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Not sure if you are still looking at updating your guide, but I'd highly recommend the Scaled Fist Monk archetype being added in as blue especially with unchained monk. The dragon style is only worth it if you go feral combat training but it is not only thematically appropriate but also a really strong option in general.
Charisma to AC for a sorcerer in addition to your ridiculous natural armor, unarmed strike with flurry if you run out of claws for the day and don't want to use transmutation spells to get more natural attacks, and if you take more than 1 level (4 recommended in my opinion) you get fast movement, a charisma based ki pool that can add more elemental damage to your attacks, and evasion. Doing a build that somewhat balances str, dex, cha you can get an unbelievably strong beater with a ridiculous AC, CMD, and saves.

So the gm actually doesn't allow anything third party, out of occult, or advanced class guide, and doesn't allow vmc. The Effortless Lace was a fantastic Idea can't believe I've never seen that before thank you.

Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
VMC Cavalier with Order of the Star grants half your class level to Lay On Hands, letting you dip up to 10 levels. Not the same as actual multiclassing, but certainly very powerful.

That Cavalier order is pretty cool but unfortunately doesn't help with the fact that the levels need to be fighter not cavalier for weapon training.

Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
I haven't looked at the details, but are you sure you can't get what you want with a single-classed paladin, the Martial Focus feat (lets you pretend to have weapon training), and the Advanced Weapon Training feat?

Martial focus lets you have "weapon training" but doesn't meet other requirements. You can't take the Advanced weapon training options without the feat till level 9 and the feat Advanced Weapon Training requires fighter level 5 unless you are a Weapon master in which case it's fighter level 4.

I had thought about that feat but then looked at it and it doesn't give me the fighter level requirement.

Zhangar wrote:

They exist, but its looks like they're really expensive.

Bracers of the Merciful Knight

Crystal of Healing Hands

Every magic item on d20pfsrd that mentions Lay on hands

Also, this should probably be in the Advice forum, so I flagged it.

Ok I don't post on these forums often at all so that's fine that you flagged it. The Bracers of the Merciful knight were a great example I know I've seen them before but they slipped my mind. I had also looked at a phylactery of positive channeling but as you mentioned the problem with both is the cost and I spent all my gold to not be crap in melee

Thanks for the links.

I am building a character that is purely for concept honestly I think multiclassing is always a bad idea in pathfinder I haven't even liked prestige classes much. However, I just lost my previous character and had this idea of a dex based paladin that uses a longsword two handed (yes I know greatsword is better and elven curve blade has finesse but concept is the goal) and the only way I could find to do this is taking a 4 level dip in weapon master fighter to get advanced weapon training to use weapon finesse with a longsword.
I don't mind most of what I sacrifice in doing this I am going hospitaler paladin so the part I don't like is that my loh is only 2d6 and my channel is only 1d6 at level 8. obviously there are traits to increase caster level for multiclassing casters and feats like boon companion out there but I can't for the life of me find something that helps loh or channel energy in multiclassing. Anyone know of anything.

So I am typically more of a concept player than a power player unless it's in a game where I know the entire group is going to be power gaming. I am currently building a Kineticist that I want to be a face character so I'm going with the Overwhelming Soul Archetype and my element is going to be fire. One thing I notice here is that Fire's Fury specifically says Elemental overflow so obviously will not work with the Overwhelming power of the Overwhelming Soul.

To get to the actual question why did they do this. It's really not that big of a deal it's a small amount of damage for an archetype that's allready gimped in damage and versatility and while the ability Overwhelming Soul says it doesn't apply to things that don't apply elemental overflow it also doesn't say it counts as Elemental overflow which brings me to my next argument.

The character is half elf whose favored class bonus is +1/4th to damage that applies elemental overflow. I would assume I could still technically use this because while I don't have elemental overflow my blasts technically would apply it.

Anyway just looking for some opinions or whether this may have just been a potential oversight.