I found two other posts on the subject - but no official ruling, nor was there much discussion so no strong agreement either way.
Here's the ability in question, from the Freebooter Archetype for the Ranger (1E) from Pirates of the Inner Sea:
Freebooter’s Bond (Ex)
At 4th level, a freebooter forms a bond with her crewmates. This bond allows her to spend a move action to grant her allies extra combat prowess when they work as a team. All allies within 30 feet who can see or hear the freebooter gain an additional +2 bonus on attack rolls when flanking with the freebooter or with another ally affected by this ability.
This ability replaces hunter’s bond.
This ability doesn't have a duration listed.
Hunter's Bond, the ability it replaces, is either an Animal Companion at a -4 level, or the following:
The first is a bond to his companions. This bond allows him to spend a move action to grant half his favored enemy bonus against a single target of the appropriate type to all allies within 30 feet who can see or hear him. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the ranger’s Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This bonus does not stack with any favored enemy bonuses possessed by his allies; they use whichever bonus is higher.
So, do you think it appropriate for have Freebooter's Bond:
1. Have an equal duration to Hunter's Bond (Wisdom Modifier)
2. Last until the end of an encounter
3. Last indefinitely (Counterpoint: why would it then require a move action to activate, other than adding extra allies, like summoned creatures, to the buff?)
Blinded: "All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Perception checks based on sight) automatically fail."
Ran a scenario last night.
Babau cast Darkness.
Pregen 7th-level Kyra wanted to retrieve her Oil of Daylight from her backpack. Just a regular backpack, not a Handy Haversack. But she doesn't have Darkvision, so I ruled that she wouldn't be able to find that specific oil in her pack without being able to see, especially not as a move action.
How would you guys rule this? Allow it as a move, but roll randomly to determine which oil/potion is drawn from the bag?
Taken to the extreme, how would a caster find the specific spell components they need in order to cast a spell while blind?
Recently an alchemist PC found some Slippers of Spider Climbing in a scenario. During the final encounter, he climbed and was hanging from the ceiling. He took some damage and fell unconcious. We ruled that he fell off the ceiling, which killed him (he was only one or two HP away from death).
However, in retrospect he may not have fallen to his death, given how Spider Climb works.
I like to make actual letters, and seal them with wax using a custom D6 our venture captain made for us GMs that features the Glyph of the Open Road. It doesn't really take much time, and I think adds a bit of fun.
Half-Orc Cleric of Shelyn (Defense Domain) 1 / Monk 2
I'll be building this character for PFS. Concept is a former Cleric that has now taken Monk Vows, striving to overcome his orc heritage, while also kicking Demon ass in Season 5.
I'm building on the Crusader's Flurry feat, and the earliest you can get this to work is by taking two levels of Monk, then a level of Cleric (Crusader), and the rest monk. As such, I'll build him with GM Credits 'til Level 3 so he'll have the two monk levels and the cleric level, and flavour wise I can say that he was a cleric before he was a monk.
Str 17 (15+2)
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 14
Cha 7
Str 18 (16+2)
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 15
Cha 7
Defense: AC 14 or 15, Touch 14 or 15, Flat Footed 12
1. Cornugon Stun (Use any Monk weapon to deliver a Stunning Fist)
1. (Monk): Combat Reflexes
2. (Monk): Dodge
3. (Cleric Bonus): Weapon Focus: Glaive
3. Crusader's Flurry
Fate's Favoured (Whenever you're under the effect of a Luck Bonus, increase that bonus by 1)
Magical Knack: Cleric (Increase CL of Cleric 2 levels, not to exceed Hit Dice).
Domain Spell: Shield (+4 Shield Bonus to AC).
Awesome cleric spell: Divine Favour (+1 Luck Bonus to Attack and Damage, becomes +2 because of Fate's Favoured).
I'd put several of my Favoured Class Bonuses into increasing the number of Stunning Fist attemps by 0.5.
So I'm looking at archetypes and wondering what to go with. I am attracted to the Monk of the Sacred Mountain, which replaces Evasion with Toughness and a +1 Natural Armour bonus. It also means you can't be knocked prone under most circumstances, which means that using my Glaive to trip foes will usually keep me out of their reach (since I won't have Improved Trip yet). I can then use Stunning Fist when they try to get up.
But, Evasion is pretty awesome so I'm not sure giving it up is such a great idea.
So, example encounter:
Round one: run up to enemy, pull out Glaive, and trip them.
Enemy tries to stand up, and I smack them with my Glaive w/ stunning fist, dealing 1d10+6 damage and forcing a DC 15 Fort Save, stunning them (effectively disarming them) and keeping them prone.
Round two: flurry with the Glaive against the prone target, dealing 1d10+4/1d10+4
Enemy grabs their weapon and / or stands up, provoking one or two more AoOs from me.
Let's say my monk is on Init 10 and the enemy on Init 11.
On my turn, I run in and trip the enemy.
On his turn, he stands up, provoking an Attack of Opportunity, and hit him with Stunning Fist (this happens on Initiative Count of 11, the enemy's turn).
The trouble is, Stunning Fist is worded
"in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next turn)"
So, in this case, "until just before your next turn" is immediately.
Is this actually how it works in RAW, or logically should it continue for one round, until the next Init count 12 comes up?
Is there any way the design team would consider letting us run Murder's Mark as a regular homegame-style module (Granting XP and leveling up to level 2), and then assigning the module credit to a new first-level PFS PC, similar to the way the credit from Dragon's Demand can be applied?
For those that aren't familiar, you can play through all of Dragon's Demand as a regular homegame (and not need to follow PFS rules), and then once completed, you get a series of Chronicle Sheets that you may apply to a PFS character. I'm wondering if the Design Team would consider letting us do that with Murder's Mark, so that the PCs can level up to 2 during the module in order to better deal with the later threats, and also so that it would give our regular PFS players that aren't fortunate enough to play in a home game to try different concepts, like playing a ratfolk or anything else that would normally not be allowed in PFS, but to still get PFS credit for the experience.
If, at the end of a scenario a dead character doesn't have enough Prestige or money to pay for a Raise Dead, players may (if they choose) pool their gold to pay for a Raise Dead on that character.
Can a GM also contribute to the gold pool, using his GM gold credits from that chronicle?
So, after a hard day of adventuring through Absalom's disgusting sewer system, you way up feeling pretty bad the next day, and are reasonably confident that you've contracted Filth Fever.
You try to get better on your own, since you're somewhat poor, but you get even sicker the next day.
You decide to head to the Grand Lodge to find a Pathfinder cleric to heal you, but you're a bit short of funds and are worried that a single casting of Remove Disease won't be enough for you.
Can you find another cleric with the Luck Domain, and pay him to use his Touch of Luck spell like ability on the Cleric that is going to heal you, in order to increase the other cleric's chances?
If so.. what would this cost?
And it's obviously not in the rules that I know of, so I guess you can't. However, could you use your own Touch of Luck, or Fortune Hex or whatnot on the Cleric that is trying to heal you?
The Varisian Pilgrim cleric (Inner Sea Magic, pg. 42) gets the following:
Inner Sea Magic, pg 42: wrote:
Fortunate Road: At 1st level, a Varisian pilgrim must select the Chaos, Community, Liberation, Luck, Travel, or Weather domain (or the Exploration, Fate, Freedom, Trade, or Seasons subdomains from the Advanced Player’s Guide, if available in the campaign) as one of her domains. If the cleric worships a deity that doesn’t normally grant one of these domains, she gains access to this domain but can only pick this one domain—she effectively loses the option to pick a second domain. As a result, very few clerics who worship deities who don’t grant access to one of the domains or subdomains listed above opt to become Varisian pilgrims. In all other respects, this works like and replaces the standard cleric’s domain ability.
Now, I'm building a Cleric of Shelyn, but will mostly be a Monk, to make use of the Crusader's Flurry feat.
Of the domains listed above, Shelyn grants the Luck domain. However, I'd rather pick the Defense Subdomain (granted by Shelyn) and the Travel domain (granted by the archetype).
1. A Varisian Pilgrim just select the ...Travel... domain.
2. If the cleric worships a deity that doesn't normally grant one of these domains...
Shelyn does grant one of those domains
3 ... she gains access to this domain but can only pick this one domain
Okay.. but does this mean I have to pick one that she grants (ie Luck), in order to get a second domain, or am I okay with picking Travel since she does grant one of those domains?
So, my question is:
The archetype is not exactly clear. A conservative interpretation would say: "If you pick one of these domains that your deity normally does not grant, then that's the only domain you can choose." As written, though, it says "You must pick one of these Domains. If your deity doesn't grant one of these domains, you can not pick a second domain." Which is correct?
Let's say you're standing next to a 5'x5' hole at the start of your turn.
Can you take a five foot step off the edge of the hole to drop down the, say, fifteen feet? Or, because this is effectively 20 feet of movement, does it not count? Or does it not count because stepping off a cliff would be considered "difficult terrain" ?
Let's say it's a 50 foot drop. Five foot step off cliff, land prone, take damage (1d6 non lethal + 4d6 lethal, assuming a successful acrobatics check). Move action to stand up. Standard action to throw the dagger you were holding. Is that legal?
Scenario: a wizard casts Shocking Grasp, moves up and gets his free attack on a human, but misses. He gets to hold the charge.
Later in the initiative, the enemy retaliates and hits the wizard with a metal longsword.
1. Does the Shocking Grasp discharge into the enemy and hurt him, since he is in contact with the wizard that is holding the charge on Shocking Grasp?
What if the enemy grapples the wizard?
What if the wizard is hit by an arrow? Does it discharge into the arrow?
I have a Dervish Dancing Rogue with Crane Style. When I get Crane Wing and I am fighting defensively, I can redirect a melee attack per round so that it doesn't actually hit me. If a wizard runs up and tries to shocking grasp me, rolls well enough to beat my touch AC, but I redirect his hand, does he still count as touching me and thus the spell zaps me?
Disclaimer: This is one of my PFS characters, who is currently a 2nd level character so his stats and traits are fixed.
Nigel Strickland
Male Human Gunslinger 2
Str 10
Dex 17
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 14
Cha 8
Larger Than Life: You wield firearms with truly terrifying menace. When you use the Intimidate skill on a creature while wielding a firearm, you are considered one size category larger than your actual size.
Bruising Intellect: Your sharp intellect and rapier-like wit bruise egos. Intimidate is always a class skill for you, and you may use your Intelligence modifier when making Intimidate checks instead of your Charisma modifier.
So, with a +2 Intelligence bonus, 2 ranks in Int, it being a class skill, and wielding a firearm I have a +10 bonus to Intimidate against Medium or smaller creatures, which I figured I could use as something to do in combat other than shoot people (2+1+3+4) = 10
I'm planning to go 5 levels of Gunslinger (to get Dex to Damage) and then multiclass into a Luring Cavalier (Order of the Cockatrice). I roleplay him as a pith helmet wearing braggart and kind of a b!!&%!ter, constantly telling stories about his deeds as a famous Pathfinder in foreign lands, so Order of the Cockatrice's braggart ability fits really nicely with the character concept, and by then I should be able to draw my musket and use Dazzling Display on the first round of combat, and by then have a +15 to Intimidate.
For the future, assuming he's not eaten by a grue, I'd like to make a fun build. It should be effective, but I'd like to avoid cheese.
I've seen it written that despite Cavalier's mounts not getting Share Spells, they should just ignore this requirement for the Charger archetype, and I've seen it suggested that they should give up Link instead (which is a pretty bad thing to give up).
But for PFS play, is there an actual ruling? Should I ignore the Share Spells requirement, or, by the strictest definition of RAW, would I need to take a dip in Druid or Mad Dog Barbarian to then apply the archetype to my mount, because doing so would stack the Druid/Barbarian and Cavalier levels for my animal companion / mount and I could apply it then (as it would have share spells).
I'm building a Halfling Cavalier, following the Beast Rider archetype for PFS. Half these questions are PFRPG general questions, and half are PFS-specific.
1. The Beast Rider gets Exotic Mount, which replaces Mount.
Mount wrote:
A cavalier’s bond with his mount is strong, with the pair learning to anticipate each other’s moods and moves. Should a cavalier’s mount die, the cavalier may find another mount to serve him after 1 week of mourning. This new mount does not gain the link, evasion, devotion, or improved evasion special abilities until the next time the cavalier gains a level.
However, Exotic Mount says nothing about the replacement of the mount. Is it treated like replacing a standard Cavalier's mount, or like replacing a standard Druid Animal companion?
Also, the Beast Rider gets to constantly upgrade / pick new animal companions if he wants.
Beast Rider wrote:
Each time the beast rider increases in level, he can choose to select a new, more impressive mount better suited to his increased power.
If he does so, does each one he picks get the link, evasion, devotion, and improved evasion special abilities, since this "mourning" period is only mentioned under the standard Cavalier Mount, which is entirely replaced by Exotic Mount, which doesn't mention anything about mourning?
2. When a Cavalier or Beast Rider gets a new mount, do they always start Combat Trained?
Beast Rider wrote:
At 1st level, a beast rider forms a bond with a strong, loyal companion that permits him to ride it as a mount. This mount functions as a druid's animal companion, using the beast rider’s level as his effective druid level. The animal chosen as a mount must be large enough to carry the beast rider (Medium or Large for a Small character; Large or Huge for a Medium character). The beast rider does not take an armor check penalty on Ride checks while riding his mount. The mount is always considered combat trained, and begins play with Endurance as a bonus feat. A beast rider’s mount does not gain the share spells special ability.
By Combat trained, do they mean the general purpose combat training that consists of 6 tricks? If so, that means I can't train any other tricks unless it has an upgraded intelligence, correct, because Animals with an Int of 2 are limited to knowing 6 tricks.
So does this mean if I get a new mount, it always knows those six tricks, or only the first mount? If the later, it kinda defeats the purpose of the Beast Rider's ability to take new mounts, if I can only train one trick per scenario.
2. Can I actually ride a bipedal dinosaur?
Beast Rider wrote:
Small-sized beast riders can choose a pony or wolf mount at 1st level. At 4th level, a Small beast rider can also choose an allosaurus, ankylosaurus, arsinoitherium, aurochs, bison, boar, brachiosaurus, elephant, glyptodon, hippopotamus, mastodon, megaloceros, riding dog, giant snapping turtle, triceratops, or tyrannosaurus. At 7th level, he can also choose a dinosaur (deinonychus or velociraptor)./
Beast Rider wrote:
In addition, a 7th-level or higher Medium beast rider can select any creature whose natural size is Large or Huge, provided that creature is normally available as a Medium-sized animal companion at 7th level (like a bear). To generate statistics for such a mount, apply the following modifications:
Size Large
Ability Scores Str +2, Dex –2, Con +2;
Increase the damage of each of the mount’s natural attacks by one die size.
A beast rider cannot choose a mount that is not capable of bearing his weight, that has fewer than four legs, or that has a fly speed (although the GM may allow mounts with a swim speed in certain environments).
Does this apply to all Beast Riders, or is it specifically modifying the Medium beast rider ability to pick "any creature whose natural size is Large?" Because it seems to contradict the ability to ride a bipedal dinosaur.
The party (Magus 2, Monk 2, Cleric 2, Fighter 1) got really beat up by Luscilia Ismacco, the Cleric 3 on the boat. She burned through her Channels, dropping everyone many times, but eventually got hit for 26 points of damage by the Monk, flurrying with a Temple Sword .
She then started fleeing off the boat, and got off with the Monk chasing her and most of the rest of the party bleeding out on the deck. The Tiefling Magus had activated his Darkness spell-like ability early on (twenty round duration) which pretty much prevented her from casting any spells. Finally she got out of the Darkness as she was fleeing, Blinded the Monk, and fled off.
Now according to the scenario, she flees if reduced to 5 hp or lower.
However, there's nothing indicating how the players would find the underground headquarters if she fled. If she lives, she can be interrogated. If she's killed, then they find a note and map on her body.
So, does this mean my party is stuck and can't continue the scenario?
Or should I make something up and say she forgot a satchel (including the map) in the ship's cabin?
Of course, as written she's going to be in the Cult's HQ when / if the party shows up, so maybe it'd be best if they just cut their loses?
It's kind of relevant that I misread the stats and included two zombies instead of one in that fight (oops), so if that hadn't have happened she may have been killed earlier. I'm fairly new to GMing so I'm not sure how best to proceed.
I've started a druid, and so I am a little confused about what I should be rolling with the creatures I summon.
An eagle, for instance, has
Melee: 2 talons +3 (1d4), bite +3 (1d4)
Would I roll 1d20 for the "2 talons" attack, and another d20 for the bite attack, and thus score 2d4 damage if both hit?
Or would I roll 2d20 for the two talons, and one more d20 for the bite, for a total of 3d4 damage if all three hit? (Thus 3d4+6 with Augmented Summoning).
Second part: I assume that I can summon an eagle directly on top of someone so that it can immediately do a full-attack action. Am I correct in assuming that I'd then need to make a Hover check (DC 15)?
If not, could it land in that square?
Then, on the next round (A trait gives me a once-per-day ability to summon something at Caster Level +2, thus at level 1 a Summoned Nature's Ally can stick around for three rounds), if the enemy has moved 5 feet, can the eagle make the equivalent of a "five foot step" and do another full attack? Would that five foot step need to be only if it was on the ground, or could it do that if it was hovering, and then make another DC15 fly check to continue hovering?
How does Adaptive Luck (alternate Halfling racial trait):
"Some halflings have greater control over their innate luck. This ability gives them more options for how they can apply their good fortune from day to day, but also narrows its scope. Three times per day, a halfling can gain a +2 luck bonus on an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. If halflings choose to use the ability before they make the roll or check, they gain the full +2 bonus; if they choose to do so afterward, they only gain a +1 bonus. Using adaptive luck in this way is not an action. This racial trait replaces halfling luck."
stack with the Halfling Opportunist's Exceptionally Lucky (Ex)
"At 2nd level, a halfling opportunist learns how to squeeze even more from her innate luck. Her halfling racial bonus on saving throws increases to +2. This bonus increases to +3 at 4th level."
Would you just get a +1 bonus and then +2? Or is there something that gives you more +2 luck bonus choices per day?
Augment Summoning gives a +4 STR and +4 CON to anything you summon.
So, my question is, if I summon 1d3 Hawks (tiny animals), their base stats are:
XP 135
N Tiny animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +14
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 size)
hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee 2 talons +5 (1d4–2)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 9
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +7, Perception +14; Racial Modifier +8 Perception
Then they will have a temporary buff to Str 10 and Con 15.
Normally a Str 10 is a +0 modifier to the BAB, weras a 6 is a -2. So would the damage from each hawk then be a straight 1d4?
Would the constitution increase then increase the HP to 6 hp (+2 from a Con of 15 vs a Con of 11)?
When you modify these stats, do they work the same way as a hero?
What about tiny vipers (1d2-2 Plus poison) or Skunks (Musk = nauseous and/or sickened). This is a DC 11 Fort Save, but, "The save DC is Constitution-based, and includes a +2 racial bonus." So by increasing it's constitution from 9 to 13, would this increase the Fort DC of its musk?
http://paizo.com/people/Naberr - a Level 1 Halfling Rogue.
I went to my first PFS session with this character prepared. However, due to some miscommunication between the group, they were not running a Tier 1 session last night, so they gave me a pre-gen Level 4 Merisiel to play, doing PFS Scenario #4-14, which I enjoyed.
But, I'd like to get back to my character for next week's session. After playing last night, I realized that I forgot to put a skill level into Disable Device, which I really should do. I have a skill point into Appraise, for flavour reasons (imagining my character as an archaeologist / antiquarian), but I could get rid of that in favour of Disable Device, at least until level 2.
I took Weapon Finesse as my feat so I could apply my +3Dex bonus to melee attacks, which I have a small rapier and sap. Also bought a halfling sling as a ranged weapon, because it seemed to present the most damage for me, since I am Small. I do have a question, though - I bought Sharpstones for the ammunition, which list a 1d3. So does this mean that I add the 1d6 for the sling, plus 1d3 for ammunition, +1 strength (sling)? Or how does the 1d3 come into play?
Since I took a sling, should I then replace Sure-Footed with Warslinger in my traits, so that I can reload it as a free action? That way I can hopefully stand back and not get murdered during fights? Speaking of, should I dump some points out of Charisma and put them into Constitution? Thanks!