Saintly Knight

Bard the Howler's page

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Hello there. I've been running my first ever campaign almost a year now. We've done some pretty cool stuff, one of which was to create our own town in the Storval plateau.

I'm trying to figure out what my towns income would be, and what expenses must be covered. Any advise or ideas would be appreciated. I'm looking to bounce ideas off of people as that tends to help.

The town is roughly 300 people. The buildings outside of homes that are currently present are the mansion where the seat of government is, A farm, A druids grove, a magus collage, a bards collage, a bank, a garrison, an inn, a tavern, a platinum mine, a watch tower, a temple, and the multitude of homes. There is also a stone head protruding from the top of the hill. It was one of Runelord Karzougs statues, but it got buried when the empire fell.

The town is nestled between the Chavali and Lampblack rivers on a hill atop the Storval stairs. Most of the buildings are along the main street. Beyond this I don't have much fleshed out. So, any ideas?