
Baron Silgore Katstelian's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


Dark Archive

Here's my 1st attempt in writing anything for a contest.
Anyone and everyone, please give me constructive critiques so I may be able to hone my skills.

The Nefarious Nex Umbra

Aura moderate necromancy; CL 3rd
Slot eyes; Price 14,500 gp; Weight ---

Necromancers of spellcasting societies craft these sinister spectacles. The wearer sees most of the world in black and white. They grant her 60-foot darkvision. Within 30 feet, living things show up in color, dead things show up as pitch black, and harrowing things ”in-between” register as shades of grey. Fragile creatures (those with 3 or fewer hit points left) appear as dark shades of color, while those fighting off death (those with 4 or more hit points) appear as light shades of color. Undead creatures appear fluorescent. Shimmering nimbuses of flame-like energy surround the images of creatures neither alive nor dead (such as constructs). Interpreting these weird perceptions require a DC 15 Knowledge (Arcana) check.

Wearing the Nex Umbra constantly can drive the wearer insane. Each time the wearer puts them on, she must make a DC 15 Will save or be stunned for one round. Wearing them for more than three hours forces a DC 20 Will save or become confused; while wearing them for more than six hours forces a DC 30 Will save or fall in madness.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item; deathwatch, darkvision; Cost 7,250 gp