Bearlock's page

86 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Even since i played 3.5 ive always ruled that pc's proficient with martial weapons can use spears as one handed martial weapons and longspears as one handed exotic weapons. Both can still be used as simple weapons when used with two hands, but even in RL history the spear was a far more common weapon used in conjuntion with a shield than any other.

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Dwarves have to be strictly back up. They don't have the grace to master the slide out of the line up

This is what I mean

Back to topic though, I would stay with ranger. Yeah rogue has more skills, bard would have the same amount of skills and spells, however what they do not have, and neither does anyone in your party, is a full BAB, d10 hd, AND the ability to perform well at range and in melee. All that and good hunk of skills? You'd be the all-star.

Vote ranger bro. You want to. Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

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I would say that the Guide archetype would be my choice. The focus ability is nice, keeps pace with FE damage-wise, and is nice for lower levels before you can access the Instant Enemy spell. I've never really cared too much for the FE as a class feature, I get why its thematically appropriate, but if you don't select the right FE's its basically useless, and if you do have the right FE's you blow the rest of the party away. In modules like RHoD? You would slaughter it easily if the DM didn't manage it right. If the focus ability of the Guide was the standard way for a Ranger (a skilled hunter who was trained to find weaknesses) I for one would be happier.

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3.5 Loyalist wrote:
Sylirinight wrote:
Try multiclassing with a rouge...
Take a class on make-up?

This. This never gets old lol.