We found something by the woods sir.
Some sort of strange Gnomish Cult of Asmodeus, sir.
Yes sir, living in the caves.
No sir, there were no casualties. They were all dead sir. Except one. Little bugger seemed to have poisoned their water supply, sir. Completely insane, sir.
We're holding him for questioning, sir. Oh, and he had this on him.
It's some sort of doll, sir. Our mages say it radiates necromantic energies, sir. Been stuffed with tiny fingers, sir. I'd say gnome fingers, but none of the corpses were missing theirs.
Your the first to talk to him since his capture, sir. Here you go, sir.
Arazial Sudmaeos Quaggenti, at your service. Sudmaeos is my middle name, it's an anagram see. Sumaeos. Asmodeus. HaHAH! All of us gnomes do it. Did it.
I had to poison them, they all betrayed the Dark One. That's Asmodeus. They were going to summon a demon. Bad. You know how I know? There's a rhyme, they taught it to me.
Demons are bad,
Devils are good,
Something something something,
Children's fingers are so hard to cut off and stuff into pretty little dolls.
Well maybe that's not how the rhyme goes. No, no, no, that's right. That's how I go. HaHAH! I had to kidnap and cut off all the fingers of those little human babies. That wasn't Asmondeus told me to do that though, no, no, no, NO, NO! DON'T ASK SO MANY QUESTIONS it was the Shining and Beautiful one that had me cut off the fingers and stuff them in that little doll so I could make his faerie friends come and dance and play and worship Asmodeus with me. I'm his ambassador you know, between him and Asmodeus. I'm the ambassador of
***mutters something in Gnomish.***
Yes, a faerie prince he is, come to make us all happy and wonderful. If I can just get him an' Asmodeus to play nicely and I also ate the children's eyelids they were hard to cut without tearing and WHERE ARE YOU GOING SIR I COULD SHOW YOU THE FAERIE SHOW YOU MY ASMODEAN FAERIE MAGICS, MAKE YOU BEAUTIFUL! Fine, be that way. I'll just have to make a new doll, new poppet, new child.
He knows his stuff about Asmodeus sir, but the "faerie prince" sir, he made that up, our scholars find no records of it. He seems to have confused gnomish Asmodean witchcraft and self-taught necromancy with faerie magic. He's delusional sir, I don't think we can keep him alive much longer.
I'll have him shipped to Branderscar right away, sir. Hail Mitra.