Leonard Kriegler

Bladerock's page

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Can someone explain why is it that D&D and Pathfinder, by extension, feel the need to make divine casting so much better than arcane casting?

You could argue that arcane casters had a monopoly over the spell-like ability style of casting pioneered by the bard and sorcerer, but this is no longer the case, since the sorcerer's style of casting has divine caster counterparts.

Some people have insisted to me that the additional power of arcane spells means that the class that casts them needs to be weaker. But i really don't see this amazing extra power that requires a smaller hit die, lower base attack bonus, less weapon and armor proficiencies and a limited spell list to choose from while in play. Oh, and arcane spell failure chance (which, like, half of the available arcane casters do away with through class abilities anyway.)

It just seems like a LOT of gimping over a minuscule power difference.