Blissey1's page

Organized Play Member. 15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I feel like everybody is assuming the char in question has to physical statue to "physically threaten" someone

your 8 str sorcerer/oracle is going to have good intimidation but probably isn't the most physically threatening individual

There was a discussion on a discord chat about it and someone pointed out that the basic commoner stat block has a +3 mod to str, +2 to con, and +1 to dex and wis, and I find it amusing that apparently your 18 str level 1 barbarian is only slightly stronger than a commoner

is that statblock representative of average joe schmoes around the world or are these jsut turbo commoners?

Verzen wrote:
You DO realize you stay as trained with the general feat, right? You don't go up to expert or master?

you do realize you don't get above trained until level 13, right? that one general feat does the same thing as Sentinel for half of your characters life.

Verzen wrote:
In fact, I'd wager that this is essential for a strength build since if you want 16 str, 18 con, the max dex you can have is like.. 12. Or 14 if you give yourself two negatives. If you have 10 dex, you can get full plate which is 6 AC, 0 dex or 19 AC (6+2+1) if you can wear it at level 1 or 20 AC at level 2.

what exactly are you boosting besides Dex? the only really important stats are str/dex/con/wis. int is only useful if you want more trained skills and char does nothing.

I'm a bit confused what you mean by "swapping out what element you're attuned to". A universalist doesn't attune to a single element, they can channel whatever element they want. Unless you're talking about the 1st level feat you can swap out each day?

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I def feel like there is room for a mid level feat for dual or universal gate to have two elements gathered at once

Errenor wrote:

Thank you for the post.
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
North Gozren used Elemental Weapon to create an air flail to upgrade his damage dice from d4s to d10s (I ruled that handwrap runes applied to weapons).
But how? All d10 weapons I see are 2-handed (and strictly 1-handed allowed, even 1+ won't be included by most).

RAW you can make a bastard sword which is a one handed weapon and then change to a two handed grip for d12s but I think thats about it.

Like if I start turn with earth gathered, raised earth shield, then gather another element, do I still get the benefit of a shield being raised? Or like if you first action Earth Shield and then used a two action overflow like Rolling Boulder. It doesn't specifically say you loose your shield if you drop your element in the text but doing so would completely negate the penalty for using it to block and the description/flavor is very much that you are using your gathered element as the shield

Mirror implement states that

"any effects you generate come from only one of your positions"

How does that interact with auras? are they an "effect that you generate"? if so, how do you determine which copy is generating the aura at any given time? Or are auras not covered by this and you jsut get double auras?

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Haste lets you stride or strike with the extra action, but flying is a different action that is not striding, yeah? so is haste just useless if you're flying?

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Taja the Barbarian wrote:

Well, if the Sling didn't have Reload 1, why would anyone EVER use a Composite Shortbow? Same damage dice, same Propulsive trait, and similar ranges (50' for the sling vs. 60' for the bow), but the sling is lighter (Light vs. 1 Bulk), easier (simple vs. martial), and cheaper (free vs. 14g).

because deadly d10 is kind of a big deal???

a much better comparison would be the hand crossbow which would be strictly worse, with the only caveat that crossbows have a lot of feat support from various sources whereas slings have exactly 1 support feat tied to an ancestry

Themetricsystem wrote:
Blissey1 wrote:
I just noticed for the first time the other day that slings actually have reload and it seems so weird??? like are you really telling me that putting a rock in a sling is equivalent to cranking a crossbow or loading a bullet? That these actions take similar time/effort? if anything I'd think that pulling and knocking an arrow is much closer...
You're thinking about a slingshot, not a sling. This is a sling and how it is used and it VERY much needs to be loaded before you wind up to swing it to release the stone/bullet.

it seems to me that everything in that image is the action of firing a sling, not reloading.

I just noticed for the first time the other day that slings actually have reload and it seems so weird??? like are you really telling me that putting a rock in a sling is equivalent to cranking a crossbow or loading a bullet? That these actions take similar time/effort? if anything I'd think that pulling and knocking an arrow is much closer...

so nimble shield hand says that "The hand you use to wield a shield counts as a free hand for the purposes of the Interact action." and everstand has you wield a shield using two hands. So would Both hands count as free hands while using everstand stance?

I'm not sure a situation that calls for having two free hands so I don't know that it actually matter, but I'm still curious about it

Rules as written, it seems it applies only to the Sling weapon and nothing else. However, I can't imagine its intended that special feat for halflings to use slings better would not apply to the special sling that halflings get, the halfling sling staff. Is it really only slings and nothing else, or is it sling weapon group?