Ben Kemp's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.



Morning All

I'm looking at the schedule for next Blacktown Games Day (September 8th) and I had an interesting idea ....

What would people come to play? Can't promise to deliver anything specific, but I can try. Would prefer not the most recent mods, and definately don't want to clash with anything at RisenRune, but otherwise ... ideas?


Luke_Parry wrote:

The BNPS games day is run by Chris Gammage, and is a mix of LFR and PFS.

It is not affiliated with Shadow Lodge (in fact, it is an independently run Games Day that predates Shadow Lodge by almost a decade, originally running LG), but don't let that deter you from visiting, if you so wish :-)

Thanks Luke.

There is a Pathfinder Event listing (or should be ... check ... yes it is) for the Blacktown Games Days, which are on every second Saturday of most months (unless we clash with a sydney convention), but I don't have time to keep it updated with games for each month (blame work - I certianly do). The best place to check for modules is in the first week of each month (or sooner if we can get organised).

Love to see y'all there.


Blacktown Games Day's on again, Sat 14th Jan 2012, Blacktown North Public School

Details at

AM (9:30-1:30)
#2-09: The Heresy of Man—Part III: Beneath Forgotten Sands. PF5-9
#2-17: Shades of Ice—Part II: Exiles of Winter. PF1-5

PM (2-6)
#2-19: Shades of Ice—Part III: Keep of the Huscarl King. PF1-5
#2-25: You Only Die Twice - PF5-9

A Warning / Note based on recently obtained information - the Pathfinder First Steps series REALLY should be played in sequence, without any other games played in between if possible. This makes it less usefull to introduce people to the Pathfinder Society campaign than it might have been, but it's important to know for existing Society members planning to run/play the games.

A Warning / Note based on recently obtained information - the Pathfinder First Steps series REALLY should be played in sequence, without any other games played in between if possible. This makes it less usefull to introduce people to the Pathfinder Society campaign than it might have been, but it's important to know for existing Society members planning to run/play the games.

A Warning / Note based on recently obtained information - the Pathfinder First Steps series REALLY should be played in sequence, without any other games played in between if possible. This makes it less usefull to introduce people to the Pathfinder Society campaign than it might have been, but it's important to know for existing Society members planning to run/play the games.