Danse Macabre

BlackTorment's page

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W. John Hare wrote:

@ BlackTorment

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@ W.John Hare

I' didn't think about the 5' stairs. The others options are good idea!

Thank you very much

SnowHeart wrote:
BlackTorment wrote:
SnowHeart wrote:


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SnowHeart I get your point but

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Okay but now I've lost your's. If...

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the good guys don't attack during the rituals time (except for one) but the palyers usualy know in advance when they are coming and their strategy is to wait with all the minions and allies in one room (the sanctum) The good guys can enter the sanctum only one by one from the stairs. I can add some NPC to the good guys teams of course but i'm afraid it will not be enough


Geistlinger wrote:
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Hi Geistlinger

It is true but

they was there to guard the stairs to the sactum. Vex & Hex now are pupets of the players because they have the amulets with their true name.

SnowHeart wrote:


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SnowHeart I get your point but

The want to stay in the sanctum only during the Ritual (10 rounds 3 times / day ) and when warned by Zadaria about an incoming party.
Hex & Vex stationed in the same room for 80 years without moving and now the palyers have the talismans with their true names. The golem tossing bomb is a good idea ; )

Thanks for the support


I need an advise about how to balance my players strategy

They don't want to securing the horn. Their strategy is to stay altogether ( 6 Characters + Vex & Hex + Alchemical Golem + Nightmare + 3 Hell Hounds + Grumblejack in half fined form + 2 asmodeus cleric) in the sanctum to protect the ritual or when they have to wait other goups coming from Farholde.

They will put bars on balcony.

I think only the NPC or monsters entering the sanctum from balcony could be a challenge but the others coming from the stairs one by one will be annihilate.



How many entrances are visible approaching the Horn.
Is the cave entrance covered by vegetation?
Are the stairs visible from ground level.
Is the balcony on the top level difficult to spot?

Thank you

gustavo iglesias wrote:
We don't even have a cleric, so no, it's not needed. Wands of Infernal healing (sold by Tiadora) is all the healing you need.

Yes, this is another good solutions. thanks everyone

kevin_video wrote:
Our cleric is using Book V's Unholy Barrister archetype for the cleric so that the channeling will still affect the majority of the players. I house ruled it so that even those who aren't evil, but have the evil subtype would also be affected by the channel.

Thank you very much Kevin_video this is the solutions we are looking for!

This is the first time we play Pathfinder (coming from 3.5) and for the first time the cleric will be Evil.
The Pathfinder cleric is nerfed (less spells) because he now can Channel Energy.
I know the cleric should not be used as a Healer but I wonder if someone else has problem to run an evil cleric in the party without using Channel energy and spontaneous casting to cure wounds now available only to inflict wounds.
is that hard for the characters run an evil campaign with a few cure spells prepared?

Douglas Muir 406 wrote:

Someone asked a while back about playing for six, and I suggested upgrading the Warden. Here's the upgraded version:

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Thank you for the Stats Douglas Muir. The next week we will start the Evil Campaign.

Douglas Muir 406 wrote:

I'm running it with six. I made the following changes:

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This seemed a little more interesting to me than "just increase all monster numbers by 50%, or give them another hit die/level."

Doug M.

Thank you Douglas Muir 406, great Tips indeed for this 1st AP

Maybe another way is to opting for "point buy method" (Standard Fantasy)?


I know is not a funny way to create characters....

Hi Gary,

I would like to run this campaign with 6 Players.
How can I fix it?
