to hit, 1D4 piercing, Agile / Finesse / Thrown 10 ft. / Versatile S

Life Siphon (Reaction, after casting a necromantic spell): heal 1d8 per spell level
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 19, Wis 18, Cha 10
Speed 30 ft.
Hadi, Abyssinian Cat
Tiny Minion | Saves & AC as the Master (without circumstance/status bonuses or penalties) | Perception & Acrobatics & Stealth +12 (level+INT)
HP 36 | Low-Light Vision | Telepathic Communication within 1 mile
25ft Land & Fly speed
-Abilities (5): Manual Dexterity (Manipulate as if it has two hands), Tough (+2 HP/level), Speech (Speaks Common), Recall Familiar (3 actions, once per day, recall familiar if it is within 1 mile), Flier (25ft Fly speed), Kinspeech (talk with other felines)
Skill Feats
-Alchemical Crafting (Archetype): You can use the Craft activity to create alchemical items.
-Quick Identification (BG): Identifying a magic item, effect or location only takes 1 minute. Master Arcana: 3 actions. Legendary Arcana: 1 action.
-Additional Lore (W2): Become trained in Alkenstar Lore, increases at levels 3, 7, and 15.
-Streetwise: (You can use your Society modifier instead of your Diplomacy modifier to Gather Information. In any settlement you frequent regularly, you can use the Recall Knowledge action with Society to know the same sorts of information that you could discover with Diplomacy to Gather Information. The DC is usually significantly higher, but you know the information without spending time gathering it. If you fail to recall the information, you can still subsequently attempt to Gather Information normally)
-Recognize Spell: As a reaction, can recognize spells being cast.
-Quick Recognition: Can Recognize as a free action once a round.
-Battle Medicine
+18 Crafting (E)
+20 Arcana (M)
+20 Medicine (M)
+16 Society (T)
+15 Acrobatics (T)
+16 Religion (T)
+15 Stealth (T)
+20 Alkenstar Lore (M)
+16 Geb Lore (T)
+16 Necromancy Lore (T)
Skill Increases: Arcana (E)(3), <Crafting - Heritage(E)(5)>, Medicine (E()(5), Arcana (M)(7)
Common (Taldane), Dwarven, Kelish, Osiriani, Necril
General Feats & Abilities
-Canny Acumen (H1): Proficiency in Fortitude increases to Expert. Retrain at 9 to Perception. At 11 to whatever.
-Toughness (W3): Gain your level as bonus HP. Recovery checks are 9+Dying Value.
-Incredible Initiative: +2 on initiative checks
-Fleet: +5ft movement speed
Ancestry Feats & Abilities
-Skilled (heritage): Become trained in Crafting, Expert at level 5.
-General Training(feat): gain a general feat (Canny Acumen).
-General Training(feat): gain a general feat (Incredible Initiative).
-Shory Aeromancer: Can cast 'Fly' once per day as a 4th level spell.
Wizard Feats
-Enhanced Familiar (2): Select four familiar or master abilities each day, plus the bonus from the familiar thesis.
-Reach Spell
-Spell Penetration: Any creature that has a status bonus to saving throws against magic reduces that bonus by 1 against your spells.
-Advanced School: Gain Siphon Life and +1 focus point.
-Quickened Casting: Free action, once per day: If your next action is to cast a cantrip or a spell that is at least 2 levels lower than the highest level spell slot you have, reduce the number of actions to cast it by 1 (minimum 1 action).

Spells & Formulae
Spells Known:
0 (10): Detect Magic, Electric Arc, Light, Mage Hand, Shield, Telekinetic Projectile, Chill Touch, Prestidigitation, Ghost Sound, Ray of Frost
1 (7): Animate Dead, Fear, Grease, Gust of Wind, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Pocket Library
2 (4): False Life, Blur, Final Sacrifice, Heat Metal, Enlarge
3 (4): Vampiric Touch, Ooze Form, Slow, Shrink Item
4 (4): Sanguine Mist, Enervation, Stoneskin, Vampiric Maiden
5 (2): Drop Dead, Blister, Cloak of Colors, Cone Of Cold
Spells Prepared
0 (6): Chill Touch, Detect Magic, Electric Arc, Ray of Frost, Shield
1 (4): Fear, Gust of Wind, Fear, Grease
2 (4): Heat Metal, Blur, False Life, Blur
3 (4): Slow, Slow, Vampiric Touch, Vampirich Touch
4 (4): Animate Dead, Enervation, Stoneskin, Stoneskin
5 (3): Blister, Animate Dead, Cloak of Colors
Formula Known
1 (8): Minor Elixir of Life, Eagle-Eye Elixir, Lesser Ghost Charge, Lesser Smokestick, Sunrod, Drakeheart Mutagen, Tindertwig, Alchemical Fuse
2 (10): Infiltrator's Elixir (Alter Self), Bravo's Brew (+Will save), Bottled Sunlight (Lesser), Bloodhound Mask (Lesser), Silversheen
3 (4): Drakeheart Mutagen (Moderate), Energy Mutagen, Alchemist's Fire (Moderate), Sulfur Bomb (Moderate)
Alchemical Preparations
1 (6 reagents): Elixir of Life (4), Drakeheart Mutagen (Moderate)(2), Smokestick (2), Energy Mutagen (Fire)(2), Alchemist Fire (2)
-Alchemist Dedication (2): You become trained in alchemical bombs and Crafting. You become trained in alchemist class DC. You gain the alchemist’s infused reagents class feature, gaining a number of reagents each day equal to your level. You also gain the Alchemical Crafting feat and four additional formulas for 1st-level alchemical items, as well as the ability to create free items during your daily preparations. Your advanced alchemy level is 1 and doesn’t increase on its own.
-Basic Concoction (4): gain Poison Resistance (resistance to poison equal to half level, +1 status bonus on saves versus poison)
-Expert Alchemy: Advanced alchemy becomes 3.
-Healing Bomb
Class Features & Abilities
-Arcane School: Necromancy: Gain a bonus 1st-level Necromancy spell. Gain a focus point and the Call of the Grave focus spell.
-Thesis: Improved Familiar Attunement: You gain the Familiar wizard feat. Your familiar gains an extra ability, and it gains an additional extra ability when you reach 6th, 12th, and 18th levels. Your connection with your familiar alters your arcane bond class feature so that you store your magical energy in your familiar, rather than an item you own; you also gain the Drain Familiar free action instead of Drain Bonded Item. Drain Familiar can be used any time an ability would allow you to use Drain Bonded Item and functions identically, except that you draw magic from your familiar instead of an item.
-Trained in the club, crossbow, dagger, heavy crossbow, staff and unarmed attacks.
-Trained in unarmored defense.
-Expert in Wizard class DC.
-Necromancer’s Apprentice: Become trained in Arcana & Necromancer Lore, gain the Quick Identification skill feat, +2 INT & CON.
50gp 9s 4c
Explorer’s Clothes, Bandolier (tools+extracts), Writing Set & Journal, Spellbook, Ring of Fire Resistance (5), Bracers of Armor +1, Staff of Divination

Brief Background
Born in Mechitar, the capital of Geb. Raised by two unloving parents, one a wealth-obsessed merchant and the other an ordained priestess of Urgathoa, Bly’gha’s childhood was quiet yet traumatizing. Blessed with a keen mind, the boy was fast-tracked into the Ebon Mausoleum and taught the basics of necromancy over the course of his teenage years. Here, far away from the sun, Bly’gha became known as Bleach, in a nod both to his name and the pallid state of his skin.
In his late adolescent years, it became clear to Bleach that if he were to stay in Mechitar much longer, he’d be forced to undergo cannibalistic Urgathoan rituals to honor his mother and as part of his first steps towards becoming undead. Scarred by years of horrifying scenes, deeds, and knowledge, Bleach listened to his guts (and their absolute refusal to consume human flesh), and ran. And when you’re in Geb, there’s really but one place to run to: Alkenstar.

A pallid young man with a tendency to hunch up, Bleach never seems to be quite at ease. Whether it is paranoia, memories from the past, or simply bad posture that’s to blame, who knows, but fact is that only his sleep does he seem to fully relax.
Bleach is trying to grow out his hair to hide the various ritualistic scarring and discolorations on his head. Those on the of his body he cannot hide, though he is hopeful to one day find an alchemical solution to undo the scar tissue and dissolve the tattoos. His hands and forearms tell a gruesome tale, and Bleach has learned that this often works in his favor: people leave him when they take notice.
Other than that, he’s a relatively normal human male of average height (for a Gebbite) and with piercing grey eyes that, depending on the onlooker, either are screaming for help or indicate danger. The truth is that too much reading in the dark with nothing but a candle has made him slightly myopic, so he tends to gaze at the world with eyes wide open.

Various Notes:
-Familiar scales (thanks to the thesis)
-Feats to consider are: Reach Spell (4), Additional Lore (Skill Feat),
-Familiar: kinspeech (6)
-Spells to pick up: Truestrike (bad at low-level, good later on)