Beast of 1,000 Faces's page

8 posts. Alias of Lord of Conflict.

I have found an oddity in the Bestiary. PG 139; Genie, Djinni 7d10 HD, Feats: Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Wind Stance. 7HD, 5 Feats, how? Unless I have been misunderstanding the rules for over 10 years, Feats are only had every odd level, so 7HD = 4 Feats, but Djinni have 5 Feats. Is this a typo, or am I missing something?

An up coming game with my friends is going to be heavily involving demon lords from the Lore of Golarion, specifically, Nurgal, Jezelda, Yhidothrus, Shivaska, and few nascent ones. The plot, kill them all. As you can imagine that is a lot of demon to stat up and I am at bit of a loss.

I know am looking in the HD range of 31-38, and other basic statistics, plus the demon subtype and demon lord traits. The hard part, is special abilities and gear. Any advice would be greatly apricated.

Ok, so looking over Hellknight Hill, I cannot find any good reason for the players to hunt down and kill/arrest the character Voz Lirayne. So looking over events as I understand it, her employ steals from her, then comfits arson and assault with a deadly weapon, then PCs look at her business and find her gone (and possibly steal from her), then the players hunt her down, kill her mercenaries, attack her, and then either kill her, or possibly turn her over to a Hellknight. Why, what did she do that is illegal? As far as the players know the 1 and only thing she may have done that is illegal (depending on the laws of the regain) is animate undead, and while an "evil act" creating undead is not necessarily against the law. Hellknights for example, as they fallow the rules and laws of Hell, do not see the creation of undead as illegal, so why would the Hellknight npc that might tag along with the party suggest turning her over to his custody?

"the armiger volunteers to take her into custody and escort her back to Breachill to face her crimes in court"

What crimes? Am I missing something, am I looking to far into this?

Bestiary 1 says as fallows
"A dragon knows and casts arcane spells as a
sorcerer of the level indicated in its specific description.
Its caster level depends on its age, as shown for each type."

So my question is this, if a Dragon were to gain levels in Sorcerer, would the spell level stack allowing the dragon to access higher level magic then one of its age category would normally have, and if yes, then does that mean Archetypes that use Sorcerer Bloodlines (such as Eldritch Scion Magus, or Blood Arcanist), could also stack?

So I am looking to make an Intimidation Slayer with Grim Reaper flavoring, but find myself unsure of what would be the best route to accomplish this as there are a LOT of Feats and traits for Intimidate builds. Combat Style: Menacing for Dazzling Display, Intimidating Prowess, and Shatter Defenses will be needed, but then what? The over all character idea will be using "shock and awe" tactics for combat, so pop up, scare everyone, butcher the frightened, disappear, rinse and repeat as needed. Does anyone have any suggestions to this end?

As a side note I would like to avoid Damnation Feats if possible sense those interfere with being revived after death.

Hey all you practitioners of undeath, I hope you are having a killer time! I am making an Undead Master Wizard for Skull and Shackles, but I have very little experience with Necromancy. Character restrictions are level 6, 3 traits. I know spell focus is a must have, probably go human (unless something better is suggested). One of my long term plans is to enhance ships with necro-craft. Any advice is greatly apricated.

So I am working on a witch npc who's themes are wind and storm, but I am hitting a mental wall on how to make her. So far all I have is level 15 witch, storm patron, storm born changeling. Any suggestions on feats, archetypes, and spells is appreciated.

So I am working on a witch npc who's themes are wind and storm, but I am hitting a mental wall on how to make her. So far all I have is level 15 witch, storm patron, storm born changeling. Any suggestions on feats, archetypes, and spells is appreciated.

So I am working on a witch npc who's themes are wind and storm, but I am hitting a mental wall on how to make her. So far all I have is level 15 witch, storm patron, storm born changeling. Any suggestions on feats, archetypes, and spells is appreciated.

So I am working on a witch npc who's themes are wind and storm, but I am hitting a mental wall on how to make her. So far all I have is level 15 witch, storm patron, storm born changeling. Any suggestions on feats, archetypes, and spells is appreciated.

So me and a friend of mine are looking for general weight for various dragons types and ages, but have been unable to find anything as of yet. Does anyone know of anything covering this? The reason behind this inquiry is because me and my friend were going over rules covering the price of magical meat (which is a pound for pound bases), and sense dragons are some of the most magical meat out there, we are trying to calculate how much cash we could get for the different types, and ages of dragons.

P.G. 96 of Ultimate Equipment
Inns with frequent adventurer clientele may have more exotic meats on the menu such as the meat of basilisks, dinosaurs, dire animals, giant scorpions, girallons, hydras, or shocker lizards, costing anywhere from 1–100 gp per meal depending on the danger and rarity of the creature

This has probably already been done and answered, but I an going to ask it again.
How does Unarmed Strike interact with Natural Attack? As an example: a character with the feat Imp Unarmed Strike gains the Mutant Template, which gives said character claw attacks. How does this change things, does it change things?

So me and a friend were throwing ideas back and forth and came up with a number items that share an origin point. You will notice that these items (potentially lesser Artifacts) are in the very early draft stage, so any advise or suggestions is greatly appreciated. I want to make them feel unique with a strong history.

General Background Lore
The Brinelord was an ancient sea serpent that made its lair in a deep oceanic trench near a tear to the Plane of Shadow off the coast Osirian. It terrorized sea side communities and ocean travelers for years growing more and more muted by the extra planer energies coming from the tear. One day, a group of adventures took up the bounty to seek out and kill the beast. After a long and dangerous journey to its underwater lair, they faced the monstrosity and slayed it. From its corps and the surrounding mutated terrain they crafted powerful items that they used for the rest of their adventuring careers. The tear leading to the Plane of Shadow went undiscovered all the way to the modern day, though no known monsters have yet to reach the Brinelord's power.

Brinelord's Bane: this Xiphos (use Gladius stats) was made from Elysian Bronze to kill the Brinelord. During the battle the blade was broken even as it struck the killing blow, after words the blade was taken and re-forged using minerals from the Brinelord's lair leading to the blade having black veins snaking though the Elysian Bronze.
This functions as a +5 Aberration and Aquatic Bane, Seaborne weapon. Any successful hit with the Brinelord's Bane causes the target to be effected with the fallowing poison
Brinelord's Blood (I do not have stats for this yet)

Staff of the Deep: this black staff at first appears like spiraling tentacles made of black stone. Closer inspection reveals it is actually made of black coral. This staff was made out of the pitch black coral taken from the Brinelord's lair by Setnau-chaem-uset.
When near an ocean or a area with strong ties to the Plane of Shadow (within 14 miles) The Staff of the Deep regains charges at an increased rate of 3 per day instead of 1 per day.
Summon Monster ( charge) (aquatic)
Control Water ( charge)
Create Water (0 charge)
Shadow Walk ( charge)
Shadow Weapon ( charge)
Plain Shift (2 charges), (To Setnau-chaem-uset's demi-plane only)
When the Staff of the Deep was created it was tied to a demi-plane of Setnau-chaem-uset's design. The demi-plane has the fallowing traits
Structure: an ancient Osirion library
Gravity: normal
Time: normal
Size: one and a half square miles.
Seasonal: Standard Osirion seasons
Bountiful: Fruits, Vegetables, Kelp,
Setnau-chaem-uset's demi-plane takes the form of a tranquil island off the coast of ever distant Osirion. Sitting within sight of the shore is a large stone library and arcane research work area.

Spear of the Serpent: made of bones pulled from the Brinelord's body
This spear is primarily made of bones and leather with a large fang for its head.
This functions as a +5 Seaborn, Returning, Wounding,

Arndell's Razor Fins: twin hand axes that have sea rope hooked to the ends of their handles that connected to a belt.
These function as two +5 Seaborn, Anarchic, Invigorating

There are more items, but these are the only ones I got so far with any mechanics to speak of.

So is it possible to summon undead like one would an outsider or a beast in the preexisting rules? Spells, feats, builds, anyway and everyway is good to know. If there is no way to then I would also appreciate a definitive "no way, no how" so I know homebrew is necessary.

So an artifact that counters an individual's ability to self resurrect/rejuvenat (Rasputin, vampires, outsiders as examples). Would that be ok to stat up and place in a game, and if so, what should be the limits of what it can permanently kill?

Hey all. Let me start off with a really ruff draft based of Pirates of the Caribbean curse.

Cursed Skeleton
Type: The creature’s type becomes undead. It keeps sub-types save for alignment sub-types and sub-types that indicate kind.
Armor Class: Natural armor as per skeleton (Small+1, Medium&Large+2).
Hit Dice: Change all of the creature’s racial Hit Dice to d8s. All Hit Dice derived from class levels remain unchanged. As undead, use their Charisma modifiers for health
Defensive Abilities: A Cursed Skeleton gains DR 5/ bludgeoning, channel resistance +4, and immunity to cold. It also gains all of the standard undead traits.
Fast Healing: A Cursed Skeleton has fast healing equal to 1 per 2 Hit Dice it possesses (minimum 1).
Speed: All non forms of non-magic flight are lost. All other movement types are retained.
Attacks: A Cursed Skeleton retains all the natural weapons, manufactured weapon attacks, and weapon proficiencies of the base creature, except for attacks that can’t work without flesh. A creature with hands gains one claw attack per hand as a primarily natural attack.. A claw attack deals damage depending on the Cursed Skeleton’s size (Small-1D3, Medium-1D4). If the base creature already had claw attacks with its hands, use the Cursed Skeleton claw damage only if it’s better.
Abilities: Str +2, Dex +2. As undead. It has no Constitution score.
BAB: Its BAB is the same as the base creature
Skills: Same as the base creature.
Special Qualities: A Cursed Skeleton gains the deathless special quality and the Hidden Form special ability
Deathless (Su): A Cursed Skeleton destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points, but it returns to unlife 1 hour later at 1 hit point, allowing its fast healing thereafter to resume healing it. Note, to kill a Cursed Skeleton the curse must first be removed, see "Breaking the Curse"
Hidden Form (Su) Unless exposed to direct moon light the character is constantly treated as if being under the Daywalker spell.
Downside: The character loses all ability to feel physical sensation, but their desire for it increases.
Breaking the Curse: to remove this template all of the cursed coins must be returned and all those that took them must pay a price of their blood. After that is done the character looses this template.

I still need a way to stat the downside, but I have no ideas for explaining a desire for sensation, and a hunger and thirst that can not be satisfied.

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I was thinking about stating some scaling artifacts and or legendary items, but I do no not have any idea how those are stated up. Does anyone know where I can look for guidelines, or does anyone have some rules of thumb they use for that?

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So this is a Weird West sort of thing on Earth in the Pathfinder Setting. Magic is a thing, but it is viewed the same way as it would have been back then. I plan for it to at first be standard Western, slowly leading up to the Weird part. The only big hiccup in this is my players of course, but that is to be expected. Primarily open world. I have a few encounter ideas outlined.

A silver mine town in at the bottom a gorge that is ran by Vampires.
Hunting an animal, that is more then a mere animal.
Alien encounters over a local farm.
A swamp ran by a trapped Fairy Lord.
Bandits that got their hands on some magic gear
An undead gunslinger out for revenge.
An undead gunslinger cursed to walk the earth until someone can beat him in a shoot out or a drink off.
Supernatural murderer on a train.

Any suggestions or critiques of any sort are welcome.

This gold ring inscribed with Mystical Runes and a set with a gemstone is one of Nine Rings of Power, those who wear this ring cease to physically age, but over time they become hallow shells of what they once were. The wearer of this Ring ignore age penalties and gain the Forsaken-Wraith Templet.

Forsaken-Wraith Template
AL: At first Aliment stays the same, prolong usage of this template will change aliment to Evil, as time wears away at the users personality.
Type: at first no change, but after prolonged use the creature’s type changes to Native Outsider (augmented)
Senses: Low light vision 60ft, Dark vision 60ft. If the character already has one or both of these, it instead increases by 60ft.
Hit Dice: Same as base creature
Defensive Abilities: Fast Healing 5/Fire, 10% miss chance, Immune to Positive and Negative Energy
Weaknesses: A Forsaken-Wraith cannot benefit from Positive or Negative Energy, or receive outside healing.
Speed: Same as the base creature.
Special Qualities: (Su) Once per day the Forsaken-Wraith can create an effect similar to the spell Darkness, with the exception that the radius is 50 feet centered on user at time of casting, and lasts for 10 minutes.
(Su) The Forsaken-Wraith can cast Shadow Step once every 1d4 rounds at a caster level equal to his hit dice,
When the Forsaken-Wraith would be killed they instead fade away and reform one day (24 hours) later intact, at full health, and cured of all afflictions
Special Attacks: A Forsaken-Wraith gains the special attacks described below. Save DCs are equal to 10 + 1/2 Forsaken-Wraith's HD + either the Forsaken-Wraith’s int, wis or cha modifier (which ever is higher) unless otherwise noted.
Any weapons or armor wielded by a Forsaken-Wraith counts as having Ghost Touch
Fear Aura (Su): Creatures of less than 5 HD in a 60- foot radius that look at the Forsaken-Wraith must succeed on a Will save or become frightened. Creatures with 5 HD or more must succeed at a Will save or be shaken for a number of rounds equal to the Forsaken-Wraith's Hit Dice. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same Forsaken-Wraith’s aura for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Dread Scream (Su): As a Standard Action the Forsaken-Wraith can emit a powerful shriek, this functions as a 15 foot cone sonic attack 1d4 damage per every 2 HD the Forsaken-Wraith has, Reflex for half.

Quick note, I took a decent amount of inspiration from the Shadow of War games for this.

So I am working on a Magic Sword for a sea campaign, but I need some input on it. Help please?

The Item is
Buccaneer's Friend
CL13 (its price should be around 97,00 gp). Aura strong varies
This +4 one handed Falchion (use basic Falchion stats, no penalties for being used one handed) can bond with a single ship as part of a 24 hour ritual allowing the user to seemingly bring the very ship alive under their control. Mechanically this allows the user to operate the entire ship through thought (sails, ropes, rudder, ship weapons exedra). In addition, the sword has 10 charges that can be spent to activate the fallowing effects (these charges recharge every Sun Set)
Animate Rope (1 Charge) ( if used on rope belonging to the bonded ship 0 charges needed)
Gust of wind (1 charge)
Fog cloud (1 charge)
Grease (1 Charge)
Control Weather (3 Charges)

All user and ally Profession Sailing checks on the bonded ship gain a +2 bonus,
The biggest advantage to wielding the Buccaneer's Friend is that it passively alters the environment around the bonded ship lessening the harshness of storms (reduce the penalty from weather effects by one step) and subtilty altering wind and tide to increase the waterborne speed by 10%