Roy Greenhilt

Bill Frey's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Fighter human....can't beat the feat!

Kithkannan wrote:
I've never played Pathfinder, and don't know much about it, but my gf and I have been looking for a D&D group in the area with no luck. If you wouldn't mind trying to convert some old D&Ders we would probably be up for it.

Sorry for the late response, yes I am still looking. The system is very similar to AD&D ver 3.5 but less complex. Let me know if your interested and thanks for the response. I will attempt to check more often.

Looking for other players in North West AR that are interested in playing. I have almost all of the books required and I am willing to GM the sessions until I reach burn out, hopefully at that time someone in the group will step up. Let me know if any players are interested in starting and we can go from that point.

Kihra Oneear