Iron Dragon

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Organized Play Member. 61 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


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Sovereign Court

.......Please cancel my subscriptions. :(

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Blackscorp wrote:
As I see it, the Monk will uses his high speed in his first turn to get close to target and attempt a CMB (I personally prefer trip) or try to hinder the opponent (Scorpion Style /Stunning Fist (/Gorgon’s Fist??)). Then he could use Combat Expertise/Stand Still/Shall No Pass (?) to keep the opponent close so he can Flurry (/Medusa’s Wrath??) to his heart content and if things get ugly he can get the hell out of there and re-try later.
OK, so that's Scorpion Style, Gorgon's Fist, Medusa's Wrath, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Greater Trip, and Shall Not Pass = 7 feats so far = what, 11th level? By that time, his enemies are flying and teleporting...

He wouldn't need them all to fill this concept. I play a Level 7 Half-Elf, 3.5 Monk with Improved Trip and Combat Reflex and very much do exactly what i had described.

PF Monk gives you even more options to accomplish it. So i still can't see it as "worst".

Sovereign Court

Matthew Morris wrote:
Chris Mortika wrote:

(It makes me wonder, though: since the Monk's Base Attack Bonus itself is changing when she uses combat maneuvers or flurry of blows, would a 6th-Level Monk be eligible for Improved Two-Handed Fighting if she promised only to use it for combat maneuvers.)

Hmm, well the RAW do say if you lose the feat pre-req, you can't use the feat. I suppose you could take that rule kicking and screaming and argue you do quality at 6th level, just not always ;-)

As I see it, the Monk will uses his high speed in his first turn to get close to target and attempt a CMB (I personally prefer trip) or try to hinder the opponent (Scorpion Style /Stunning Fist (/Gorgon’s Fist??)).

Then he could use Combat Reflex/Stand Still/Shall No Pass (?) to keep the opponent close so he can Flurry (/Medusa’s Wrath??) to his heart content and if things get ugly he can get the hell out of there and re-try later.

So I really see them as complimenting each other rather than canceling each other.

Edit: I really like these changes to the Monk.
Edit: Combat Reflex not Combat expertise (I always get confused with those two)

Sovereign Court

Majuba wrote:

Sounds interesting!

Don't forget they don't *have* to have wizard levels unless you want them to. The could have the new Master Craftsman feat that lets them use their craft (weaponsmithing/armorsmithing) ranks as caster levels to qualify for the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat.

I'm not sure if it would do it. I want them to be the best at crafting, they should be able to craft Almost every magical item.

Sovereign Court

Heathansson wrote:

I use this encounter calculater a lot

it helps me somewhat.

Nice tool, thanks for the link.

Sovereign Court

I don't have The Manual of Planes (I'll get it from a friend later) so i don't know about the Dao.

While I was checking the Efreet, came across the Janni... do you think a Janni/Half-Elemental (Fire) Would be equally effective?

Sovereign Court

Heathansson wrote:
I'd have them be dragons polymorphed into dwarves that turn back into dragons when these guys go to trying to hold up their store.

Interesting, but i like dragons as the TPK masters more than the Shop owner. :)

Heathansson wrote:
Efreeti with some wizard levels could do the trick. They can change into dwarves, and do all that magic stuff.

Now, This is good man, really good. (inspiration starting to flow).

Is there an equivalent to the Efreet, but earth based? maybe a divine one or whatever that would make for the counterpart.

Sovereign Court

Hi all,

I'm running a home brew campaign for a group of LV10+ players who had gone to the dark side.

In my campaign magic weapons/items are very rares, and the players can not make them. At first I designed a quest, to let them earn some magic weapon/armor/item. It was designed to help them; but as the turned evil they started to use rogue tactics.

Their social abilities became Intimidate checks and Initiative rolls and i know that they will kill the Blacksmith if he does not give the magic items for free.....

Here is where I'm needing help. I don't have too much experience in D&D (only 3 Years) and after reading a lot, still can't get to create the NPCs i want for the Blacksmiths. If any of you have ever made one or have a good idea about how to do it, please share it here.

I tend to like things to be as thematic as possible and using the following as a guide.

1- There will be 2 Blacksmith
2- They should be son race of Dwarfs or Elemental or Both.
3- They should be able to craft most magic items that are forged (i.e Craft Magic Weapons and Armor)
4- They should be able to Beat 6 Lvl10-13 PC players.

They will be working in the "Great Forge" a chamber made of black stones with rivers of molten lava (Mush like Ultima VII - Pagan: Obsidian Fortress), inside a somewhat magically active Volcano.

Sovereign Court

Cosmo wrote:
Blackscorp wrote:
Cosmo wrote:

I apologize for having missed this thread on Friday!

I am in the process of composing an email with all the details for getting your subscriptions back and bringing them up-to-date.


Thanks, I'll be waiting patiently..... did you send it already?..... What about now??..... did you already?....... Did you, Did You?.....

LOL... sorry... :)

Your email has been sent.


Thanks man, I sent you the the by month list of items to be included, let me know if i still need to send it every month.

Paizo's Customer Service and Overall attention to their customers, was what fist attracted me to the Golem... It still amuse me how you all makes me fill like I'm dealing with life time friends.

Sovereign Court

Cosmo wrote:

I apologize for having missed this thread on Friday!

I am in the process of composing an email with all the details for getting your subscriptions back and bringing them up-to-date.


Thanks, I'll be waiting patiently..... did you send it already?..... What about now??..... did you already?....... Did you, Did You?.....

Sovereign Court

Thanks Guys, noting like Paizonian Love :)

If only the Customer Service Ninjas, would re-activate the subscription...

joela wrote:

You have returned to the Paizo side. Yeah! Have a cookie :-)

Of course would return, since the Golem-Force is strong in me! ;p

Sovereign Court

Blackscorp wrote:


on date Mon, May 12, 2008, 08:28 AM is asked for my subscriptions to be Suspended in THIS Thread.

Now the real life, has stopped blocking my gaming life and i would like my subscriptions reinstated also could you provide me with whatever option i have available to catch up with the Adventure Path and/or Game Mastery Modules?

Nothing Yet?? Is there no love for me??? :(

Sovereign Court

I have also being translating the adventures, Feats, Spells, Skills and rules to my players, so if a project to translate it to Spanish is started count me in.

Sovereign Court


on date Mon, May 12, 2008, 08:28 AM is asked for my subscriptions to be Suspended in THIS Thread.

Now the real life, has stopped blocking my gaming life and i would like my subscriptions reinstated also could you provide me with whatever option i have available to catch up with the Adventure Path and/or Game Mastery Modules?

Sovereign Court

I Just, Plain LOVE PFRPG..... I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!

Sovereign Court

Kaisoku wrote:
And actually, that would make for an interesting story hook. An inexplicable sea has been growing every year, despite being in an area without the appropriate rainfall. There's a Decanter of Endless Water at the bottom that was turned on by someone who either died, or purposely left it going.
Set wrote:

The flip side to that would be to have a prominent oasis caravanserai fall into chaos as their oasis dries up. Turns out that they've been using a Decanter for over a century, a secret known only to the local ruler, and now it's been stolen! It must be found and returned, as there is only enough water now for the caravans stationed there to survive for a few days, and nowhere near enough for them to actually make it to another water source! Everyone is doomed if the PCs can't find who stole the Decanter from the bottom of the oasis. (And what if it wasn't stolen, but the Marid who agreed to maintain it has gotten his nose out of joint and must be placated with a combination of diplomacy and 'go fetch me this to earn my respect' missions?)

I just love, how this wonderful ideas pop-up in this forums. Paizo need to call for another RPG Super Star very soon.

Sovereign Court

primemover003 wrote:
Blackscorp wrote:
I love it, this feat alone explain how to make a Bruce Lee's Nunchaku attack using only one (as normal).

Nah, that's just the monk special weapon and the no off hand ability of the monk.

Weapon swap is silly and must hang by the neck till dead.


Nope, It is not the same. The monk ability implies that you can either make any of the fallowing progressions:

5- any combination of the above.

This benefit does not extend to the attacks made by virtue of TWF.

if you want to Two weapon attack with a Nunchaku, you need two Nunchakus since it is NOT a double weapon.

Sovereign Court

Magus Black wrote:

My only desire is that the limit of (x4) be changed to (x5) so that those players that favor those weapons don’t feel like the made a bad choice latter down the road…that is all!

They could just top it at +2 multiplier increase, So a Great Sword could only get up to (x4) and the Scythe to (x5)

Sovereign Court

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

Yes We Can!

and I am not just repeating a recent political motto. This one has been on my kill list for a while.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

I love it, this feat alone explain how to make a Bruce Lee's Nunchaku attack using only one (as normal).

Sovereign Court

hogarth wrote:

Won't someone please think of the trees (and paper products)? ;-)

it appears that you DO Gnow a Kleenex molester... NecroPhitofilia?

Sovereign Court

Krome wrote:

Probably so. So I would use the Old Fashioned Domain rules...

That might work. but still not sure about Spontaneous casting. I was also considering Chanel Energy less times a day or with a lower damage

Sovereign Court

Krome wrote:

Probably not... I should go out bar hopping and beat up some elves... yeah that sounds more fun. :) Oh, wait I forgot you don't find elves in bars... maybe a local garden and find them molesting the trees.

...ummmm tree molesters... (that gave me an idea for an Elf/Gnome affected by Insanity)

Sovereign Court

Set wrote:
Blackscorp wrote:

P.S. For some strange reason i had the impression that Adepts, where Arcane casters....maybe due to the familiar...

well i think I'll have to make both....

Temple Quarter, from The Game Mechanics, introduces the idea of both Divine and Arcane Adepts. (Eberron also has slightly more Divine Adepts, with access to one Domain.)

I use both Arcane and Divine Adepts, with slightly different spell-lists and the Arcane Adept getting the Familiar at 2nd level and the Divine Adept getting a single Domain at 2nd level.

That looks good, but wouldn't the current domains powers be too much for an adept??

Sovereign Court

Krome wrote:
Something else to consider, is that just because a character may be a Priest and not a Cleric does not mean s/he lacks a connection to the divine. A Priest can be an Adept, for example. And who is to say that the God cannot have created a special bond with a Commoner who is elevated in the church hierarchy to a Priest.

That would be my take, there could be a Priest NPC class that get some low level divine spells, just enough for liturgical purposes, as a matter of fact... i like it a lot and would fit an adventure I'm working on where players goes from commoners to paragons.

It could very well be an adept with divine spells, what would you suggest.

For some strange reason i had the impression that Adepts, where Arcane casters....maybe due to the familiar...

well i think I'll have to make both....

Sovereign Court

Abraham spalding wrote:
Something like the paladin's divine weapon bond might be nice too. Having some ability to add flaming, frost, shocking, disruption or what not to a monk's unarmed strike would help fix a small but glaring enhancing the monk's unarmed strike with magical effects like other character's can do to their weapons.

That would be nice, I wold be happy if they at least let it add Force to the damage :)

Sovereign Court

Jason Nelson wrote:
(cool monk movement abilities)...

Oh boy this is good, you have combined all the ideas i had flying in my head.

this 3 abilities solve 30% of the Monk. Hope Jason like them as much as i do.

Sovereign Court

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

...Do the monk Ki abilities fit with the flavor of the class? Are there any themes that are missing from this ability?

Ki abilities fit the Flavor just perfect.

I wouldn’t say that themes are missing, just incomplete. For instance, The Mystic aspect of martial arts could be worked a bit more or The wrestling part, actually there is really no good reason to grapple mid battle.

I think the actual problem with monks, is that people conceive them in too many different ways.

Jason gave us an excellent and flavorful too to fix this [Ki Points]. I know many of you hate the apple work, but it's not like Monk has many things to think about.

It is possible to create, Ki Abilities Trees similar to Rage Powers that would be picked as levels are gained that if well done can give the flexibility and power needed; but more so a place to be.

I would like to emphasize that since "Ki" is a "kind of energy", some of the Ki abilities should generate some king of Force effect.

Here’s an example of a potential Ki ability (or a feat, not sure):

Name : Force Fist.
Speed : Full round action
Cost : x Ki points.
Range : Single Target between 10 and 25ft. away.
Description :
Make a Ranged attack that deals xdx/x Monk Level of force damage. On a successful hit you can Spend 1 additional Ki point to bull rush the target 5ft. away.

Based on Animes/Video Games/Movies/Legends/Some-Not-so-Serious Martial Arts stiles, you can see how much this kind of ability is ingrained into the popular perception of an Unarmed combatant.

I would like to see others post their opinion regarding this point, and also their own suggested Ki abilities.

(Please someone came with an ability that justify doing a grapple mid combat.)

Sorry if it doesn't sound coherent, my English as you can see is not the

Sovereign Court

Set wrote:
Blackscorp wrote:
removing the need of the "wall" also add some logic/realism to the ability... just take this into account, would a Lvl20 Monk take damage after reaching his maximum possible height during a vertical jump?

I'm really not terribly worried about realism, here. It's all utility and ease of play for me.

The vast majority of Wuxia-style Monks either drift gracefully to the ground, drop heavily and land completely unharmed with a loud smack, or land normally, but uninjured, as if they stepped off a curb and not a tower parapet. Very few do any sort of 'smacking the wall to slow the fall' thing, and I don't think that's really necessary mechanically, thematically or for balance. It's, IMO, an unnecessary complication and can just be thrown out.

Same for me, but a touch of realism add some flavor.

I think Slow Fall, and almost all other physical monk' abilities should be caped around Lvl 10, from here on Monk's abilities should be more... Mystical and/or Legendary.

Sovereign Court

Set wrote:

Other options;

1) Take dice right off the top. -1d6 falling damage per Monk level, to total immunity to falling damage (as long as conscious and able to take an action, so not stunned or pinned or paralyzed or whatever) at 10th level, would allow a first level Monk to fall 10 ft. and take no damage, and to fall 20 ft. and take no damage if he makes the appropriate Acrobatics check.

I find this to be the best solution, specially since it remove the limitation of needing a "wall", and additionally won't reduce the falling speed, giving a distinct favor compared to feather fall.

removing the need of the "wall" also add some logic/realism to the ability... just take this into account, would a Lvl20 Monk take damage after reaching his maximum possible height during a vertical jump?

Sovereign Court

it's coolness completely depends on the type and content of the adventure, it have brought up some cool scenes.

what I would really, really like, instead of falling any distance... Air Walk for a round. that would be awesome.

Sovereign Court

Arakhor wrote:
Touch attacks that deal spell effects don't generally deal weapon/unarmed damage. I believe that you can deal damage as normal with a touch attack, but then you expend the spell/effect if you fail to hit, because in attempting to strike, you're no longer "holding the charge".

While this is generaly true, we also have spells like [Blade of Blood] which discharge on hit.

For Quivering Palm I would related it more to a martial technique called [Dim Mak] which is quasi identical.

[Dim Mak] pressure points are hard to get bym and while some are superficial, most of them are deep inside the body and well protected, which require for them to be hit really accurately and hard instead of simply touch them.

Sovereign Court

Epic Meepo wrote:
Blackscorp wrote:
Also, the pounce should be some sort of feat...
Pounce should be a ki ability. Instead of ki making monks temporarily more monk-like (slightly higher speed, slightly faster attacks) - but little more effective for it - ki should allow monks to combine their existing high speed with their existing rate of attack (via pounce).

Very true; but i was more on the side of ki abilities being swift, this would be more slow taking a full round or at least a standard action.

Sovereign Court

my take is that Quivering Palm should be based of the actual theory behind it and also give some other benefits, more like the advanced Talents for the Rouge.

Hire is an idea of what 'I Would do with it'.

The Monk would be "depositing" some ki inside the target's body. which later will cause internal organs damage (or other effects) and possible dead.

So quivering palm should be something like this:

1- Can be made as part of a an attack, with normal damage against normal AC or as a touch attack, with out damage against the Touch AC.

2- A variety of ki dependent effects could be added ( effect most be indicated at the time of the attack)

3- Each effect should have a lesser and mayor effect. the lesser effect is applied on successful fort save against the Quivering Palm. and the mayor on a fail.

Example of posible effects.
a) Paralysis: Paralyze the target on a successful Fort save Slow it.

b) Blindness: Blind the Target, on a successful save let it dazzle/nauseate(??).

c) Mute: mute the Target, on a successful save let it Fatigue it(??).

d) Dead: Kill the Target, on a successful save take some damage.

Sovereign Court

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:

1. To clarify the above point, you mean specifically taking a feat, not taking multiclass in, oh, fighter, or any other class that gives prof in all martial weapons.

2. (BTW, the one iconic monk exotic would be shuriken, which don't have any precise analog on the simple weapons list, unless you wanna call em tiny daggers or something.)

3. Hey, if a fighter wants to punt a point of BAB to get the ability to flurry, go for it, as long as you're a no-armor-type swashbuckler with a lawful alignment (or your DM is easygoing about alignment change).

1. Yes, exactly. That's a great point. Although I might make an exception for racial weapons (remember, humans are supposedly losing theirs).

2. Yes, or make the dart exactly like the current shuriken and merge them into one entry (they're just shaped differently).
3. Exactly; that loss of +1 BAB and a feat is a pretty big hit just to get the flurry (which would be perpetually stuck at the -2 penalty), not to mention being stuck with all the monk limitations.

1- Lets take a more real Live approach where Monks will proficient with all Simple weapons and let them select a small number of Martial/Exotic Weapons (from limited List) that will define his school. Let us say, they gain one Martial/Exotic Weapons per 5 levels or something like that.

2- It would be better making them all Darts (which is more generic, also 1d2 damage is not worth the weight to carry it) and every one, pick their flavor as they like.

Sovereign Court

Jason Nelson wrote:
Brodiggan Gale wrote:
Well you've got my vote at least, seems simple, straight forward, compares well with what's been done to other classes (the paladin's swift self healing), and it gives the monk some interesting options and abilities. The only thing I see that might be a bit too nice would be a monk that found a way to get pounce (say from polymorph or a prestige class) as he'd then be able to pounce, abundant step away, and repeat it all again the next round.

I don't know that that's necessarily a bad thing. It's a not a tactic the monk can do very many times (2 ki points per abundant step will burn through it pretty quick). If you only have one battle a day, sure it's nice, but if your typical adventuring day involves multiple combats you probably can't do it more than once per battle on average. Plus, pounce requires straight-line charging with no blockers and no difficult terrain, which is not the easiest thing in the world to guarantee in a fight.

PS - Glad you enjoyed.

Very good point. flavor wise, all ki powers should be swift, leave slower ki dependent ability for feats.

Also, the pounce should be some sort of feat that allow for the pounce strat, sort like 'Sun School' tactical feat from Complete Warrior.

Sovereign Court

Brodiggan Gale wrote:
Blackscorp wrote:
I like the [Focused Strikes], specially if we consider that a high Wis would give triple benefit for the Monk. Although if we give this ability to the Monk while keeping the penalty in FoB none will use FoB until level 9.

Maybe, Flurry would still give them one more attack at their highest all the way up to 9. I can think of a lot of situations where a monk might have enough attack buffs (say, in a party with a bard and a cleric/druid) or the enemies might have a low enough AC (caster types) to make flurry worth it over Focused Strikes.

Compare a level 6 monk, with a 16 wis, 16 str, weapon focus, and an amulet of mighty fists +1...

Focused Strikes: +12 unarmed strike (1d8+7)
Flurry of Blows: +8/+8 unarmed strikes (1d8+4)

the +12 is usually going to be the better option, but add some bard buffs or a bless, or really any +to hit, and the flurry starts scaling slightly better.

after seen this comparison, it is evident that the Monk need an alternative to FoB, and a One Shot full Round Attack sort of thing might do it.

Sovereign Court

hogarth wrote:
tumbler wrote:
A monk shouldn't always be better with unarmed strikes than with weapons. A first level wizard does more damage with a longsword than with most 1st level damage spells, but as their training advances they learn how to do more damage through their class abilities.

For me, the acid test for a well-built class is this: If a class specializes in X, then using X should be their best option in most situations (at any level).

By this standard, the level 1 melee rogue and level 1 wizard both pass the test; most of the time they're better off sneak attacking or casting wizard spells (or using wizard school abilities).

And by this standard, the level 1 melee monk and level 1 paladin fail the test; a good portion of the time, they're worse off flurrying or wasting their one smite/day.


We also need to take into account, that once you tried a Flurry, you are wide open for a Full Attack next round. So we need to weight the risk taken against the possible benefit of using Flurry.

Sovereign Court

Brodiggan Gale wrote:
Blackscorp wrote:
Why not give the Monk Weapon finesse at first level for his unarmed attacks, making it a DEX based attacker? after all Monks are as well trained with their unarmed attacks as a fighter with his sword, just different training focus ;)

I like that, I'm not sure that it would be a solution for every monk, with how spread out their stats are a lot of monks aren't going to have much more dex than str, but it does level the playing field a bit between Half-Orcs and pretty much every other race that doesn't get +2 Str.

Instead of being a seperate ability this could easily be written into the monk Unarmed Attacks description.. something like...

"... A monk’s attacks may be with either fist or with elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk may make unarmed strikes with his hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk may thus apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes, and may apply either his Strength or Dexterity bonus on attack rolls (as Weapon Finesse)."

This may not solve it for all monks, but at the very least it reduce some of the spread out of the stats.

This spread out may very well be the biggest weakness of the class, needing to work out 4 ability is a killer.

Sovereign Court

Jal Dorak wrote:

Alternatively, you could allow the monk something like the Kuo-Toa Monasticism feat: an auto-hit on the second attack if the first attack hits (maybe at the cost of a ki point). Alternatively, allow them to perform a CMB with their second attack.

Another solution might to to allow the monk to permanently add his Wis modifier to attack rolls. That should provide the boost needed at low levels while still providing some improvement later in the career.

Why not give the Monk Weapon finesse at first level for his unarmed attacks, making it a DEX based attacker? after all Monks are as well trained with their unarmed attacks as a fighter with his sword, just different training focus ;)

Sovereign Court

Brodiggan Gale wrote:
[Focused Strikes]: When unarmored, a monk may strike with deadly accuracy, at the cost of speed. When making a full attack action, the monk may add his wisdom modifier to attack rolls and damage. Doing so requires intense focus and accuracy however, and the monk is unable to use flurry of blows or fight with two weapons in the same round in which he uses focused strikes. When using Focused Strikes, a monk may strike only with unarmed strikes and special monk weapons. He may strike with unarmed strikes and special monk weapons interchangeably, as desired

I like the [Focused Strikes], specially if we consider that a high Wis would give triple benefit for the Monk. Although if we give this ability to the Monk while keeping the penalty in FoB none will use FoB until level 9.

Sovereign Court

Cosmo you're the Man!!

Thats exactly what I wanted .Thanks a lot.

When i can back i'll be picking from where a left.

Best Regards._

Sovereign Court


Due to real life circumstances I need all of my Subscriptions to be canceled. I’m not going away from paizo, so as soon as things settle themselves, I’ll be placing my subscriptions again.

You really need to implement a method for users to put their subscriptions on hold.

Sovereign Court

Nicolas Logue wrote:
How many people would be interested in seeing an article on ship to ship, and ship board combat as an Indulgence?

Count me in too!

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

My game will go where Paizo goes.

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

RobertDD wrote:

Depends on the achievability of the wish and the quality of the programmer....

Robert DD
Delphi Programmer

Even so you end up spending 18+ hours a day to meet the dead lines.

Senior Developer System's Specialist.
Delphi, C# Programmer.

Sovereign Court

by the way has anybody created a virtue version of this runes?

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