Friendly Fighter

Baros's page

161 posts. Alias of ElbowtotheFace.


Male Halfling Barbarian 2 | S10, A13, I10, W10 | HP 22/22 | D17| Move: 8 | Insanity: 0 | Corruption: 0| Fortune: No | Status: Normal


Wilderness (Exile), Wilderness (Guide)

About Baros

Name: Baros Bitterthistle
Ancestry: Halfling
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Level: 2
Lifestyle: Getting by
Appearance: Skinny but otherwise nondescript and unremarkable.
Personality: Try to do right by my friends provided it doesn’t slow me down
Background: Went on an adventure with a band of dwarfs and plan to write about it someday

(Add or remove as needed for specific Ancestry)

Strength: 10
Agility: 13
Intellect: 10
Will: 10

Perception: 10
Defense: 16
Health: 22
Healing Rate: 5

Size: 1/2
Speed: 8
Power: 0

Damage: 0
Insanity: 0
Corruption: 0

Spoken Languages: Common

Written Languages: Common

Professions: Wilderness (Exile), Wilderness (Guide)
General (Specific)

Ancestry Traits and Abilities:

Good Fortune: Whenever a creature within short range rolls a 1 on any die, you can use a triggered action to discard the roll and let the creature roll the die again.
Uncommon Courage: When you become frightened, you can use a triggered action to make a Will challenge roll. On a success, you remove the affliction.

Quirks and Marks of Darkness:

(Write in these if you ever gain a quirk or mark of Darkness)

Paths and Path Abilities:

(Write here your Paths and class abilities when you gain them).

Novice Path: Barbarian
Attributes Increase your Strength and Agility each by 1.
Characteristics Health +6
Languages and Professions You gain one wilderness profession of your choice. (Trade to learn to read common)
Equipment You gain one basic melee weapon of your choice.
Barbarian Weapon Training When you attack with a basic weapon, you make the roll with 1 boon.
Battle Sense While you’re wearing light or no armor, you have a +2 bonus to Defense.
Furious Recovery You can use an action to heal damage equal to your healing rate. Until the end of the next round, you make attack rolls with 1 boon. Once you use this talent, you must wait until you complete a rest before you can use it again.
Barbarian 2
Characteristics Health +6
Combat Prowess Your attacks with weapons deal 1d6 extra damage.
Overwhelming Strike When the total of your attack roll with a weapon is 20 or higher and beats the target number by 5 or more, your attack deals 1d6 extra damage and the target must get a success on a Strength challenge roll or fall prone.

Expert Path:

Master Path:


You have a dagger, a sling with 20 stones, basic clothing, a backpack, a week of rations, a waterskin, a tinderbox, 1 torches, and a pouch containing 13 ss, 3 cp. Spear, soft leather armor, small shield.


Tradition Special:
Rank 0:
Spell Name (2/2): Description.

Rank 1:
Spell Name (1/1): Description.

For each tradition, write the name of the tradition, any special features about that tradition (for example, Battle Madness), each spell you know followed by the current and daily number of castings and a description.


1) How do others make you feel? Do you like being the center of attention or being left alone; is there such a thing as a stranger to you or do you even know what it's like to have a friend. Things like that.
Baros is comfortable with people and makes friends easily, but also, he has no issues being alone, and excessive attention will make him uncomfortable.

2) Name one thing you value most. Then name one thing you could lose. These could be ideals, physical possessions, relationships, etc..
Joy, he believes that laughter and happiness are key to keeping the darkness at bay; Hope, as the darkness seems to be spreading further and faster with each passing week, he fears that the Demon Lords total victory maybe inevitable.

3) What do you fear? What do you hate?
Losing hope. Unkindness

4) What do you desire? What do you love?
Peace (both in the large and small scale). Good food, and just about all food is good.

5) You have (at least) one secret. What is it?
While fishing with a friend in his youth a dam upstream collapsed sending a wall of water their way. They scrambled up a tree and when the branch they were sharing felt like it would give way, in fear for his own life he shoved his friend who fell into the water and drowned, leading to Baros’s self-imposed exile.

6) Have you done something Notable? What was it?
Went on an adventure with a band of dwarfs and plan to write about it someday.

7) Are you in charge or do you let others take that roll? Do you rebuke authority or revel in it?
Baros lets others do most of the leading but if needed will step up although only briefly. Neither.

8) Do you follow through on your promises and obligations? Or do you delay or avoid? Do you feel guilty when you don't uphold them?
A promise made is a promise kept, and only in the direst of circumstances should they be left unfulfilled

9) What are your opinions on Good and Evil? Do they exist? Or is it all shades of Grey? Where do you see yourself?
Do they exist, assuredly. Are there gray areas, naturally. Baros is largely unconcerned Good and Evil as cosmic concepts, he tries to help those he can and cause little harm along the way. )

My Story:

Baros Bitterthistle grew up in a small fishing village along a large river with multiple dams along it, in truth it was almost more like farming than fishing by the time Baros was a teen. If they wanted to really fish, they had to head down river past the last dam. There was a spot along the south bank with tall trees and plenty of shade where he and his best friend Willan would go when their chores were done. On one sad and unfortunate day while the boys were fishing the dam broke sending a wall of water their way. The boys scrambled up a nearby tree, Baros was able to get to safety standing on a high branch while Willan grasped the same branch tightly with one hand. As the water beat the tree and Willan, his weight caused the branch to begin to give way. In a moment of sheer panic Baros, while hugging the tree trunk, stomped on his friend’s hand causing him to lose his grip on the branch, Baros never even saw Willan come up a second time for air and then he was gone drown in the flood waters.
Baros remained in the village for a few months after that but while most of the villagers believed it was an accident, others were more suspicious. His own guilt would eventually lead to Baros going into self-imposed exile in the wilderness. He learned to survive off the land and eventually began making a living as a wilderness guide. He even helped guide a group of dwarfs back to their ancestral home land, but that is a long best suited for another time. Reconnecting with people helped him put the past to rest a bit, and he began to enjoy life a bit more. He began to make friends with repeat customers and with people of the towns on the edges of the wilderness.

Random Rolls:

3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 4) = 9 18-35
3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4) = 7 Skinny no matter how much I eat
3d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2) = 10 Average and unremarkable
1d20 ⇒ 18 Went on an adventure with a band of dwarfs and plan to write about it someday
3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 2) = 13 Don't believe gods exist
3d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 3) = 10 Try to do right by my friends provided it doesn’t slow me down
1d6 + 1d20 ⇒ (6) + (5) = 11 Guide
1d6 + 1d20 ⇒ (6) + (3) = 9 Exile
3d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 5) = 11 Getting by
1d6 + 1d20 ⇒ (5) + (19) = 24 Piece of amber containing a human faced fly
4d20 ⇒ (7, 16, 8, 9) = 40 Idealistic and Obnoxious