
Behemoth hippopotamus's page

3 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


The behemoth grows bolder, and swims closer to the expedition, moving about 60 feet upriver...

Alphonse Veritas, Oathkeeper wrote:
"Look at the size of it...is that some kind of water cow?"

The behemoth hippopotamus yawns, showing off long, deadly looking teeth, two upper and two lower that seem capable of opening up a suit of plate armor like a can opener opening a can...

The other nearby animals all move further away from the behemoth at this intimidating display of its formidable natural weaponry...

[opc]The behemoth hippopotamus is about 300 ft southeast of the expedition, mostly submerged in the water at the river junction, which could be at least 20 feet deep... A pride of 5 lions eyes the expedition from about 180 feet to the east downriver... A pack of hyenas further away (about 8 hyenas 240 feet northeast, seeming to tail the lions in hope of dining on scraps of lion kill) chuckles nervously...[/ooc]

There are many animals at this great watering hole: gazelles, boars, warthogs, elephants, crocodiles, lions, hyenas and giraffe... But the queen of this watering hole appears to be the behemoth riverhorse, or hippopotamus! A massive female is given wide berth by all the other beasts...