Matrena Goldthorpe

Belym's page

670 posts. Alias of Sbodd.

Full Name

Belym Felstone




Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)



About Belym

d4 damage
HP 10+Con
Look: intense eyes, wild hair, flowing robes, muscled body

Alignment: Good
Use your Conduit to help someone at cost to your body

Str 8/-1
Dex 16/+2
Con 18/+3
Int 16/+2
Wis 13/+1
Cha 9/+0

Ron is tough for a man his age; I'm proud to fight alongside him.
Ron's anger in combat is terrifying to behold. I can't let myself lose control like that.
I see the raw potential in Rigwald. I will help him tap it.
Thaddeus is wary of my power, with good reason.
Bond with Sheridan
Roshan is wary of my power. I will show her it's under control.
Roshan may be right that my powers are dangerous; but they're also necessary. I hope she sees that.

Primary Element: Earth
Emanation point: Fingertips

Giant's Sharpened Stones: projectile, forceful, piercing
Landslide(Avalanche): hazard, forceful
Barricade of Spikes: barrier, hazard
Burrowing Carapace: Teleport, Barrier
Flying Fist: Teleport, Forceful

Technique rules:
You have special Techniques that allow limited control over the flow of magic. When you spend several hours developing a new Technique, add it to your list or replace an existing one. You can learn up to 3 Techniques.
Keeping in mind your Primary Element, name the Technique and choose 2 tags:
•  Projectile (1d6 damage if Near)
•  Blast (1d8 damage if Close)
•  2 Piercing
•  Barrier (+1 Armor until next Channel)
•  Hazard (Environmental effect)
•  Forceful
Wind Push (Blast, Forceful)
Earth Wall (Barrier, Hazard)
Icy Ground (Hazard, Forceful)
The Zapper (Projectile, 2 Piercing)

Gear (7/8 load):
Miscellaneous coins (2 weight)
Dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight)
Soothing balm (0 weight)
3 healing potions (0 weight)
Adventuring gear (4 uses, 1 weight)
Felstone clan warhammer (hand, 1 weight)
Smelling salts (1 weight)
Antitoxin (0 use, 0 weight)
500-coin Taloks broach
800-coin jeweled horn
Two ravager blades
33 bandages (slow, heal 4, 0 weight)
0 herbal poultices (slow, heal 7, 0 weight)
Leather armor (worn, 1 armor, 1 weight)
Icy Circlet
Einora's cultist dagger (hand, 0 weight)
Lydus and Jeslei in trapped gems
Specimens of the Gods Einora and Ishvar
Einora's fire sword (Close, valuable, ornate, precise, +1 damage, 1 piercing)
Ring of (Air) Swimming: wearer treats air as water - can swim through it, can't breathe it.

Starting Moves:


When you open your Conduit up wide and channel magic through your body, roll +CON.
✴On a 10+, raw magic of your Primary Element flows out of your Emanation Point. Use one of your Techniques.
✴On a 7-9, the same, but the power is too much. You can use your body as a dam and take 1d4 damage (ignores armor) or allow the power through. If you allow the power through, the GM will tell you of one or more complications, such as:
•  The magic flows out of a different part of your body or is of a different element
•  The magic has an unintended effect on the
•  It causes a blast wave and you’re thrown backwards

Summon Elemental:

When you beckon inwards to call forth an Elemental being, choose any Technique tag and roll+CON.
✴On a 10+, the Elemental flows out of you and a stream of magic connects it to your Emanation Point like a leash.
The Elemental’s nature and appearance wholly embodies the tag you chose. You gain 1d4 Control.
✴On a 7-9, the Elemental is also moody or troublesome, choose one:
•  You must immediately spend 1 Control
•  It embodies a different tag instead (the GM will tell you which)
•  It resents you and will certainly be hostile later
As long as the Elemental remains leashed, you have the Elemental Protection and Elemental Attack moves. When you have 0 Control, your elemental is released! It can act and use its tag at will, and its HP is 2x your level. Maybe it’s friendly, hostile, mischievous, or just bored.

You can emit a small amount of your Primary Element for mundane tasks or to impress someone without having to Channel.

Elemental Protection
When you or your leashed Elemental takes damage from any source, you lose 1 Control and the damage is negated.

Elemental Attack
When you command your leashed Elemental to use its tag, roll+Control. ✴On a 10+, success. ✴On a 7-9, you also lose 1 Control.

Advanced Moves:

Bender of the Elements:

Your control over your primary element extends beyond your body. When you manipulate something in the nearby environment made of your primary element, roll +CON.
*On a 10+ hold 3
*On a 7-9, hold 1
So long as you do nothing but concentrate on controlling it, you may spend hold 1 for 1 to choose an option:
*It does 1d6 damage to something
*It has the Forceful tag
*It moves to a new position within sight
*It holds a particular shape, even after you stop concentrating

Signature Technique:
You gain an extra Technique slot. This slot can have 3 tags.


You gain access to the “Teleport” Technique tag. When
a Technique has this tag, you instantly move somewhere
Near. Describe what it looks like. Examples: Shadow
Defense (Barrier, Teleport), Frost Bang (Teleport,

Thread the Needle:

You have learned to increase the flow of magic even
further at the expense of your body. When you deal
damage with a Technique, you can choose to roll an
additional 1d4 bonus damage. If you roll a 1 or 2, you are
also hurt by the bonus damage (ignores armor).

Dual Conduits:

Choose another element. With a grunt or a snap of
the fingers, you can toggle your Primary Element to
this second element, or vice versa. Only one of the two
elements can be considered your Primary Element at a
time. Your Techniques are the same and use the same
tags, but the element changes.

When you use Thread the Needle, you can choose to roll
up to three bonus damage dice (1d4, 2d4, or 3d4). For
each roll that is a 1 or 2, you are also hurt by the bonus
damage from that roll (ignores armor).

Area Burst: gain the Area tag; inflict damage to a group of targets.

Custom Moves:
When you interrogate a willing or broken person about their organization, take +1 forward to Spout Lore about that group. (defined on page 9.)
-Currently have that +1 for the Kelosian circle in the keep


4 - end of first session
1 - failed Quartermaster roll
1 - failed Summoning
1 - failed Command Elemental
1 - failed Defy to avoid hellhound breath

1 - boulder misses the tentacle beast
4 - end of second session
2 - failed rolls at the blood altar
1 - failed keep repair
1 - failed Trailblazer

1 - failed Command approaching Braxan camp
1 - failed Channel in Braxan camp
1 - failed Command
1 - failed Spout Lore on Selwyn's stone
5 - end of session
1 - failed Channel fighting quetzal demons

1 - failed taunting of quetzal demon
5 - end of session
1 - failed channel during fight with guards
1 - failed Defy vs demon fear
1 - failed Defy vs my own elemental
2 - end of session part 1

2 - end of session part 2
1 - failed Scout
1 - failed Command fighting en route to the hellmouth
1 - failed Barricade of Spikes
1 - answering Ishtar's questions
1 - describing the plan to Ishtar
1 - failed Summon before the hellmouth
1 - failed Defy as the walkway collapsed
1 - failed Channel vs demons near the hellmouth
1 - failed Defy to manipulate the hellmouth
1 - end of session pt 1

4 - end of session pt 2
1 - failed Command vs the Godslayer
1 - failed Summon vs the Godslayer
1 - failed Discern vs the Godslayer
1 - failed Channel vs the Godslayer
1 - 7-9 inflicting Shared Pain vs the patrol
1 - failed Channel at the gates
1 - failed Defy to sneak around the courtyard
1 - 7-9 pinned by boxes in Einora's village
2 - end of session pt 1

2 - end of session pt 2
1 - failed Bender vs gryphon
1 - failed Defend vs ankheg
1 - failed Command vs thralls
1 - failed Bender vs giants
1 - failed Defend vs creature and giants
1 - failed Channel vs giant thralls
4 - end of session
1 - failed Discern on the aboleth door
1 - end of session

2 - end of session

Plot posts:

Belym touches the altar
Conwall talks to a tree
Page ~11: return to Norwhich from the cultists' keep
Page 15: arrive at the Norwhich militia camp
Conwall talks about forging a sword
Visions of an Aboleth

People, places, and things. Through p17.:

PCs and their connections

  • Rigwald - barbarian, son of Hurik
  • Scath Cogar - ranger, companion is Floyd the rat
  • Thaddeus - paladin of Mersiel


  • Iisac
  • Hebron
  • Zimran
  • Mersiel
  • Kelos - knowledge/magic. Decidedly evil.


  • Arryn - Thaddeus' brother, in the King's army (p4)
  • Faolan - militia, coerced into poisoning the town (p12)
  • Fenris - citizen (p4)
  • Foster - militia (p16)
  • Garin - Watch commander (now deceased?)
  • Helmaer - carpenter
  • Jenny - Faolan's family (p13)
  • Jericho - New watch commander
  • Jonrah - killed by ravagers (p4)
  • Lerrik the vandal - thief, stole Thaddeus' amulet (p4)
  • Lexand - farmer with a warg problem
  • Lorry - barman, married to Shailis
  • Marcus - killed by ravagers (p4)
  • Martan - stonemason (p12)
  • Mayella - Mayor's stewardess (p13)
  • Mira - citizen (p4)
  • Owen - militia (p16)
  • Rayne - Thaddeus' sister, married to Ruben (p4)
  • Relam - militia member (p5)
  • Ruben - blacksmith's son, married to Rayne (p4)
  • Sam - militia (p12)
  • Selene - resident (p13)
  • Shailis - medic, married to Lorry
  • Sidney - Faolan's family (p13)
  • Talli - militia (p12)
  • Tolmas - militia scout (p13)
  • Tyr - killed by ravagers (p4)
  • Vance - militia (p16)
  • Walter - militia (p12)
  • Willas - ? (p11)
  • Willem - owns a sawmill
  • Yaelin - killed by ravagers (p4)


  • House Taloks - militant, Belym has sigil from ravagers.
  • Tarlok - general from house Taloks, maybe faced Ron.
  • Seoras - Braxan scout (p15)
  • Steaphan - Braxan deserter (p15)
  • Torcall - Braxan scout (p15)
  • Selwyn Tarak - general, led force attacking Norwhich, now in Norwhich custody (p8)


  • Alyrin - leader of circle "far to the south" (p8)
  • Esphior - leader of the circle in Braxos (p8)
  • Kaspar Brevil - survivor of the party's assault on the keep, killed in Norwhich (p8+)
  • Orpryxis - Leader of the keep's circle, deceased (mentioned p8)

Towns / features of Tanard

  • Norwhich - Ron's current home
  • Chillhollow - north of Norwhich and the keep
  • Ghostmoore - 10 days south of Norwhich
  • Fort Rannick - ?
  • Quickmoor - attacked by trolls (p10)
  • Beargrave - "outlying village" (p11)
  • Greathorn Lake - fishing lake near Norwhich (p11)
  • Stella's Lake - 70km N of Norwhich, in Elven lands