
Barendd Nobeard's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts (13 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Most of the items from "My Dounloads" have disappeared.

There were there the last time I download something (three days ago--Thursday, September 1--when I downloaded Strange Aeons 1 of 6).

But now when I log in, "My Downloads" only shows ten items. Over the years, I have purchased dozens of items (maybe more than 100), including the first 30 Adventure Path monthly volumes, last spring's "Humble Bundle," and many others.

Where did they all go? Can I get them back, please?? Thanks.

The Exchange

Love all the setting posters we've gotten in Paizo magazines over the last few years.

But (there's always a "but")....the size drives me nuts.

I was going to frame my GH ones for my wall, but they're 21x30. I found some frames that are 20x30. The next standard size up appears to be 24x36.

If you do any posters in the future, can you make the sections a standard poster size, so we can buy standard sized frames? I think you've mentioned that you probably won't be doing any posters in the near future, but I decided to mention it just in case. Thanks for any consideration.

As it is now, I will have a lot of wasted space in a really big frame, or I will have to trim 1" off the poster. And it's 1" off the actual map, not the decorative border on the sides. Neither option is that appealing, but both are better (financially, that is) than custom framing.

The Exchange


Is there any chance we could get the Key to the Greyhawk map as a .pdf download? I really don't want to cut up my magazine, and I'd like to frame and hang the key next to the posters (which I'm framing).

Thanks for the maps--they're great!
