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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 15 posts (19 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Goblin Squad Member

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Jameow wrote:
Your ten person settlement will quickly be overrun by the larger kingdoms. You won't be able to build in every hex, plenty of room for dungeons. I wouldn't worry!

Settlements are not kingdom and not just populated by the PC's I expect there to be anywhere from 100 to 1000 common folk NPC's generated by PC actions. Everytime a harvesting camp is setup workers come to work it. I can deduce that when a settlement is created a like number of NPC guardsmen will be generated. Shops, processing shops, crafting shops, caravan corral. Everything the PC's build will be generating common folk

According to the dev blog kingdoms will be made from groups of settlements. Also according to the dev blog the only limit is 10 people setting up the charter and plopping down a fortress and holding it for a specified time.

Unless they make the cost of the fortess prohibitively expensive we will see settlement pop up everywhere. Given the limited starting area (and no mention in the blog about expansion mechanics yet) even if we only factor in the Land rush board of almost 100 organizationa that is a good 1/2 of the hexes on the map. And some of the organizations want to be nations with more then one settlement.

I am not worried about the size, though the feel of it would be wrong with that kind of pop density for the River Kingdom setting. I just expect the competition to be more intense then most people realize or will be prepared for.