
Basiliv's page

49 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Would it be possible to add a Harrow Deck to this order? I don't mind waiting until they're both in stock.


Has anyone tried the stand-alone Harrow game yet?

I'm an avid BoardGameGeek, and I'm curious how the card game is. If it's at least Three-Dragon Ante good, then I'll probably pick it up. If it's no better than Inn Fighting, then I'll have to pass.

Sadly, I'm starting to have serious doubts about ever getting to run anyone through Curse of the Crimson Throne, so I'll need another reason to find space in my game closet for Harrow. *sigh* :-(


It looks like I somehow managed to delete two items from my cart when I placed this order, when I only meant to delete one.

Is it possible to add the Noble's Handbook (Green Ronin) to this order again? If it's easier to cancel the order and make me place it again, that works for me too.

Thanks for your help!

Noon PST?

Just wondering if there's an ETA on shipping the pre-orders for this yet? I'm just anxious. :-)

Thanks much.

Great issue guys, bravo. I nearly teared up reading the farewells from Jason, Mike, Wes, and Erik. And how cool was Holian's "Treasures of Greyhawk"? Yeah, Gary!

But I have to admit that I've been looking forward to this Apocrypha article the most. And so far it's wonderful...but it seems to be missing something (unless I am, which is entirely possible).

Iggwilv wrote:
All demon lords are one of the three known demonic races, and thus the creature gains the loumara, obyrith, or tanar'ri sub-type as well, along with all the abilities and traits for that sub-type.

The article then goes on to discuss the Forms of Madness for obyriths...and that's it. There's no mention of the abilities or traits for the other two sub-types, it just moves on to discuss Hit Dice.

Are these in Fiendish Codex I? If so, that makes perfect sense. If not, any chance of posting those on your site? :-)

I just figured the only way to end my confusion was to ask -- no big deal. I can't wait for Pathfinder guys, please keep up the great work!!

I want to start by saying how much I love Dungeon. The last few years have been top notch, and I'd like to thank the Dungeon staff for providing me with my favorite gaming products over the last couple years. I look forward to each issue much more than I do with new releases by Wizards.

Still, I have a request to make. Would it be possible to place each map a page or two further into the adventure? Sound weird? Lemme splain by example.

In the new issue (#128), pg 49 has the map of the Arena's Understructure...and only rooms 1 & 2.5 on the same page. So for rooms 2.5-15, I've got to turn back 1-2 pages if I want to refer to the map. The same is true repeatedly:

Champion's Belt:
- map for rooms 16-23 on pg 51, room 16 descr on pg 52.
- map for 24-32 on pg 53, descr for room 24 on pg 54.

- maps are on page 23, descr of room 1 on pg 24.

Fireplace Level:
- map for V1-8 on pg 90, descr of rm 1 on pgs 91-92.

Now, I'm perfectly aware that we're talking about a 1 page map compared to room descriptions that span several pages. I'm also not trying to be picky, so if it were always 1-2 pages I wouldn't be posting this. It's the periodic need to turn (for example) from page 59 to 53 to view the appropriate map that I'd love to avoid. My personal preference would be to place the map in the center of the appropriate group of room descriptions, rather than making the reader turn back so far.

Pretty please??

Between the Diamond Lake backdrop, all the wonderful 1st Ed feel to this adventure, and the Campaign Seeds that make my mouth water, I can't wait for the rest of the Path.

Now I'm off to read the Chambers of Antiquities...this issue is too good to be true.

Seriously, standing ovation from me. Wonderful job!!

Quick question about room #7. I'm not trying to nitpick, I just think maybe I'm not understanding the clue indicated in the adventure.
I don't understand the part about the extended fingers providing a clue. Isn't the sarcophagus pointing toward O when the PCs arrive? So wouldn't that mean the fingers were pointing toward I?? *scratches head*

Sorry for the confusion.

I love the new Greyhawk maps, absolutely wonderful. But PLEASE make sure that my address label is not affixed directly to any future sections of the map! It came off no problem, but it could have been ugly.

I know a lot of hard work went into these maps, so please talk to the shipping folks to make sure we can appreciate them in all their glory. Thanks much.

I just wanted to take a second to say just how much these articles rock. Nice chunky mouthfuls of exactly the sort of things my campaign needs: NPC fences, informants, and dealers, the contents of vacant buildings in my town, cool doors, bridges, and fountains to spice things up, etc., etc., etc...little one-shot interesting tidbits that really make my life a lot easier.

Kudos to all the authors so far, but a special thanks to the Dungeon staff for printing these for me. PLEASE keep it up, I need a ton of these things. ;-)