Hobgoblin Commander

Bloody Skull hobgoblin raider's page

23 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Ealsealf Greenleaves wrote:

Round 3

Dire Rat:

After materializing, the dire rat charges into the fray, moving to the nearest hobgoblin, and attacks.The rat's AC drops to 13 (14 -2 for charge +1 from bless)

[Dice=Blessed Bite attack after charge]1d20+1+1+2

Ealsealf: Ealsealf swoops down to help Rowena.

At the sight of the giant rat, the hobgoblins gawk in sheer terror! Apparently, they are highly rat-phobic, and Ealsealf has chosen to summon that which they most dread!

EEEEEEEEEEK!!! A RAT!!! shrieks one of the hobgoblins, and the remaining three flee in a panic, spurring axe beaks willy nilly, regardless of attacks of opportunity!

Sven the Shieldbearer wrote:

Sven stabbed out at the mount...

...and then turned the blade on the hobgoblin rider. As he did so the runes came to life, glowing as they took the foe in the neck.

Sven resists being overrun by the big bird, halting its career with a mighty blow that stops the axe beak in its tracks...

The rider attempts to maintain control of the wounded beast... Ride 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18... and manages to stay in the saddle...

Essel Theana wrote:

Essel, mostly out of powerful magic, twists her fingers around each other with a muttered spell, and shoots off a ray of freezing lavender light at the most wounded targe, which lances off into the distance.

[dice=Ray of Frost]1d20+1;1d3

Yeah... I'm basically out of useful stuff now. I have one color spray for emergencies, but that won't be much use here.

The targeted axe beak doesn't even have to move to evade the ill-aimed ray of frost...

The hobgoblin assaulting Sven urges its axe beak to run the dwarven oread occultist over! Provoking an AoO from Sven, overrun 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 vs Sven's CMD...

KA-KAAAW!!! shrieks the bird as it raises its great talons against the squat Sven...

Rowena McAnnis wrote:
Bloody Skull hobgoblin raider wrote:


Seeing their companion give chase after the retreating Hindu, the hobgoblin raiders threatening Rowena grin evilly and swing their no-dachi swords at her in unison again, acting as a deadly team... 1d20+5 confirm 1d20+5 strikes the changeling in the neck, releasing a torrent of blood, and dealing 4d6+6 slashing damage! The other blade 1d20+5 misses, but the point is moot as Rowena falls under the first raider's mighty critical stroke!


Rowena falls supine and spasming to the cobblestones!

Currently at negative 10 hp/14 hp...

The two hobgoblin axebeak riders that just struck down Rowena crow victory cries! KAARRROOOO!! KAAARRAAAA!!!


Seeing their companion give chase after the retreating Hindu, the hobgoblin raiders threatening Rowena grin evilly and swing their no-dachi swords at her in unison again, acting as a deadly team... 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 confirm 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 strikes the changeling in the neck, releasing a torrent of blood, and dealing 4d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 1, 1, 4) + 6 = 18 slashing damage! The other blade 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 misses, but the point is moot as Rowena falls under the first raider's mighty critical stroke!

Ride check 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 to maintain control of wounded axe beak succeeds...

The hobgoblin raider menacing Ashok maintains control of its wounded steed, and stabilizing itself in the saddle, it raises its no-dachi high to strike the Hindu warrior down!

Ashok Ravan wrote:
Bloody Skull hobgoblin raider wrote:


Scenting blood and weakness, the hobgoblin raider that Ashok just withdrew from spurs its axe beak to give chase! With a fierce shriek--CAAAWW!!--the axe beak obeys, loping after the nearly-staggered paladin...

Swiftly bearing down on Ashok, the hobgoblin raider urges its axe beak to overrun the wounded paladin... Provoking an App from Ashok...

SHIVA PRESERVE ME!! shouts the beleaguered paladin as the hobgoblin raider on its axe beak bears down on him... He swings his longsword at the charging beast... Blessed Power Attacking longsword 1d20+6 strikes for 1d8+6 slashing against the axe beak! and draws blood!


The paladin's attack of opportunity arrests the axe beak's overrun! It's hobgoblin rider curses in Goblin: SHAZZNARDS!!


Scenting blood and weakness, the hobgoblin raider that Ashok just withdrew from spurs its axe beak to give chase! With a fierce shriek--CAAAWW!!--the axe beak obeys, loping after the nearly-staggered paladin...

Swiftly bearing down on Ashok, the hobgoblin raider urges its axe beak to overrun the wounded paladin... Provoking an App from Ashok...

Mydravos "The Harbinger" wrote:

sorry I was without service for a couple days due to training. Assuming I held my turn I’d jump in now.

Mydravos would probably sit in the back letting his more expendable people lead the way. The first turn he surveyed the area drawing his mace and just looking at little creatures with interest and confusion.

Second turn he walks over to one goblin on the ground and swings for his head, [dice=attack] 1d20+3; 1d8+2 I will dispose of this little creatin

The hobgoblin rolls away from the blow!

Rowena McAnnis wrote:


Rowena screams in rage and swings her earth breaker at the axe beak to her left again... Blessed raging Power Attacking earth breaker 1d20+7 strikes for 2d6+8 bludgeoning damage!

The axe beak struck by Rowena's mighty blow nearly buckles, squawking in agony... SQUAAAWWWKKKK!!!

Sven the Shieldbearer wrote:

Sven squared off against the hobgoblin facing him, and...

[dice=Hit with Magic Weapon, Bane, Bless]1d20+9

...and stabbed the foe with his bladed shield.

The hobgoblin rider is impaled on Sven's bladed shield, gurgling and passing out! It slumps awkwardly in the saddle on its axe beak...

2 of 5 hobgoblins and 1 of 5 axe beaks down...

Essel Theana wrote:

With a flick of her wrist, Essel finishes off the wounded hobgoblin, and sends another missile flying towards the next most-injured enemy.

[dice=Magic Missile 1]1d4+1
[dice=Missile 2]1d4+1

Essel's second magic missile stings the hobgoblin on Sven...



The hobgoblin attacking Sven swings... 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 and it's no-dachi blade sparks as it bounces off the rim of the oread's shield...

Essel Theana wrote:

With a flick of her wrist, Essel finishes off the wounded hobgoblin, and sends another missile flying towards the next most-injured enemy.

[dice=Magic Missile 1]1d4+1
[dice=Missile 2]1d4+1

The force missile rips into the hobgoblin's chest, finding its lungs and collapsing them! It falls with a breathless weeze and a thump!

1 hobgoblin of 5 hobgoblins dead, and 1 axe beak of 5 dead. Good start, team!

The hobgoblins assaulting Rowena swing their no-dachi in unison, scissoring her with their blades... 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 dealing 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (2, 1) + 3 = 6 slashing damage to the changeling... 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 misses... but only one blade finds flesh...

The fallen and badly wounded hobgoblin tries to rise and defend against Ashok's righteous onslaught...

Provoking an AoO from Ashok...

The other on Ashok swings its no-dachi greatsword 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 and cuts Ashok's left arm above the rim of his shield, dealing 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 6) + 3 = 10 slashing damage!

Ashok Ravan wrote:

ROUND 2 (please head your actions with which round you are acting on for clarity.

Feeling blessed by the fey Ealsealf's fairy magic, Ashok swings his longsword at the downed hobgoblin... Blessed Power Attacking longsword vs prone hobgoblin 1d20+7 deals 1d8+6 slashing damage... slashing a bloody gash in its shoulder!


2/16 hp...

Ashok Ravan wrote:

Now that there are two hobgoblin axebeak riders within sword's reach of him, Ashok swings his longsword at the axebeak on his right hand side...

Longsword with Power Attack 1d20+4 confirm 1d20+4 crits for 2d8+12 slashing damage!


Ashok's blade lops off one of the axe beak's legs, felling the beast!

GGRRRAAAAHHH!!! screams the hobgoblin rider in alarm as it is thrown from the saddle, roughly landing prone on the cobblestones!

Unseated hobgoblin takes 1d6 ⇒ 1 falling damage!

The five hobgoblins ride closer on their axebeaks, closing the two hundred feet of distance in about six seconds, to converge on Ashok, Rowena, and Sven!

All 5 axebeaks full run, closing the distance to converge on Ashok, Sven, and Rowena...

Essel Theana wrote:

Paizo is really good about having most all characters for forum posts.

Essel quickly incants a dark string of syllables, and a pair of purple missiles streak from her outstretched hand and strike the lead hobgoblin.

[dice=Potent Magic Missile]2d4+2

GNNAAAARRRGH!! Miggleplixies!! Durggle warro!!

GNNAAARRRGH!! Magic missiles!! Be careful!!

Lead hobgoblin down to 9/17 hp...

The 5 hobgoblin raiders mounted on axebeaks begin in a line perpendicular to the party, 200 feet north of them, each taking up adjacent 10-ft squares with 5-ft space between each.

BREEYAAAAARRRKKK!!! scream the armored hobgoblins in unison!


From about 200 feet to the north comes the jangle of armor and the galloping scrape of big raptor-like talons on cobbles! Five humanoids in exotic, oriental-style armor, with long, curved greatswords (no-dachi) raised menacingly, mounted on ugly raptor-like birds the size of camels are charging across the Courtyard toward the party!

5 hobgoblin raiders mounted on axebeaks are galloping at speed 50 ft from 200 feet north of the party! Roll initiative! Hobgoblin and axebeak initiative 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10