
Bennie Scarbrough's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 23 Organized Play characters.

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Oh wow. I didn't factor in increases to strength from size increases. I'm making me some necrocrafts.

Thanks for the help Gauss!

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First, Bestiary 4 is awesome! Great job. I particularly loved the addition of the Great Old Ones.

The necrocraft is a fantastic idea. I've played necromancers and had to homebrew when I sewed together stuff to make more powerful nasties.

The process of making one for a PC is a problem, however.

1.) Can I give it more HD?
2.) What happens to the cost if I go over the CP limit?
3.) How do I determine base stats? Would a Necrocraft be stronger if made out of hill giant zombies rather than human skeletons or would it keep the stats in the bestiary? (Would a large or a huge necrocraft still have an str of 15?)