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Ben Affleck's page

20 posts. Alias of mattdroz.


♪ diddy

Sister Mary Rambo wrote:

I'm warning you! Knuckle raps for everyone who continues posting in this thread after the self-proclaimed authority has forbidden it!

I have my ruler and I'm not afraid to use it!

Me first! Me first!

I've been a bad boy. Seriously, have you seen Daredevil?

"Kevin Smith says Ben Affleck still kills hookers."


Wolfthulhu wrote:

My sweet sweet love has finally found me via an email I never use and a website I've never heard of...


Hello! My name is Kseniya. I live in Russia.

I saw your profile on a site of dating www.BE2.com
I liked it, and I would like more the nobility you.
My dear I the girl and me of 29 years, I would like to get
acquainted with you if you not against we can keep in touch with you.
I think that I want to know you better. I write you for serious intentions.
I search for person with whom can create strong and amicable family.
What is your name? Where you live?
What do you make in the free time? You have any hobby in your life?
Please tell to me about you as much as possible, and I accordingly
shall tell to you about myself in my following letters.
Write to me as soon as you can, and I at once shall answer you your
letter without any problems.

You can write to me on my e-mail: ***

Also I apply on mine the letter my photo, I hope it to you to like.
I shall hope that you write to me and also will send me your photo.
I shall look forward to hearing from you very much.
Yours faithfully!

Actually, the photo attached is pretty hot.

Too late, I already bagged her.

Easter Bunny wrote:

*leaves "chocolate" eggs*

** spoiler omitted **



HA! I haven't had a hooker in DAYS!

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Dead prostitutes?

I wasn't even here!

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
The Crimson Jester, Rogue Lord wrote:
You have got to be kidding me. Even CH knows BTTH!
Aha! So it IS "Buy Taig two hookers"!!!
What does he do with the other one?

Good question. I don't know if the trunk of his car is big enough for both bodies.

** spoiler omitted **

It is if you use a chainsaw.

Hell, if you use a blender, you can fit 5 or even 10 hookers in a trunk!


Not that I have...

Celestial Healer wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
The Crimson Jester, Rogue Lord wrote:
You have got to be kidding me. Even CH knows BTTH!
Aha! So it IS "Buy Taig two hookers"!!!
What does he do with the other one?

Good question. I don't know if the trunk of his car is big enough for both bodies.

** spoiler omitted **

No, bullshit, because I wasn't WITH a hooker today, ha-HA!

JaceDK wrote:
Ben Affleck wrote:
JaceDK wrote:
I learned that threads about what you learned on the paizo messageboards are seriously broken and should be house-ruled immediately to preserve game balance...

I've learned to kill people that complain about "broken" games with my mind through the interwebz.


ZMOFG....I like DIEDZ....oh, wait...nope. Fine. All good.

Your "Kill-people-with-my-mind-over-teh-interwebz"-ability was clearly broken, and has been appropriately house-ruled. That is all.

Shit. You stealin' the wireless from your neighbor again? Could you go check on him?

JaceDK wrote:
I learned that threads about what you learned on the paizo messageboards are seriously broken and should be house-ruled immediately to preserve game balance...

I've learned to kill people that complain about "broken" games with my mind through the interwebz.


Obo the all seeing. wrote:
I have learned that people don't come here to learn anything. They just want to tell someone else they were wrong. I see this all the time.

And you're wrong.

No, bullshit, because I wasn't WITH a hooker today, ha-HA!

Every time Mr. Teter presses a button a small kitten mauls the leg of an unsuspecting person. Won't you please stop the pain? For the cost of a cup of coffee every minute, you can make me very happy. Send you donations to:


Solnes wrote:

Why is no one responding to me today? :(



lynora wrote:

I am now out of imitrex and can't get more until Monday. And the gorram migraine is still hanging on.

*hits head on wall cause it will hurt less*

Sending anti-migraine vibes through the interwebz.

Celestial Healer wrote:

Maybe we need to start another controversy on this thread.

I heard that Tom Cruise is going to play Bilbo Baggins in the new Hobbit movie.

That's just silly. Tom Cruise is WAAAAY too short to play Bilbo. Besides, I'm a much better actor. Have you seen Phantoms?!?

I approve this message.

Same here

Secretlyreplacedwith wrote:

I'm sorry, who are you?

Ben Affleck? I was in Phantoms!

I heard you could bring dead hookers back to life.

Secretlyreplacedwith wrote:

It's all good if she's dead. Just being around me has been known to return people to life and cure all known diseases. I'm awesome that way.

Give me a call. I may have some work for you.