Blue Apothecary |
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I'm confused about Wildwood Champion subsystem in Chapter One of the first book. Throughout the chapter, individual PCs can get Gala Prestige (sometimes referred to as "Victory Points" in the text, I'm guessing that's a typo?) by participating in the Caber Toss, Flyting Contest, and Prismati Tournament. On page 10 it says that each PC tracks their totals separately. In the description of the Award Ceremony on page 24, the crowds gather "to witness the announcement of the contestant or team that accumulated the highest Victory Point total across all three events". It then goes on to describe what happens if Khasprickle's team wins.
The problem is there can't be a winning "team": the first event has 1-4 members, the second is an individual event, and the third needs 9 people. None of the teams are the same size, and they definitely don't have the same members. So not only can Khasprickle's team not win, Khasprickle himself can't win, because he explicitly doesn't participate in the Caber Toss (p. 17).
Page 10 also states "You might add additional competitions...though you should consider increasing the total Gala Prestige needed to win to reflect the higher scores that are likely to result." However, there are no Gala Prestige totals listed for winning anywhere in the book.
It seems like there might have been some sort of team score with a winning score table that got cut from the book. What am I missing? Is there a better way to run this?