Arcane Experimenter

Bastargrae Sweetgulp's page

472 posts. Alias of e-terah earthenchild.

Anybody seen Osmosis Jones? There's a character named Thrax whom I've fallen in love with so far as his character design goes. I wanted to make a PC based off him--more appropriately a tiefling. Any suggestions? I was considering him specialized in a spiked chain and claws along with a spell-like ability similar to burning hands or acid touch with his claws. He's not evil but surprise charming and smooth despite his unsettling bizarre looks. Chaotic Neutral which can almost be as bad as being evil. Former gang leader/ highway man.
Used to be a highwayman but got chased off by a patrol of dwarves that killed his bandits. He used one of his minions as a shield from crossbow bolts and fled,escaping the warhounds they sicced on him. In the process of the botched robbing,one of his men chucked a flask of something they recently robbed a passing noble carriage of--a philtre of love. It hit him full in the face,dribbled into his mouth--and he locked eyes with one of the dwarves--a she-dwarf leading the patrol and fell in love. Horrified by these sudden overwhelming emotions,he ran. Now,bewildered and desperately in love with a she-dwarf he briefly locked eyes with he doesn't know,after trying to extort a toll/rob her and her companions,he doesn't have a clue as what to do!

Not exactly sure how to roleplay a tiefling in love (madly,desperately,magic induced) especially one as inhuman looking,and who was more or less asexual prior to said incident with the philtre of love.

Anyone can help me make a build for him? A tiefling with rogue levels with natural weapons his claws and specialist with a spiked chain? Lvl 3 and up seem to be good starting points.

Anybody seen Osmosis Jones? There's a character named Thrax whom I've fallen in love with so far as his character design goes. I wanted to make a PC based off him--more appropriately a tiefling.

Any suggestions? I was considering him specialized in a spiked chain and claws along with a spell-like ability similar to burning hands or acid touch with his claws.

He's not evil but surprise charming and smooth despite his unsettling bizarre looks. Used to be a highwayman but got chased off by a patrol of dwarves that killed his bandits. He used one of his minions as a shield from crossbow bolts and fled,escaping the warhounds they sicced on him.
In the process of the botched robbing,one of his men chucked a flask of something they recently robbed a passing noble carriage of--a philtre of love. It hit him full in the face,dribbled into his mouth--and he locked eyes with one of the dwarves--a she-dwarf leading the patrol and fell in love. Horrified by these sudden overwhelming emotions,he ran.

Now,bewildered and desperately in love with a she-dwarf he briefly locked eyes with he doesn't know,after trying to extort a toll/rob her and her companions,he doesn't have a clue as what to do!

I have him somewhere in Magnimar in Varisia.

Need some suggestions.

Need advice to optimize my dwarven oracle of stone to full potential as she advances through levels.with tongues curse,how can I make her resilient and extremely versatile?

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Anybody here played Hidden Object Games?Especially ones from Big Fish? I've been thinking that some of them would make great stand alone solo adventures or even demos,converted into Pathfinder or D&D.

I'm hoping to have any feedback and opinions on this--and feel free to list your personal favorites.Mine are Haunted Legends,with a recurring villain known as S.G. the Evil Dwarf,Mystery Legends which covered The Headless Horseman,Phantom of the Opera,and Beauty and the Beast(where you fight a giant spider and her young with a sword and shotgun),Mystery Trackers,and Dark Parables which covered Sleeping Beauty,Snow White,and the Frog Prince.

The new specialist classes of the bard such as Detective also inspired me,as they fit the role perfectly along with the Pathfinder Society,with a way to impress its members by unraveling a profound mystery.

I'm fairly green at doing and I'm having fun with the campaign I'm playing currently in but pbp is pretty slow.I was thinking of an adventure that involves the sister to the character I'm playing in the other pbp,who accidentally ended up elsewhere attempting to follow said character to make her return home.She contacts a seer to check up on her sister's whereabouts who tells her to pray and hope for the best as its all she can really do.Resigned,the character decides that she'll undergo a coming of age ritual to make her father proud and take his mind off her wayward sister.She decided to perform a Gladdringgar and find her father's name carving--which she is bewildered to discover is located in Droskar's Crag--in the depths of the settlement that had once been the theocracy of Ordrik.Which members of the Pathfinder Society are very interested in.The question is---how strong can she possibly become to not only reach Droskar's Crag alive,get inside,locate her da's Gladdringgar,make her own kangreddin,and return home to her day as a proper adult? Or,better yet,who could help her accomplish her task?

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I'm new to roleplaying and hope to start here. I love the Pathfinder setting and wish to run through an adventure or campaign online. Either by joining a group or one of those 2 player GM/DM and lone adventurer. I'm open to suggestions ... I like the unconventional advanced players guide classes a d races.Play by post preferred.