Bardic Beacon's page

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I am not seeing updates from the system operators.

I ordered through the humble bundle when there were less than 2000 people on the cue and now there are 32000+ and still the blooming 'wait 10 seconds' and try again notice.

Then when it is especially overloaded it wipes them and I have to restart the personalization. I would be fine if it would complete and email me when done.

I feel like your process is not prepared for the cueing you are experiencing and the 12 more days of this promotion will be a disaster for myself and thousands more unsuspecting customers.

Pay the price and work with Humble Bundle to manage your workflow. Then clean up the audit on the back end.

You are getting a black eye minute by minute with literally thousands of new users to embark on your website's shores. This is bad business and I actually am a long time supporter. What do you think that new customers will think of this experiences?