Tournament Champion

Bart the Bard's page

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I'll keep talking with Arles to see if I can find out more. I'll ask if they were acting strange, if they'd mentioned anything, and if he'd seen them hanging out with any new people. We should also look at a map to see what's out West that seems like a likely destination for Aron.

Do either of them have any friends or associates we can speak to? Maybe their tent-mates or commanding officer?

That sounds like a good idea. We'd like to talk to him. Let's head over. (When we be get there, Bart will perform his song)

We should start by asking around and seeing if anyone knows anything. I whip out my handy dandy notebook and compose a song to help us. Then I cast Summon Musical Instrument and manifest a violin, and begin my Bardic Performance for Inspire Competence (+3 on all skill checks) to help them remember.

Please my dear comrade,
We have a question for you.
Nurah and Aron are missing,
We cannot find those two!

Have you heard or seen
Any word or clue
That can help us discover
Where our friends got to?

They are officers in our army
And they shouldn't be missing!
Is it possible that they have
Simply gone off for kissing? ;)

Now please search your mind
And share any information
So that we may all continue
Our jolly murdercation.

(Sing it with me!!)

Bart the Bard, reporting for duty!