Farzam Khorsheed

Bardok Marsh's page

272 posts. Organized Play character for Christopher Wasko (RPG Superstar 2015 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16).

Full Name

Bardok Marsh


HP 71/71 (Toughness) | AC 25 | F +14 R +17 W +16 (Haughty Obstinacy) | Resist fire 5 | Perc +13 | Stealth +3 |


25 ft | Focus 2/2 | Spells (DC 27) 1st 4/4, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 4/4, 4th 4/4, 5th 3/3 | SLAs Used: — | Active Conditions: — | Hero Points 1/1


N male Varisian human (skilled - Deception) sorcerer (aberrant) 9 |



Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 10
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 14
Charisma 19

About Bardok Marsh

Bot Me:
Cast produce flame at an enemy.

PFS Information:

PFS Number: 125136-2002
Experience: 104
Fame: N/A
Gold: 297.79

Training: Scrolls (0), Spells (3), Swords (0)

Major Factions
Envoy’s Alliance: 2
Grand Archive: 2
Horizon Hunters: 4
Vigilant Seal: 116 (4 from Revered)
Minor Factions
Radiant Oath: 2
Verdant Wheel: 2
All Faction Reputation
Total (Sum of the Above) Reputation: 128

Purchased Boons (use this for boons bought w/ Fame, which don’t come w/ a Chronicle)

Vigilant Seal Champion (Faction) (0 Fame) (the Champion boon for your first faction is free)
Combat Mentor (Mentor) (2 Fame; Chronicle #7)
Curse Breaker (Downtime) (2 Fame; Chronicle #8)
Resist Corruption (2 Fame; Chronicle #16)
Improved Seal Champion (Faction) (8 Fame; Chronicle #16)
Adamant Wayfinder (Item) (2 Fame; Chronicle #16)

Bardok Marsh:
Ethnicity: Human
Nationality: Varisian
Birthplace: Magnimar
Age: 28
Gender & Pronouns: Male (he/him/his)
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 150 lbs
Physical Appearance: disheveled, turban inlaid with Thassilonian runes, orbiting gold nodule aeon stone

Ancestry Human (skilled - Deception)
Background Thassilonian Delver
Class Sorcerer; Level: 9; Experience: 104
Size Medium Traits Humanoid (human)
Alignment N; Deity none
Languages: Aklo, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Jotun, Sylvan (item), Thassilonian, Varisian
Perception: +13 (2 (Wis) + 11 (prof)) [T]
Special Senses: none


AC: 25 (10 + 3 (Dex) + 11 (prof) + 1 (item)) [T]

Unarmored: [T], All Others: [U]

Fortitude: +14 (0 (Con) + 13 (prof) + 1 (item)) [E]
Reflex: +17 (3 (Dex) + 13 (prof) + 1 (item)) [E]
Will: +16 (2 (Wis) + 13 (prof) + 1 (item)) [E]
Notes: +2 Will (blood magic), Haughty Obstinacy

Resistances: fire 5

Class DC: 25 (10 + 4 (Cha) + 11 (prof) + 0 (item)) [T]

Speed: 25 ft.

Melee Strikes

  • Staff +11 (0 (Str) + 11 (prof) + 0 (item)) [T]
    damage (d4 + 0 (Str)) [Bludgeoning] (two-hand 1d8)
  • Dagger +14 (3 (Dex) + 11 (prof) + 0 (item)) [T]
    damage (d4 + 0 (Str)) [P/S] (agile, finesse, thrown 10 ft, versatile P/S)
  • Fist +14 (3 (Dex) + 11 (prof) + 0 (item)) [T]
    damage (d4 + 0 (Str)) [Bludgeoning] (agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed)

    Ranged Strikes

  • Dagger +14 (3 (Dex) + 11 (prof) + 0 (item)) [T]
    damage (d4 + 0 (Str)) [P/S] (agile, finesse, thrown 10 ft, versatile P/S)

    Weapon Proficiencies
    Simple: [T], Unarmed: [T], Other: [U]

    Magic Traditions
    Arcane: innate
    Divine: 0
    Occult: 9
    Primal: 0

    Spell Attack Roll (occult): +17 = (4 (Cha) + 13 (prof)) [E]
    Spell DC (occult): 27 = (10 + 4 (Cha) + 13 (prof)) [E]

    Focus Points: 2/2

    Spell Slots per Day
    1st: 4
    2nd: 4
    3rd: 4
    4th: 4
    5th: 3

    Spells Known
    5th: Banishment, Black Tentacles (B), Summon Entity (Sig)
    4th: Confusion (B), Globe of Invulnerability, Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer (Sig)
    3rd: Hypnotic Pattern, Invisibility Sphere, Slow, Vampiric Touch (B, Sig)
    2nd: Dispel Magic, Invisibility, Sound Burst (Sig), Touch of Idiocy (B)
    1st: Charm, Ill Omen, Soothe (Sig), Spider Sting (B)
    Cantrips (5th level): Daze (B), Detect Magic (Feat, 3rd), Electric Arc (I), Forbidding Ward, Guidance (I), Light, Prestidigitation (I), Produce Flame (I), Shield
    Focus: Aberrant Whispers, Tentacular Limbs
    Innate (1/day): Comprehend Language (resonant power), Dream Message (4th-Level, pendant), Earthbind, Feather Fall, Gust of Wind, Knock, Wall of Wind
    Occult Evolution: Temporarily add mind of menace to spell repertoire each day (other options with Mental trait include agitate, agonizing despair (H), animus mine, charitable urge, charm, calm emotions, crushing despair (H), déjà vu, draw ire, dream message (H), dreaming potential, dull ambition, endure (H), fear (3rd), hallucination (H), heroism (H), hideous laughter, impending doom (H), invoke spirits (H), liberating command, lose the path, mind of menace, mirror malefactors (H), nightmare, outcast's curse, paralyze, paranoia, phantasmal treasure, phantom pain (H), phantom prison (H), sending, share lore, sleep, spirit sense (H), subconscious suggestions (H), suggestion (H), synaptic pulse, synethesia (H), telepathy (H), warrior's regret (H))


    Arcana: +19 = 3 (Int) + 15 (prof) + 1 (item) [M]
    Deception: +17 = 4 (Cha) + 13 (prof) + 0 (item) [E]
    Diplomacy: +17 = 4 (Cha) + 13 (prof) + 0 (item) [E]
    Intimidation: +17 = 4 (Cha) + 13 (prof) + 0 (item) [E]
    Lore (Architecture): +14 = 3 (Int) + 11 (prof) + 0 (item) [T]
    Lore (Thassilonian): +16 = 3 (Int) + 13 (prof) + 0 (item) [E]
    Nature: +13 = 2 (Wis) + 11 (prof) + 0 (item) [T]
    Occultism: +18 = 3 (Int) + 13 (prof) + 2 (item) [E]
    Religion: +13 = 2 (Wis) + 11 (prof) + 0 (item) [T]
    Society: +14 = 3 (Int) + 11 (prof) + 0 (item) [T]

    STR +0, DEX +3, CON +0, INT +3, WIS +2, CHA +4 (19)

    Ancestry Feats and Abilities
    Heritage 1st: Skilled Heritage (Deception)
    1st: Arcane Tattoo (evocation - electric arc)
    5th: Ornate Tattoo (gust of wind)
    9th: Virtue-Forged Tattoo (wall of wind)

    Skill Feats
    Background: Arcane Sense
    2nd: Lie To Me
    4th: Trick Magic Item
    5th: Recognize Spell (school training) [+2 vs mental (staff)]
    6th: Multilingual (Aklo and Infernal)
    8th: Quick Recognition

    General Feats
    3rd: Ancestral Paragon (Haughty Obstinacy)
    7th: Toughness

    Class Feats and Abilities
    Feature 1st: aberrant bloodline, sorcerer spellcasting, spell repertoire
    2nd: Runescarred Dedication (Produce Flame)
    3rd: signature spells
    4th: Occult Evolution (trained in Nature)
    5th: ability boosts, magical fortitude
    6th: Advanced Bloodline
    7th: expert spellcaster
    8th: Spell Runes
    9th: lightning reflexes


    Combat Gear: scroll of bind undead, lesser antidote, lesser elixir of life
    Magic Items: bracers of armor I (invested), cold iron chunk, gold nodule aeon stone (Sylvan; invested), greater mentalist's staff, greater pendant of the occult (invested), hat of the magi (invested), ring of fire resistance (invested), wand of fear (3rd), wand of manifold missiles (3rd), wayfinder of rescue (invested, engraved [1-01])
    Other Gear: dagger, adventurer's pack (errata = 0 Bulk*), bandolier, sheath, advanced book of translation (Tien)*

    Bulk: 2.0 (Encumbered at: 5 = 5 + 0 (Str); Maximum at: 10 = 10 + 0 (Str))

    Coins: 9 copper, 7 silver, 297 gold, 0 platinum (or 297.79 gp)


    1. PFS(2) 1-01: The Absalom Initiation:

    Engraved Wayfinder (Slotless): To celebrate your success as a Pathfinder agent, Janira gave you a compass lid engraved with your name and a Glyph of the Open Road, symbol of the Pathfinder Society. You can attach this lid to any compass, including a wayfinder, to personalize it.
    [X] Society Connections (Downtime): Your connections with leaders within the Pathfinder Society help you find opportunities, both new missions and support for your other endeavors. Check the box that precedes this boon when you Earn Income during Downtime to attempt a task of level 3. If you critically fail the check, you still earn the result of a failure for that task.
    Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: +4
    Fame Spent: 0
    Gold Earned: +14
    Downtime: +0.4 GP

    2. PFS(2) 1-02: The Mosquito Witch:

    Cryptid Scholar (Untyped Boon): Your experiences with the Mosquito Witch have inspired you to research strange creatures. When you Recall Knowledge to identify a rare or unique creature, you can use the following reaction.
    Reaction (fortune) Uses 3 [] [] [] Trigger You attempt to Recall Knowledge to identify a creature you can see; Effect You roll the skill check twice and use the better result.
    Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: +4
    Fame Spent: 0
    Gold Earned: +14
    Downtime: +4 GP (Society Connections)

    3. PFS(2) 1-05: Trailblazer's Bounty:

    Experienced Mountaineer (General): The trek from Isger to Molthune taught you tricks for navigating treacherously steep terrain. While this boon is slotted, you treat mountainous terrain and other steep slopes as difficult terrain, rather than as greater difficult terrain.
    Reputation(s): +2 Horizon Hunters, +4 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: +4
    Fame Spent: 0
    Gold Earned: +14
    Downtime: +0.4 GP

    4. PFS(2) 1-15: The Blooming Catastrophe:

    Finadar Leshy: After the Abyssal influence was driven from Finadar Forest, some of its leshys set out into the wider world. You have gained access to the following background for all of your characters (include a copy of this Chronicle Sheet with any character who selects this background).
    Prerequisites Leshy ancestry
    You are a leshy from Finadar Forest, originally created under the corruption of a cyclopean monolith. Though the Pathfinder Society managed to sever the monolith’s connection, freeing the forest and your people from its influence, you retain a trace, unnerving connection to the Abyss.
    Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.
    You’re trained in the Intimidation skill and the Abyssal Lore skill. You gain the Intimidating Glare skill feat.

    Reputation(s): +2 Verdant Wheel, +6 Vigilant Seal (Leader by Example, Tier 1)
    Fame Earned: +4+2 (Leader by Example, Tier 1)
    Fame Spent: 0
    Gold Earned: +22
    Downtime: +0.4 GP

    5. PFS(2) Quests 1–4: The Sandstone Secret, Unforgiving Fire, Grehunde's Gorget, and Port Peril Pub Crawl:

    Sand Slide: Reaction Uses 3 [] [] []; Trigger You would fail (but don’t critically fail) a Reflex save to avoid a trap’s effects; Effect You Step and then Drop Prone in your new location. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your triggering Reflex save. If this would have been enough to resist the trap’s effects initially, you succeed at the save instead.
    [] [] [] One-Who-Waits (Slotless): Your trials in the burgeoning monastery of Unforgiving Fire have given you an edge in overcoming physical challenges. Whenever you roll a critical failure on an Acrobatics or Athletics check, you can check a box next to this boon as a free action to get a failure instead (the GM can tell you if this wouldn’t change the outcome of the check so you do not waste this ability).
    Student of the Unforgiving Fire: Having read the ancient scrolls from which Meleeka created the Unforgiving Fire style, you have gained access to the Rain of Embers Stance feat for all of your characters (include a copy of this Chronicle sheet with any character who selects this feat).
    Legacy of the Gorget (General): You have made close friends in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings by retrieving Grehunde’s gorget and the body of her heroic descendant, Hlavard. This boon has special benefits when slotted during Pathfinder Society Scenario #1-10: Tarnbreaker’s Trail, and may have other benefits in scenarios and quests that feature Grehunde’s descendants.
    Fane’s Friend (General): You managed to impress the enigmatic pirate captain Stella Fane and she considers you a friend. This boon has special benefits when slotted during scenarios and quests that feature Stella Fane.
    Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal (total)
    Fame Earned: +4 (total)
    Fame Spent: 0
    Gold Earned: +22 (total)
    Downtime: +0.4 GP (total)

    6. PFS(2) 1-03: Escaping the Grave:

    Team Player: Your time in the Gravelands included many harrowing trials that required you to learn how to work especially well with your companions.
    Reaction (fortune) Uses 3 [] [] []; Trigger An ally fails a check on which you Aided; Effect The ally can reroll the check and use the better result.
    Reputation(s): +2 Envoy's Alliance, +4 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: +4
    Fame Spent: 0
    Gold Earned: +22
    Downtime: +0.4 GP
    Purchases: wayfinder of rescue (–80 gp)

    7. PFS(2) 1-12: The Burden of Envy:

    [] [] Valais’s Assurance (General, Limited-Use): Valais Durant is the leader of the Radiant Oath, in no small part because of her kindness and willingness to share her power with those in need. You may check a box next to this boon and spend an action to use the champion focus spell lay on hands, heightened appropriately for your level. This does not cost a Focus Point.
    Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal, +2 Radiant Oath
    Fame Earned: 4
    Fame Spent: 2
    Gold Earned: 38
    Downtime: +1.6 GP
    Purchases: Combat Mentor (2 Fame)

    8. PFS(2) 1-07: Flooded King's Court:

    Blast from the Past (General): You chose to deliver the undead Marcon Tinol to Venture‐Captain Drandle Dreng, trusting in the experienced Pathfinder’s ability to deal with the undead safely. This boon will have unique benefits and consequences when slotted in a future scenario.
    Reputation(s): +8 Vigilant Seal (Leader by Example, Tier 2)
    Fame Earned: +4+2 (Leader by Example, Tier 2)
    Fame Spent: -2 (Curse Breaker)
    Gold Earned: +38
    Downtime: Curse Breaker (hat of the magi); -25 GP, 3 GP progress over 6 days
    Purchases: Curse Breaker (2 Fame)

    9. PFS(2) 1-06: Lost on the Spirit Road:

    [] [] [] Traveler of the Spirit Road (General): You have traveled the pathways near the Forest of Spirits and not only managed to avoid losing your way, but even befriended some of the local kami. The kami’s blessing follows you now and protects you from bad luck. Whenever you would critically fail a check to Hide, Sneak, Sense Direction, or Track while in a forested area, you may check a box next to this boon as a free action to treat that check as a failure instead.
    Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: +4
    Fame Spent: 0
    Gold Earned: +38
    Downtime: Curse Breaker (began Chronicle 8); 4 GP progress over 8 days (7 GP total)

    10. PFS(2) 1-11: Flames of Rebellion:

    Devil’s Keep (Advanced): You are the rightful master of the infernal keep known as Diggen’s Rest. Once per adventure, you can use the following reaction.
    Infernal Detonations Reaction Trigger A creature within 30 feet of you targets you or an ally with an attack; Effect The creature takes fire damage equal to 1d6 + your level (basic Reflex save). The DC of the Reflex save is equal to your spell DC or your class DC, whichever is higher.
    Diggen the Liar You refused to release the ghost of Diggen Thrune and instead turned the captive spirit over to Zarta Dralneen at the Grand Lodge. This boon will have a special effect in a future scenario.
    Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: +4
    Fame Spent: 0
    Gold Earned: +64
    Downtime: Curse Breaker (began Chronicle 8); 4 GP progress over 8 days (11 GP total)

    11. PFS(2) 1-14: Lions of Katapesh:

    [] [] [] Big Game Hunter (General): Your struggles against the fearsome wildlife of Katapesh and the being manipulating the creatures has made you particularly good at dealing with dangerous animals. Whenever you roll a critical failure on a check to Track an animal, you can check a box next to this boon to get a failure instead.
    Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: +4
    Fame Spent: 0
    Gold Earned: +64
    Downtime: Curse Breaker (began Chronicle 8); 4 GP progress over 8 days (15 GP total)

    12. PFS(2) 1-10: Tarnbreaker's Trail:

    Tarnbreaker Champions (General): You are a champion of the Balgirdtrek, which earns you special privileges throughout the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. While playing in an adventure that takes place primarily in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, you can stay for free at any Ulfen or Varki inn or similar establishment, and you gain a 10% on all non-magical goods bought in Ulfen or Varki settlements (this does not stack with any other discount or reduction in price). In addition, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on all Diplomacy checks to Make A Request while playing in an adventure that takes place primarily in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.
    Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: +4
    Fame Spent: 0
    Gold Earned: +64
    Downtime: Curse Breaker (began Chronicle 8); 4 GP progress over 8 days (19 GP total)

    13. PFS(2) 1-16: The Perennial Crown, Part 1 — Opal of Bhopan:

    Blood Offering (Slotless): Bhopanese culture has numerous traditions that involve bloodletting as a sign of respect or a show of bravery. You participated in at least one of these traditions. This boon will have an effect in future scenarios.
    Reputation(s): +6 Vigilant Seal (Leader by Example, Tier 3)
    Fame Earned: +4+2 (Leader by Example, Tier 3)
    Fame Spent: 0
    Gold Earned: +100
    Downtime: Curse Breaker (began Chronicle 8); 4 GP progress over 8 days (23 GP total)

    14. PFS(2) 1-09: Star-Crossed Voyages:

    Ally of the Iruxi (Slotless): You befriended the iruxi of Kihirat. This boon will have a special benefit in a future adventure.
    Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal, +2 Horizon Hunters
    Fame Earned: +4
    Fame Spent: 0
    Gold Earned: +100
    Downtime: Curse Breaker (began Chronicle 8); 2 GP progress over 4 days (item complete), +2 GP over 4 days

    15. PFS(2) 1-23: The Star-Crossed Court:

    [] Seasoned Diplomat (Advanced): You have navigated the courts of Ekkeshikaar, honing your skills as a diplomat and researcher. You may check the box next to this boon at the beginning of an adventure to become trained in Diplomacy and Society for the duration of that adventure. If you are already trained in one of these skills, you instead become an expert. If your proficiency level is higher than expert in either of these skills, you treat any critical failure rolled with that skill as a failure and any failure as a success for the duration of the adventure.
    Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: +4
    Fame Spent: 0
    Gold Earned: +100
    Downtime: +4 GP

    16. PFS(2) 1-20: The Lost Legend:

    Waters of Warlock’s Barrow You vanquished the spirits of Warlock’s Barrow, and now through some quirk of fate, you can call upon them to help you lay other undead to rest.
    ◆◆ Uses [X]; Effect The purified waters of Warlock’s Barrow surround your weapons, now harming the undead instead of the living. You cast disrupting weapons as a 1st-level innate spell, except the spell also has the water trait.
    Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: +4
    Fame Spent: 10
    Gold Earned: +150
    Downtime: +6.4 GP
    Purchases: Resist Corruption (2 Fame), Improved Seal Champion (8 Fame), Adamant Wayfinder (2 Fame), gold nodule aeon stone (Sylvan; 230 GP), scroll of bind undead (30 GP)

    17. PFS(2) Quests 7–9 & 12: A Curious Claim, Shadows of the Black Sovereign, Wayfinder Origins, and Putrid Seeds:

    [] [] [] Amateur Adjuster (General) With the claim settled, you’ve shored up relationships with some valuable allies and learned a bit about navigating Druman bureaucracy. Whenever you attempt a check to Gather Information, Decipher Writing, or Create a Forgery, you can check a box next to this boon to gain a +1 circumstance bonus on the check. If the check involves interacting with a Druman business or Druman bureaucracy, you instead gain a +3 circumstance bonus on the check.
    [] [] [] Numerian Archaeologist (General) You have garnered some unique experience with the unusual technology of Numeria. You can use the following free action by checking off a box next to this boon.
    Technological Defense Trigger You attempt a saving throw against a technological weapon or effect, but you haven’t rolled it yet; Effect You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the saving throw.
    Wayfinder Connections (Slotless) Thanks to your connection with Venture-Captain Muesello, you have an easier time securing wayfinders. You can purchase wayfinders of up to your character level + 2 as long as you have access to them. If you own a standard wayfinder (Core Rulebook 617), Muesello offers to upgrade it to a wayfinder with additional features for the difference in cost between the items.
    [] Fruit Basket (General): As thanks for helping to uncover the source of the shipping disruptions, Selu has sent some fruit. Check this box when setting out on an adventure to receive a piece of specially treated baobab fruit. During that adventure, you or another character can use an Interact action to consume the fruit, which functions as a lesser elixir of life (restoring 3d6+6 Hit Points and providing a +1 bonus against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes). If you do not consume the fruit during that adventure, it spoils.
    Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal (total)
    Fame Earned: +4 (total)
    Fame Spent: 0
    Gold Earned: +150 (total)
    Downtime: +6.4 GP (total)

    18. PFS(2) 1-13: Devil at the Crossroads:

    Convention Hero (Advanced): You can slot this special boon only while playing a game at a convention. If you do, you begin the adventure with one additional Hero Point.
    Reputation(s): +6 Vigilant Seal (total)
    Fame Earned: N/A
    Fame Spent: N/A
    Gold Earned: +150 (total)
    Downtime: +6.4 GP (total)

    19. PFS(2) 1-21: Mistress of the Maze:

    Maze Walker (Advanced): You have survived exposure to numerous planar forces that would have warped or obliterated a lesser being. As long as you are at least 7th level and a master in Survival, you can slot this boon to gain the benefits of the Planar Survival skill feat.
    Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: +4
    Fame Spent: 0
    Gold Earned: +220
    Downtime: +8 GP

    20. PFS(2) 1-25: Grim Symphony:

    [] Grand Finale (Advanced): You have survived the grim symphony, but the haunting melody which bridged the worlds of the living and the dead still echoes in your mind. When your dying value is 2 or greater, you can check the box next to this boon to gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Performance checks, 20 temporary Hit Points, and a +1 circumstance bonus to Fortitude saves, all for the next 10 minutes.
    Reputation(s): +2 Grand Archive, +4 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: +4
    Fame Spent: 0
    Gold Earned: +220
    Downtime: +8 GP

    21. AP 146: Cult of Cinders:

    Mwangi Summoner: The Ekujae you met during your travels taught you of the creatures that roam the Mwangi Expanse. You have access to the following creatures for the purposes of appropriate summoning spells: biloko warrior, biloko veteran, eloko, and kishi.
    Reputation(s): +12 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: N/A
    Fame Spent: N/A
    Gold Earned: +820 (total)
    Downtime: +40 GP (total)
    Purchases: greater mentalist's staff (450 GP), bracers of armor I (450 GP), wand of fear (3rd) (360 GP), advanced book of translation (Tien) (125 GP)

    22. PFS(2) 2-16: Freedom for Wishes (slow progression):

    Reputation(s): +2 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: N/A
    Fame Spent: N/A
    Gold Earned: +150 (total)
    Downtime: Learn a Spell (globe of invulnerability) – 4/7 days
    Purchases: 36 GP Learn a Spell (Success), 30 GP lesser elixir of life

    23. PFS(2) 2-20: Breaking the Storm — Bastion in Embers (slow progression):

    Reputation(s): +2 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: N/A
    Fame Spent: N/A
    Gold Earned: +150 (total)
    Downtime: Learn a Spell (globe of invulnerability) – 7/7 days; critical fail Day Job

    24. PFS(2) 2-22: Breaking the Storm — Excising Ruination:

    Reputation(s): +6 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: N/A
    Fame Spent: N/A
    Gold Earned: +460 (total)
    Downtime: Earn Income (+20 GP)
    Purchases: 2 chunks of cold iron to use as special materials (20 gp), ring of fire resistance (245 gp), a wand of manifold missiles (3rd) (700 gp)

    25. PFS(2) 2-24: Breaking the Storm — Parting Clouds:

    Reputation(s): +4 Vigilant Seal
    Fame Earned: N/A
    Fame Spent: N/A
    Gold Earned: +460 (total)
    Downtime: Earn Income (+20 GP)
    Purchases: greater pendant of the occult (650 gp)


    Long Term Plans

    Level Build:
    Skill Increases: 3rd Intimidation; 4th Nature (Occult Evolution); 5th Deception (heritage), Diplomacy, and Society (Int boost); 7th Arcana; 9th Occultism; 10th Crafting trained (Int boost); 11th Occultism; 13th Deception
    General Feats: 7th Toughness; 11th Incredible Investiture
    Skill Feats: 4th Trick Magic Item; 5th Recognize Spell (training), 8th Quick Recognition; Oddity Identification
    Class Feats: 10th Greater Bloodline OR Signature Spell Expansion (add Soothe)
    Spells: 1st—Ill Omen (replace Magic Missile), Exchange Image (AP 3), Protection (boon buy), Soothe (replace Summon Fey as Sig), True Strike, 2nd—Dispel Magic, 3rd—replace Hypnotic Pattern with Mind of Menace, Illusory Disguise*, Invisible Item, Paralyze (H), 4th—Globe of Invulnerability (learn from Chronicle #22), Fly (H)?, Dimensional Anchor, Spell Immunity, Invisibility, 5th—Summon Entity (Sig, replace 1st with Soothe), Banishment, Veil, 6th—Aberrant Form, Phantasmal Calamity (sig)
    Innate Spells: 1st: Feather Fall & Gust of Wind, 2nd: Knock or Slough Skin, 3rd: Earthbind & Wall of Wind, 4th: Gaseous Form, 5th: Telekinetic Haul, 6th: True Seeing
    Gear: new healing item(s), greater pendant of the occult (9)