Teller of Tales wrote:
Well, the highest level 20/mythic 10 Vital Strike build I could quickly put together (took me about 10 minutes, so probably not the best possible) gets 4 Vital Strikes per round for an average of 2190,375 damage per round (as long as everything hits, which should be the case against pretty much everything that doesn't really pump AC/ has a miss chance/uses Crane Wing. Though its always possible that I did miscalculate something.)...
And guess what? It uses 12 level of monk.^^
Sorry Teller of Tales but thats not even close to correct. Level 12 monk doesn't even meet the prerequisites for Improved Vital Strike, let alone Greater Vital Strike... unless your saying only 12 levels of 20 wer monk, but how did you get 4 vitals in 1 round...
However, the other character builds I have been seeing in this post are indeed correct, and confirmed that what was going on in my game is indeed the reality of Mythic Adventures. Everyone with the Vital Strike build has been able to 1 shot Challenge Rating 30 monsters, if they can hit it. And a bunch of stuff in the Mythic adventures seems to also have the Power Attack (mythic) Greater Vital Strike (mythic).
I even tested it out making a mythic raiding party of 4 Frost Giants with 8 levels of barbarian or fighter, and making them Mythic Rank 4-6.... Wiped the party... everyone was one shoting each other left and right, each and every one of them was doing hundreds of damage per hit to each other, had one Frost giant standing in the end who defiled the parties bodies then camped for the night. The party was Mythic Tier 10, so the came back 24 hours later and butchered the survivor. However, it was a humbling experience for my players as they all got wiped by things well below their CR just because they had that combo. They are level 30 characters but the CR of the giants is technically below 20... they were forced to make a choice. Abandon that combo, or have it forever used against them... heh.