
Beldaru's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber. 34 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

My players just cleared a big encounter in book 1 of Serpent's Skull, killing a witch who's art includes a cool looking staff, shown Here. In her stat-block, the witch has a non-magic quarterstaff, but the players got hyped when I described the staff while they were interrogating an enemy, saw her art, and took the staff from her corpse. Now I want to make it a real magic item.

The staff appears to have kelp leaves and air pods hanging from it, so it seems ocean-themed, but I want it to continue to be useful as they go into the jungle. Here is what I was thinking so far, but let me know if it's too strong:

Staff of the Shallow Sea:
The center of this staff is a piece of arcane metal which has fused with a piece of driftwood. Kelp continually grows on the staff, reaching towards the metal but never touching it, blocked by some unseen force.
Obscuring Mist (1 charge)
Gust of wind (1 charge)
Slipstream (1 charge)
Lily Pad Stride (2 charges)
Nixie's Lure (2 charges)
Aqueous Orb (3 charges)

Also, I would like to link this to the future adventure, and the staff was found on an island where two evil groups linked to the plot built ancient temples. I think it might be cool to link this staff to one of these groups which give it additional uses later in the adventure.

Possible links to the ancient factions:
Serpentfolk - the original inhabitants of this island and the ultimate enemies of the adventure path.

Zura Cultists - Azlanti cultists devoted to the Demon Lord Zura, queen of vampires.

Azlant and the Serpentfolk went to war, so linking the staff to either would let me introduce new abilities or uses for the staff at a later time. Possibly making the players sacrifice it for a better item once they reach late-game.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Cevah wrote:
The sneak attack enables the Dazzling Display and later the Motivating Display or Disheartening Display.

Indeed, I want to become the captain at some point and lead my crew in charges to capture ships. The sneak attack lets me proc Dazzling Display with Violent Display.

I was also thinking of taking Improved Feint to do more sneak attacks, since crits aren't a reliable way of getting Violent Display.

Scott Wilhelm recommended taking Canny Tumble to get consistent sneak attacks, but it needs Dodge and Mobility as feat Prerequisites and that seems like a lot to invest.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Name Violation wrote:
with an 8 str, i hope you never have to look at wearing a chain shirt, or carrying most gear without an extradimensional space

That's what teammates are for.

Swashbuckler sticks with light armor, gets "Nimble" bonuses to AC when wearing light armor, and I don't want to wear heavy armor in case I get knocked overboard on the high seas.

rorek55 wrote:
-forgotten trick is neat on paper, until you realize 1, it cost 2 ki points to use, THEN you have to pay the ki cost of whatever trick you spent 2 to gain access too.

I currently get 4 ki per day (3 Cha + 1/2 Ninja level). So far, on days where I don't use any ki I can prepare poison before bed that lasts 24 hours with "Ki Venom" and use it the next day with my full ki. In theory, on other days, I can spend 3 ki (2 for Forgotten Trick + 1 for the trick) to gain other tricks in an emergency and still have 1 ki left over for Vanishing Trick.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
avr wrote:
I think you're going to burn thru ki so fast with vanishing trick that forgotten trick (which requires even more ki) will be unusable.

True, what I've been doing is making poison at the end of the day if I haven't been using any feats. The lack of Ki is a problem though.

avr wrote:
Dazzling display's only prereq is weapon focus. No BAB required.

My mistake. I was thinking of Violent Display which needs BAB +6 and with Ninja 3/4 BAB progression I will only have that at 7th level. Dazzling Display would need to be taken at either 5th or 6th level.

avr wrote:
Other feats: you qualify for fighter bonus feats with swash levels and weapon specialization could be useful at level 6. You might get extra ki; forgotten trick will probably still be too expensive to use, but swift action vanish is very useful. Combat reflexes is occasionally useful in a tight spot. If you can't decide what feat to get then barroom brawler gives you 1/day martial flexibility.

I forgot I qualified for fighter feats, which opens up a lot more feat options. Extra Ki and Combat Reflexes are very good static upgrades. Barroom Brawler is very cool and I'm gonna look at what feats I could use it to get.

I had also thought about taking Accomplished Sneak Attacker to get a little more sneak attack power, but I'm not sure if it's worth it.

avr wrote:
Disheartening display may be more useful than motivating display.

Holy moly, this works so well with Violent Display. Definitely replacing Motivating Display with this.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

We are playing a pirate based campaign, so I made a Swashbuckler with good Dexterity and Charisma. It occurred to me that Ninjas use the same stats, so I have been making a multiclass build.

We are currently level 3 and just leveled up. I could use advice on what to do.

Race: Skinwalker (Fanglord) - great stats, being weretiger-kin lets us get some cool feats later, +10 movement speed and the Jump spell 1/day lets us do daring deeds.


Str: 8
Dex: 18
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 12
Cha: 16

My current plan is to take 1st level in Swashbuckler for weapon finesse and Panache, 2 levels in Ninja for Ki and Ninja Tricks, and 4 more levels in Swashbuckler for bonus feats and Panache.

Current Levels:

Level 1: Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) - d10 hit dice, weapon finesse and weapon focus at level 1, and take Fencing Grace for dex to damage at level 1.

Level 2: Ninja - d8 hit dice, but 8 skills per level help utilize the Dex and Cha skills that Swashbuckler gets but doesn't have points for. Investing in Disable Device basically lets me be an off-brand rogue.

Level 3: Ninja - Ki Pool and first Ninja Trick (Vanishing Trick)
Feat: Extra Ninja Trick (Forgotten Trick) - since we won't be getting more ninja tricks with class progression, this lets us have some versatility.

The benefits of this build is that I can use Vanishing Trick as a swift action to turn invisible at any time. Using it at the start of my turn lets me charge in and sneak attack, or using it at the end of my turn lets me be invisible during enemy turns and get sneak attack at the start of my next turn.

My plan is to get Dazzling Display and the weretiger specific feat "Violent Display" which gives a free Dazzling Display whenever I get a crit or sneak attack. At level 7 I will have Improved Crit Range for rapiers from Swash 5, and with Vanishing Trick I will constantly be Dazzling Display'ing.


Bonus: Weapon Finesse Rapier (from Swashbuckler)
Bonus: Weapon Focus, Rapier (from Inspired Blade)
1st: Fencing Grace - Dex to Damage
3rd: Extra Ninja Trick - Forgotten Trick gives access to more tricks
5th: Undecided?
6th: (Bonus 4th Level Swashbuckler) Dazzling Display (Can't take earlier due to BAB restrictions)
7th: Violent Display - Weretiger feat that gives Dazzling Display on Sneak attack or crit. Which we will do frequently with a rapier and Vanishing Trick
9th: Motivating Display - Weretiger feat that gives bonuses to allies with Dazzling Display
11th: Shatter Defenses - Flat Foot AC vs Shaken enemies means more sneak attacks and more Dazzling Displays

What feat should I take at 5th level?

What should my class order be? (Is 1 Swash, 2 Ninja, 4 Swash good?)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Derklord wrote:
An oversight on the side of AoN - "These spells are appropriate for the versions of the summoner class from both Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide and Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained." MSH pg. 22

Thank you very much for the replies. This answers my question.

So this should mean the spells from MSH work for the Unchained Summoner, even though it's not in the Unchained book spell list or on the PFSRD. That will make my current character more fun to play.

Still doesn't explain the absence of some of the staple spells or higher versions like Greater Detect Magic, but I can work with it.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I recently had a chance to play an old summoner character again, so I remade him as an Unchained Summoner. I managed to remake my old Eidolon concept, bumped some spells up a level on the new Unchained Summoner spell list, but then I noticed some spells aren't there at all.

For example, Haste is a 3rd level spell for everyone except Summoner (and Medium), which was kinda overpowered, so for the Unchained Summoner it is back to being a 3rd level spell. Thats fine, a bunch of summoning-themed spells got their levels lowered for the Summoner, but the Unchained Summoner brings it back in line with everyone else. You can see this aversion to different spell levels in the magic traditions of Pathfinder 2e, where everyone of that tradition has the same spell list.

However, a lot of spells just don't exist for the Unchained Summoner, including some which were very cool and thematic.

For example:

Master's Escape:
You create an extradimensional link between yourself and one summoned creature you control that allows you to switch places. After casting master’s escape, you can teleport to your summoned creature’s space as a swift action, causing your summoned creature to teleport to your former space. If your summoned creature is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points before you can use this spell’s effect, you can teleport to a space that you can see within 30 feet as an immediate action. After using either of these effects, the spell ends. A summoner can target his eidolon with this spell.

Final Sacrifice:
You disrupt the conjuring energies within a summoned creature, causing it to violently explode. If the target fails its Fortitude save, it is immediately slain and all creatures within 20 feet of the target take 1d4 points of damage per spell level of the summoning spell that conjured the target. This damage is fire damage unless the target creature has the cold or water subtype, in which case it’s cold damage. Creatures caught in this explosion take half damage if they succeed at their Reflex saves against this spell’s DC. Final sacrifice can detonate a summoner‘s eidolon, though an eidolon receives a +4 bonus on its Fortitude save unless the spell is cast by the eidolon‘s own summoner.

If this spell targets an eidolon, creatures within 20 feet of the eidolon take an amount of damage equal to 1d4 + 1/2 the caster level of the summoner who controlled the eidolon.

There are also baffling absences of basic spells that seem to exist on every spell list except the Unchained Summoner.

Detect Magic, Greater:
School divination; Level bard 2, cleric 2, druid 2, inquisitor 2, magus 2, medium 2, mesmerist 2, occultist 2, psychic 2, shaman 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, spiritualist 2, summoner 2, witch 2

Are these absences intentional or just an oversight?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

It seems I've got the basic template down. If anyone has a prestige class that they'd like to inform me about I'll check back here and add those comments to the guide.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
SheepishEidolon wrote:

Over time, some content has be released to improve prestige classes:

The Accomplished Sneak Attacker feat means you need less levels of a class with sneak attack for entry (arcane trickster etc.).

Further, the feats Favored Prestige Class and Prestigious Spellcaster help to improve casting prestige classes (arcane archer, eldritch knight etc.).

I guess you can pull a whirlwind of death with duelist, using the Ascetic Style chain and flurry of blows. Int to AC should pay off on the long run, too.

Eldritch knight makes an excellent ray caster, among other things - from what I heard. Didn't have the chance to play one yet (sigh).

Finally, you can do some crazy stuff by combining prestige classes. Start with fighter + rogue + wizard, add eldritch knight + arcane trickster and you get a jack of all trades with 5th level casting, weapon training, 5d6 sneak attack and balanced saves. That's Core material only - Accomplished Sneak Attacker, Prestigious Spellcaster, Magical Knack etc. get you further.

Well, my jaw just dropped. I didn't know there was even this much support for prestige classes.

I knew about Magical Knack - which lets you keep up your CL progression. But I didn't know about:

Accomplished Sneak Attacker - lets you continue sneak attack progression.

Favored Prestige Class - kinda sucks you have to take a feat to get a benefit that regular classes have automatically, but really its just a prerequisite for:

Prestigious Spellcaster - nullify the power dip of a prestige classes that don't give + 1 spell progression at first level.

Are there any other awesome feats like this that I missed?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Dastis wrote:
Don't think there's anything like this yet. Like the idea. Separate lists for full/near full caster progression and full BAB classes would be nice. Lastly I disagree with the ratings for Assassin(overrated), Duelist(underrated), and EK(underrated).

Thank you, I appreciate feedback on these classes since I've not had a chance to play them myself.

I'm scoring classes that bring something unique to the table higher.
I can see Duelist being underrated because it's combat focused and not very flashy, but I don't understand EK. What's so great about it?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Is there already a Prestige Class Guide? I've looked a bit but I can't find any.

There are certainly guides for optimizing each individual PC, but I can't find anything to help browse the classes to see if it's good.

I'm thinking of making one and I've already started some, but if you guys tell me it already exists it would really save me time.

My guide is here.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I can't see a situation where it would matter since a touch attack and incorporeal status ignore the same thing, armor.

If a situation came up and I was the DM I would say that because the had in incorporeal you could make melee touch attacks against incorporeal creatures, move the incorporeal hand through the first 5ft of walls, and would be stopped by force effects.

However, I'd say that even if someone has buffed themselves with Mage Armor and Shield, they would not have a higher AC against the Spectral Hand because the spell specifically says you make a *Melee Touch Attack* which would not normally be affected by these force spells.

My logic for this is that because the mage armor and shield spells are attached to you, then if you get touched by the hand delivering the touch spell then it still gets delivered. Even though the attacker hasn't touched your physical person, the spell is still delivered so I don't think it should be different for the Spectral Hand.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

You are correct. Your lvl 7 psychic wielding a staff would either use the staff no problem if it's spell is on your list, make a DC25 check to blindly use a staff they find, or make a DC20 check to use a staff they are familiar with. When you succeed, you will use your Caster Level and Ability Modifier as though you had cast the spell yourself.

Normally, if a spell from a wand, staff, scroll, etc. is a spell from your spell list then you can activate the item without a check. If its not on your list, then you have to make a Difficulty Check. If you're activating blindly, then the DC is 25, assuming you know the item or have had a chance to study it then the DC is 20.

Wands use the minimum caster level and stat required to cast the spell, so a wand of magic missiles would have a range of 110ft (100 + 10ft/lvl) and do 1d4+1 damage.

Your staff however, would have a range of 170ft (100 + 10ft x lvl 7) and do 4d4+4 damage because it scales with your level.

Additionally, any effects such as damage and saves will scale with your modifier (Int in your case), so spells with a save would be the usual DC (10 + spell level + mod) instead of minimum (10 + spell level + minimum mod).

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I am the DM for a group playing Kingmaker. We are currently between books 4 and 5 and before we start book 5 I wanted to run something with the Outlaw Council.

The books I have are the Kingmaker Adventure paths, which mention one of the River Kingdoms, but have almost nothing on the others, and the People of the River book, which gives a basic rundown of the other kingdoms.

Does anyone have ideas for how to run such a council or sources to get more information on a council and making it good?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Thank you.
I thought the question I asked was super confusing and my player had a follow-up question. Thank you for answering both. I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be dishonest.
We switch DMs a lot and so I wanted a better reason to say "No" rather than "because I said so."

Edit: I didn't see your response to my original question ajd that it was still being responded to. Sorry again.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Bob Bob Bob wrote:

Nothing at all. There's even a build based on that called the "tiny god" that uses a homunculus to do it. Link to (I think) the original creation. This is because homunculus do not have the restriction on max HD that normal construct upgrading does. Also each HD only costs 2k gp, so it's much more cost efficient than trying to raise stats individually (since you raise BAB, HP, and saves). Who needs strength when you power attack for +100 damage?

That being said, it basically sinks all the player's funds into something that can very easily die, be turned against them, or otherwise fail in some way, at which point they're much, much weaker.

Then could a player make a wrywood character and do the same build but with all the benefits of class features?

You wouldn't have the crazy BAB shenanigans but toss some points into Dex and Wis and you can easily get +50 to Reflex and Will each.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

According to "Building and Modifying Constructs" increasing a constructs ability score by +2 is only 5,000 gold.
Is there any reason why one of my players with the craft construct feat can't put massive amounts of their money into making a construct with MASSIVE stats?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Its says in the craft construct section that a construct can be revived for 100gp per hit dice. That means if one made a wizard they could kill their friend, modify him, and bring him for 2,000gp.

From Building and Modifying Constructs:"
The make whole or rapid repair spells provide the easiest way to keep a construct in good condition. Both spells repair damaged constructs, even magic-immune ones like golems. Failing that, a crafter can repair a construct with the Craft Construct feat. When repairing a construct, its master spends 100 gp per Hit Die of the construct, and then makes a skill check as if he were crafting the construct with a DC of 5 less than the DC for crafting that construct. With a success, the construct regains 1d6 hit points per Hit Die of the construct. Completing a repair takes 1 day per 1,000 gp spent on the repair (minimum of 1 day). Repair in this way can only be performed while the construct is inanimate or nonfunctioning. At any time, a construct’s creator can deactivate a construct under his control with a touch and a standard action."

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I was talking with some of my players about doing a level 20 mythic campaign and what race and class they'd play. One of my players immediately said:

Wyrwood with any class that can use the craft construct feat. At level 20 we have 880,000gp which he would use on stat bonuses. You can increase a constructs stat by +2 for 5,000gp. This means that with his gold he could increase his stats 176 times for 352 points of stat bonuses divided in any stats he chooses.

He could give himself +35 in each stat (ignoring CON because construct) and get godly abilities and saves against everything, on top of lvl 20 class abilities and construct immunities (immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, ability damage/drain, etc.)

This seems super OP and probably not intended. Is there a reason that this doesn't work?

We found that a construct has to be deactivated to modify and for Wyrwoods that means his parents/community. Constructs can't be revived but they can be repaired and raised that way for even less cost than normal adventurers.

Am I missing something? Please help.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Ok, it sounds when Titan Mauler says "One size category larger" it means "one size category larger than 'yourself.'" Meaning that taking Titan Mauler would be redundant, as it would only allow me to reduce some penalties.

Thanks guys, I'm gonna go modify my build

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Preferably using huge ones for the 1.5 Str bonus, but our DM gave me a second large greatsword so I might try some two weapon fighting.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Me and my friends started a new game. One of my players became the new DM and he doesnt like my build. I would like to run it by the forums for legality and to see how it meshes with an archetype.

The build is a Tiefling Barbarian with the variant heritage to get Oni-Blooded (+2 Str, +2 Wis, and -2 Cha) as well as the variant ability:

16. You have over-sized limbs, allowing you to use Large weapons without penalty.

Using this I made a Barbarian with 20 Str (24 when raging) who is wielding an oversized greatsword to do 3d6 + 10dmg.

1. Is this fair?
2. Is this legal?
3. How does it mesh with the Titan Mauler archetype?

Is it fair for me to be using oversize weapons like this and can I use Huge weapons at higher levels?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Technically, under pathfinder rules not really... Diplomacy is going around talking to people while Knowledge local is knowledge about local prominent features.

If you think you can logically reason it out then talk to your DM.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Yes, so you can take the Rake evolution and pounce but rake will only activate when you are grappling an opponent. Wont work after a charge even if you are pouncing.

"An eidolon grows dangerous claws on its feet, allowing it to make 2 rake attacks on foes it is grappling."

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

You should be able to Channel energy just fine. By my reading of the ability it doesnt say anything about not being able to do things in whirlwind mode, but, if you dont have hands you can't cast somatic component spells. So Channel Energy is fine since its a supernatural ability but spellcasting might be inhibited.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

The players are level 11. PLayers either have ~85hp or ~160hp depending if they are tanks or not. 54 damage is over half a squishy's health

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Thanks for the replies. I want it to ba a dramatic moment, (1d8+1 x 4) + 6d6 is dramatic but a 100 damage super crit is overkill.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Yes, it should. The grab ability is a separate bonus from the bonues you get for maintaining a grapple (which I believe is a +5).

If you do not release the grapple, you must continue to make a check each round, as a standard action, to maintain the hold. If your target does not break the grapple, you get a +5 circumstance bonus on grapple checks made against the same target in subsequent rounds.

BTW, my sincerest condolences on losing your animal companion

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Earlier in the campaign a gunslinger was killed. Now he's back for revenge and has teamed up with a local necromancer lich to take on the party. I was looking at a spell to help out the gunslinger but im worried about how they would interact.

Here is the ability:
Stranger's Shot (Ex) As a full-round action, a pale stranger can take careful aim with one of its firearms and take a single, ruinous shot. This single shot always resolves as a touch attack, regardless of the actual range. If the pale stranger threatens a critical hit with this shot, it automatically confirms the critical hit. Regardless of whether the shot is a critical hit or not, it deals +6d6 points of damage.

And the spell:
You imbue the target with deadly accuracy against a selected creature type (and subtype for humanoids or outsiders) or a specific creature you know and can name. When used against the selected creature, the ammunition never misfires and is unaffected by concealment (but not total concealment), and at a range of 30 feet or less, the attack targets the selected creature's touch AC. When the target hits the selected creature, you must overcome that creature's spell resistance, or this spell has no effect. A normal hit scored using the target against the selected creature is considered to be a critical threat and deals 1 extra point of damage per caster level (maximum 20), which is not multiplied on a critical hit. A natural critical hit deals the same extra damage, but that damage is multiplied due to the critical.

Question 1: The spell auto crit threats and the ability auto confirms, do these basically auto-crit?

Question 2: What damage is multiplied? There is the 1d8+1 from the gun and +6d6 from Strangers shot.

Any insight is appreciated, I don't want to autokill a player cause I read the rules wrong.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Hi, I'm a long time DM with some long time players who decided to spice up our game by using a list of 10,000 random magic effects. Every time our magus crits or by spending an arcnlana pool point he can call one of these effects into existence.

The list can be found by Google searching 10,000 Chaos burst and is written by Orrex.

The one I'm asking for advice on today is one that was rolled last session. My players don't know about it yet.

8131. A powerful demon moves into a nearby home.

Any suggestions?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm making an Eidolon build that involves hitting a lot and dealing elemental damage and I noticed that the 2 point evolution Energy Attack seems like it can be taken multiple times. Is this correct?

"An eidolon’s attacks become charged with energy.

Pick one energy type: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. All of the eidolon’s natural attacks deal 1d6 points of energy damage of the chosen type on a successful hit. The summoner must be at least 5th level before selecting this evolution."

It says pick one energy type, but that is for when you take the evolution. Can't you pick it multiple times and pick up multiple energy damage dice?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I am designing a boss fight for my player and the theme of the dungeon is crafting. This guy crafts everything, golems, wondrous items, rods, weapons that I want to make him a regular guy who happens to have a lot of magic items.

So what happens when he either: Throws out a portable hole as a readied action, a player falls into one that had been disguised on the ground, or gets pushed in by an explosion/golem attack, or something my players do.

"If a bag of holding is placed within a portable hole, a rift to the Astral Plane is torn in the space: bag and hole alike are sucked into the void and forever lost. If a portable hole is placed within a bag of holding, it opens a gate to the Astral Plane: the hole, the bag, and any creatures within a 10-foot radius are drawn there, destroying the portable hole and bag of holding in the process."

If the player just happens to have a bag of holding on their person (in the group 2/4 players have one) does it create the Astral explosion in the description? Does this have to be on purpose or will it just happen if a player holding one falls in?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Thank you, I see my mistake now. Glad I didn't kill my player. Should I delete the thread?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm a DM trying to set up an encounter for my player involving a fight with a Wizard and a Magus. I found the spell: Finger of death and had a question about it's wording:
"This spell instantly delivers 10 points of damage per caster level. If the target's Fortitude saving throw succeeds, it instead takes 3d6 points of damage + 1 point per caster level. The subject might die from damage even if it succeeds on its saving throw."

" instead takes 3d6 points of damage + 1 per caster level."

CL 13 minimum to cast spell means 39d6 + 13, average damage on that is 39x3.5+13=136.5, meaning you should do 137 vs 130 from them failing.

I don't want to accidentally kill one of my players for no reason, so I ask you, Am I mistaken?

(I'm a first time poster so I'm sorry if my formatting is wrong or this question has already been answered.)

Full Name

Venture Captain Kuro Poe




Arcane Duelist 13




Borderlining small.



Special Abilities

Meridian Arcane Strikes, Rallying Squawks, Blistering Invective.




Hei Feng, Sometimes begs to Pazuzu.




Auran, Ancient Osiriani, Taldane, Tengu, Tien.


Venture Captain, Goka

Strength 10
Dexterity 19
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Kuro Poe

Kuro Poe Portrait
Master Kuro Poe Portrait

"We Tengu absorb bad luck - caw! Stick with me and you'll go far as the crow flies!"

In the plum-wine bars of Goka, adventurers speak of a Legend. Some believe him to be one of Hei Feng's Riders of the Storm, wielding the power of the hurricane in one claw, and the ability to shout down thunderclaps.
Others believe this myth is the spawn of the Rat Mother, whose tongue corrupts the most loyal soldiers, and whose tricks can unmake an empire. He descends in shadows, and leaves gnawing fear and black insults rotting at the hearts of lords and common folk alike.
The Samurai name him talon-dance, and his quick movements have shamed and dishonoured many warriors into defeat and ritual seppuku. Young Samurai beg to join his elite dojo, to which he laughs raucously and replies: 'When the stars dim and the night sky is as black is my feathers, only then shall I teach you the way of the sword.' This day has not yet come.
The Pathfinder Society, who are better than most at discerning when rumours have been founded by a certain hopelessly self-centred Tengu duelist, name this myth Kuro Poe. They hired him recently.

1: Weapon Finesse: Curveblade, B: Arcane Strike ✓
2: B: Combat Casting ✓
3: Weapon Focus: Curveblade ✓
5: Dazzling Display ✓
6: B: Disruptive ✓
7: Skill Focus: Intimidate ✓
9: Shatter Defenses ✓
10: B: Spellbreaker, Medium Armour Proficiency ✓
11: Tengu Wings ✓
13: Critical Focus
14: B: Penetrating Strike
15: Dispelling Critical
16: B: Heavy Armour Proficiency
17: Combat Expertise
18: B: Greater Penetrating Strike
19: Quicken Spell

-'Shimmerquill' +1 Adamantine, Keen, Agile, Arcane-bonded Curveblade (12,080) ✓
-'Silverdown' +3 Mithril Chain Shirt (10,100) ✓
-'Pazuzu's Navel' Belt of Physical Might +4DEX, +4CON (40,000) ✓
-'Hei Feng's Raincoat' +5 Cloak of Resistance (25,000) ✓
-'Tap Shoes' Boots of Springing and Stepping (5,500gp) ✓

Prestige Expenditure:
-10pp Master rank : Lantern Lodge
-8pp Negative level removals
-4pp Wand of Cure Light Wounds
Cracked Dusty Rose Prism Ioun (+1 initiative)
Cracked Dark Blue Rhomboid (+1 perception, sense motive)
Cracked Mulberry Pentacle (+1 bluff, diplomacy)
Cracked Vermilion Rhomboid (+1 acrobatics, swim)

Adventure History:
(1) First Steps Trilogy *
(2) City of Strangers, part II
Quest for Perfection, part I
Quest for Perfection, part II
(3) Quest for Perfection, part III
Blood Under Absalom
Ruby Phoenix, part I
(4) Ruby Phoenix, part II
Ruby Phoenix, part III
God's Market Gamble
(5) Wonders of the Weave part I *
Wonders of the Weave part II *
Jester's Fraud *
(6) Immortal Conundrum
Haunting of Hinojai
Fortune's Blight
(7) Mantis's Prey
Red Harvest *
Sarkorian Prophecy
(8) Echo of the Everwar I
Golden Serpent *
Rats of Round Mountain I
(9) Rats for Round Mountain II
Green Market *
Refuge of Time
(10) Cultist's Kiss
Race for the Runecarved Key *
Portal of the Sacred Rune
(11) Echoes of the Everwar pt.2
Echoes of the Everwar pt.3
The Faithless Dead
(12) Eyes of the Ten part 1
Eyes of the Ten part 2
(13) Eyes of the Ten part 3
Eyes of the Ten part 4