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channels 4/4 perf 13/13 StI 7/7 | spells 1st: 4+1/4+1 2nd: 3+1/3+1 3rd: 2+1/2+1 |


effects/conditions[/ooc] none


[ooc]M LG Human Cleric 5 | HP 30/30 | AC 14 T 10 FF 14 | CMB +2 CMD 12 | F +5 R +1 W +8* | Init +0 Per +9 SM +12 |

About Beatrics

Name: Beatrics
Race: Human
Alignment: LG
Class: Cleric (Evangelist)

Str 8 (-1), Dex 10 (+0), Con 12 (+1), Int 14 (+2), Wis 15+2[racial]+1[4th] (+4), Cha 13 (+1)

HP 30 (5d8[5+5+5+5+5]+5[CON])

AC 14 (10+4[armor]+0[DEX])
AC, touch 10 (10+0[DEX])
AC, flatfooted 14 (10+4[armor])

Initiative 0 (+0[DEX])

Speed 30' (light armor)

Fortitude +5* (+4[base]+1[CON], +1[*resistance])
Reflex +1* (+1[base]+0[DEX], +1[*resistance])
Will +8** (+4[base]+4[WIS], +1[*resistance], +2[*vs illusions, Imposter-Wary])

BAB +3
CMB +2 (+3[BAB]-1[STR])
CMD 12 (10+3[BAB]-1[STR]+0[DEX])
CMD, flatfooted 12 (10+3[BAB]-1[STR])

longsword (attack): +2
longsword (damage): 1d8-1
longsword (critical): 19-20/x2

chain shirt (armor): +4
chain shirt (max Dex): +4
chain shirt (ACP): -2

Human Bonus Feat, Imposter-Wary

Favored class bonus (Cleric) +5 CL vs outsider SR

Feats Lingering Performance*, Mythic Companion; Sacred Geometry (Heighten Spell, Persistent Spell); Craft Wand

Skills Diplomacy 5+4, Knowledge (engineering) 5+2, Perception 5+4, Perform (oratory) 5+4, Sense Motive* 5+7, Spellcraft 5+4, Use Magic Device 5+1; ACP -2

Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Hallit

Cleric (Evangelist) 5 spells (CL 5) 4/3+1/2+1/1+1, aura (LG), channel positive energy (2d6), domain (War/Tactics: Seize the Initiative [when rolling initiative, one ally within 30' can roll twice; 3+WIS/day]), public speaker, sermonic performance (Countersong, Fascinate x2, Inspire Courage +2), spontaneous spells (command, enthrall)

Cleric Spells (prepared)
orisons (4): enhanced diplomacy, guidance, light, resistance
1st (4+1): command* (DC 15, x0), liberating command (x2), magic weapon (domain, x1), sanctuary (DC 15, x2), empty (x0)
2nd (3+1): aid (domain, x1), enthrall* (DC 16, x0), grace (x0), owl's wisdom (x1), spiritual weapon (x2), empty (x0)
3rd (2+1): archon's aura (DC 16, x0), collaborative thaumaturgy (x0), communal resist energy (x0), magic vestment+ (domain, x1), remove blindness/deafness (x0), second wind (x1), tongues* (x0), empty (x1)

Equipment chain shirt, longsword