
Blood Spectre's page

13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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I can not stress enough how much I enjoy these shows. My schedule has changed so I haven't been able to make them live, but I gobble up the VOD as soon as humanly possible.

It's left for us to clarify. The corruption templates laid out in Signal of Screams are ideas for the dungeon master to flesh out on their own. A root of an idea. Don't like part of it, discard or change it. Its not meant to be hard and fast like the class level structure, it is meant to help you brew your own creatures.

Dude the Devourer is super dope. Bummed I am going to miss this one live.

I suppose if I had a question it would be: How do the Devourer cults interact with other factions that appeal to the same sort of nihilism, such as Nylarthotep and the Outer Gods? Do they co-operate, or is there a sort of existential turf war?

Big fan. Will be back next week.

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I was excitedly boring the little lady with speculation about how lycanthropes could be done in Starfinder the other night.

"No you don't get it, there's all these alien animals, super space apex predators they can turn into. And the guy already starts out as a weird alien millipede or something before he got bitten by a like, I dunno.... this thing (flips to glass eel in the PDF). How cool is that?"

She uh, she tolerates me.

Probably what it would take is for a large number of fans to be running high level games in public spaces, getting the customer base primed for higher level play. Compared to a lot of modern games this system is very crunchy (although I know old school gamers like us consider the rules streamlined) which can be intimidating to the average group. The top end of RPG systems has a well deserved reputation for being disastrously hard to balance. Ironically if the die hard fans and content creators show up in force showing that they can run at that level, that will likely then create the demand for the product required for it to be a solid financial investment for Paizo's limited release schedule.

Is any of that nerdery making sense?

For the record I thought Signal of Screams was brilliant. I like horror stuff and thought the science fantasy Hellraiser twist was really cool. But I would also be happy to play other genres at high level as well.

Getting to see all these people is great as a late arrival to the fanbase.

I don't know what sort of questions I have about this module that aren't spoilery. I'll try to come up with something!

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I'd be curious to hear why the beginner box decided to streamline the HitPoint/Stamina Point system, as well as how to help guide beginner box players to understand that system if they want to move on to to a more advanced Starfinder experience.

Thanks for your time.

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Great show. Thanks for answering my silly questions!

I was noticing that myself. If you think about it, all the core Starfinder races are minority or outsider populations within the pact worlds.

Maybe have an ability to launch fighter drones somehow? Gives the players something to control but doesn't cost you much if they get shot down.

Will there be more information of other types of Planar Scions?

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Very excited for this. Basically made a forum account to keep up with the discussion.