Benjamin Brotherton's page

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Just to clarify, at least to my understanding of the rules.

Epic weapons are only considered epic IF the ENHANCEMENT bonus is +6 or better (max +10). This is different than the "pluses" a weapon may have.

For example the +5 Holy Longshore (in thus case the Holy avenger) while having an effective +7 (+5 enhancement and +2 for Holy, which makes it a +7 weapon) is NOT an Epic weapon.

Now a +5 Bane Longshore, that someone could build using the magic creation rules (or found) would be considered an Epic weapon when fighting thing that the bane qualifies for. Because the bane quality (a +1 weapon quality) adds a +2 enhancement bonus against the specified creature type. Making the weapon a +7 Enhancement weapon, but only a +6 weapon for crafting consideration.

Hope that helps anyone who needs the info happy hunting!

Take a look at the Cold Iron Inquisitor Holy Vindicator.

Combination is quite gross against Demons...