Cave Wizard

Blaughter's page

44 posts. Alias of Fraust.


HP: 13/17; AC: 16; Tch: 12; Flt: 14; Fort: +5; Refl: +4; Will: +4; CMD: 17|Skill Totals:


Prepared Spells:
0th: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light; 1st: Bless, Protection From Evil, Domain: Truestrike;

About Blaughter

Blaughter Horgh
Male Slayer (vanguard), Cleric 1/1
NN humanoid (human)
Init +6; Perception +6
Favored Class: Cleric
FCB: +1 Hit Points
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 Armor+2 Dex)
HP 18 (1d10+1d8+3)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 30 ft

Spellcasting (CL 1, Concentration +4)
0-level (/day) -
1st-level (/day) -
Special Attacks
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 08, Wis 15, Cha 12
Base Atk +1, CMD +5, CMB 17
Traits: Affable, Desperate Resolve, Dirty Fighter, Deity's Wrath (Norgorber)
Feats: Dirty Fighting, Improved Initiative
Skills: Acrobatics 2+2+3=+7*, Bluff 1+1+3=+5, Climb 1+4+3=+8*, Dipolomacy 0+1+0=+1, Linguistics 1-1+3=+3, Perception 1+2+3=+6, Stealth 1+2+3=+6*, Swim 1+4+3=+8*
*needs to be modified by ACP
Languages Common, Celestial
SQ:Luck and Travel domains
Combat gear: (92 gp 20 pp in pouch) chain shirt (100 gp), long spear (5 gp), morning star (8 gp), wand of cure light wounds (18 charges, 300 gp), delux Dungeoneering Kit (130 gp, 15 lbs), Melee Contingency kit (150 gp, 14 lbs), small tent (10 gp), trail rations x10 (5 gp, 10 lbs)


Much of his past was spent as a mercenary, faithful to the god of murder and secrets, and the details of those days are probably best left undiscussed. If you ask him about it he can spin a fine tale of heroic battles, long muddy marches, and fierce camaraderie. Listen to enough of his stories though, and you start noticing the details change from one telling to another.

More recently he's taken up a job delivering a message to one of the fine soldiers serving at a secluded keep. This, too, is mostly fiction. An old acquaintance contacted him, asking if he was still in "the" business, and purely by reflex Blaughter said that he was. Drinks were drank, coins changed hand, and the old merc had his kit packed and feet eating up the trail before he remembered that he'd turned his back on that life.

For more than a year now he'd lived the life of a cleric, spreading word of a new goddess. Hadn't that time changed him? Why did he continue to put one foot in front of the other down a path that would lead him to a man he'd promised to kill.