Blackbird's page

15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

- The Ankana trap should have a maximum time, since the number of circular weights is limited. In our group the contest lasted too long and began to be annoying.
- The Chelish Legionnaires stat block states that they use sai as ranged weapons, whereas the SRD indicates that the sai is a melee weapon.

I'm quite surprised nobody opened a similar thread so far (sorry if I missed it).

Please add the possibility to send private messages to other message-board users, it'll reduce flood.

Well well well... it seems that I've been a bit over-excited lately with Pathfinder RPG. It's a good idea to be D&D 3.5 compatible, but currently it's remaining too close to the original to become a game on its own.
Take a new D&D player for example, he'll have a hard time finding differences between both! And IMO that's not a good thing. To sum things up: PFRPG isn't enough "added value" compared to 3.5... Yes indeed, I am against full retro-compatibility with D&D 3.5.

I bet that if you take a random adventure, run it once with a group of non-hardcore players using 3.5, erase their memory, run it again in PathfinderRPG, there won't be any significant difference regarding the actions they chose to do and the effects those actions had on the environment (provided they chose the same character classes for both games). If so, what's the point in changing the game?

I'm reading some people saying very interesting things on other 3.5-evolved systems such as Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved. Maybe "the truth is out there"...

In any case, when looking at the "bigger picture", I don't find Pathfinder RPG necessary.

I really like the D&D4 crits system:

Confused Jacka wrote:
Confirmation rolls are *gone*. Instead, you crit anytime your roll within your threat range (as long as that would still be a hit, of course). x2 weapons do max base weapon damage. x3 weapons do max +1d8, while x4s do max +2d8.

And would like it to be used in PathfinderRPG...