Baron Hannis Drelev

Barton "Bart" Oliver's page

39 posts. Organized Play character for BartonOliver.

Full Name

Venture Captain Barton "Bart" Oliver




Fighter 13.2







Special Abilities

Shoots Betty (his bow) real good like


Chaotic Good


Common and Taldane



Strength 14
Dexterity 23
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16
Charisma 8

About Barton "Bart" Oliver

Very gruff and doesn't like talking to people whose capabilities he doesn't know. Tends to keep to himself, though does show occasional signs of a dry wit. Is trying to break out of these habits since becoming a Venture Captain. Often found in the wild hunting or in the Grand Lodge training grounds, when not at his lodge in Galt or on an adventure.


Init +10, move 30ft, Perc +27
AC 30, Flat 24, Touch 19
Fort 17, Ref 18, Will 17
CMB - 15, CMD 31 (40 versus Sunder and Disarm)
BAB - 13, Attack +31 (1d8+14)
Default Full attack with Rapid and Deadly
+25(2 arrows)/+25/+20/+15 (up to 5d8 +110)


1 - Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot (Fighter), Rapid Shot (Human)
2 - Weapon Focus (Longbow)
3 - Deadly Aim
4 - Weapon Specialization
5 - Iron Will
6 - Clustered Shots
7 - Manyshot
8 - Greater Weapon Focus (Longbow)
9 - Improved Critical (Advanced Weapon Training, Weapon Versatility - Kn.(Engineering) and Perception
10 - Point Blank Master
11 - Additional Traits (Narrows Survivor and Fate's Favored)
12 - Improved Precise Shot
13 - Endurance


Observant +1 to Perception and Class skill (Grand Lodge)
Defender of Society +1 to AC in Medium or heavy Armor (Combat)
Narrows Survivor +1 to Sense Motive and Class Skill (Region)
Fate's Favored +1 to any luck bonus (Faith)

Class Features:

Bonus Feats @ 1 and odd levels
Bravery +3 to saves versus fear
Armor Training +3 to Max Dex, -3 to ACP, full movement in med. and heavy armor
Weapon Training (adjusted by Gloves of Dueling) +5 Bows, +4 Heavy Blades

Acrobatics +11, Climb +11, Disable Device +9, Escape Artist +9, Fly +9, Handle Animal +5, Intimidate +10, Kn.(Dungeon) +6, Kn.(Engineer) +18, Kn.(Planes) +6, Kn.(Religion) +6, Perception +27, Profession(Soldier) +10, Ride +11, Sense Motive +11, Sleight of Hand +9, Survival +21 (+26 for Tracking), Swim +8


Dkwood Longbow +4, Adaptive, Dagger, MW Longsword, Adaptive Longbow +1
CI Arrows (90), CI Arrows (Ghost Salt) (9), Blunt Arrows (19), Adamantine Durable (19,)Grapple Arrows (2)
Bloodblock, Smelling Salt, Vial of Efficacious Med. *2, Silk Rope, Bead of Newt Protection
Wayfinder (Resonated), Wayfinder, Stone of Good Luck
Mithril Full Plate +1 with Determination, Darkwood Buckler, Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier
Wisdom headband +2, Lenses of Detection, Swarmbane Clasp, Cloak of Resistance +5, Gloves of Dueling
Ring of Feather Fall, Dex belt +2, Slipper of Spider Climb
Haversack, Efficient Quiver, Pathfinder Pouch, Cure Light Wounds Wand (44 charges)
Clear Spindle Ioun Stone (Resonated), Dusty Rose Prism (cracked), Pale Green Prism Ioun Stone (Saves)
Dull Gray Prism (Heightened Continual Flame), Potion of Fly, Oil of Daylight
Cure Light Wounds Potion, Antitoxin *2, Antiplague *2, Elixir of Spirit Sight
Remove Blind/Deaf Potion, Alchemical Kindness *7, Air Crystals,
Make Whole scroll, Breath of Life scroll

Character Intro:

I'm Bart I shoot stuff with arrows. (though he has once given a full introduction, in Eyes of the Ten)

Other favorite sayings:

"Shut Up Bobo!"
"Can I shoot it?"
"An archer with enough arrows is functionally equivalent to magic" (though he learned the big words for Professor Skwidd)
"Let's name the elephant Osprey, just in case"