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We recently had Samsaran die in our Kingmaker game. While discussing if we should resurrect him, we couldn't if we could. In the prd is says: Quote: Whenever a samsaran dies, it reincarnates anew as a young samsaran to live a new life. Does that mean that if we tried to use say Raise Dead on him that it wouldn't work because he's already alive in a different body? and to make this even weirder, what would happen if we tried to cast Reincarnate on him? your thoughts?
I'm looking to make a Lich as unkillable as possible, so I'm thinking about taking the existing spell deathward and changing its effect from negative energy and death protection to positive energy and life protection. Seeing as this is a spell with a duration in minutes, I think this is fairly balanced and wont break the encounter too much. but seeing as I could be wrong I implore you, the community to tell me. Is it balanced or gamebreaking? Would it be possible to make an item out of this or cast permanency on this? how gamebreaking would that be? How much would they cost?
As far as I understand it an aoe spell (lets say fireball) that hits a group of creatures is going to do the same amount of damage to a medium creature (occupying 1 square) and a large creature (occupying 4 squares). Even though the large creature would be hit by 4x as much of the fireball as the medium creature. I understand why this is as far as mechanics and balance goes, but how do you explain this in the way of flavor.
Can you do this? After reading the PRD on readied actions I want to say no, but I'm not sure. Just so were clear, Scenario: mage A: readies a damaging spell (say fireball)to be cast when mage b casts a spell.
So any thoughts?
I'm currently playing an Alchemist in my local Pathfinder game. Great class, just one little problem. My DM found a rule under potions that allows a attack of opportunity to be directed at the potion itself instead of the drinker and he's been using it, a lot. While this is fine in and of itself but it also applies to an Alchemists extracts and mutagens which has been screwing me. All this is all legal and I must accept it, I understand this. What I'd like to know is if there are any ways to avoid the aoo. Like drinking defensively of something. Side note: He was also using this rule to aoo my that I think about it, it doesn't make any sense. Does it?
I am curious to know what the general consensus on the limitations of this spell is. ie: What does "obviously harmful" mean?
ex. Your party of three bursts into the lair of a known diabolist to arrest him. Seeing no obvious threat, you start searching the place. While searching a pack (5-7) of lesser devils start bursting out of boxes and surround the alchemist, a fight ensues. During the fight a sneaky Imp comes down from the rafters and casts suggestion on the ranger, telling her "Your outnumbered, go find help". Ranger runs away to find help leaving her two comrades alone. So the question is, is running away "reasonable" or "obviously harmful"? As you can probably tell this is a personal experience of mine and I'm a little jaded on the subject which is why I'm posting here to hear what y'all have to say. |