
Binary1's page

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Hello all!

I have a dilemma. I want to provide my players with a certain amount of confidence with their DC checks for their skills. After all, they have trained in them so they would generally know the type of difficulty associated with a DC check. Lets say for Acrobatics.
Now, I have a player want to jump on the back of a beast... a horse. I noticed in the Core book that if they are simply jumping up its a specific DC check. I also noticed that if they "Long Jump" say 10' its only a DC 10.

The player asks how difficult this is to them...

Option 1:
State that it is only a DC 10

Option 2:
Not state anything and have them guess all the time where they stand.

How do you all handle this situation? When it is appropriate to tell a player a DC # and when is it not?

I would assume on skills like perception that they should NOT know the DC check as it would indicate immediately that there is something to "perceive" therefore ruining the surprise! :)

Also, is there any wording in the Core or APG that states anything? I couldn't find anything.

Thanks for any advice!