Bansidhe's page

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Ask in most mini selling shops,usually someone knows/is willing too paint them for you for a small-ish fee.

This way you get too specify the colours too! :)

Yeah I looked at maptools for a PF game but gave up because it all looked too complex for my tiny brian!

If anyone knows of a step by step guide posting it here would be REALLY useful!!

Cos ,even though I live in London uk,its really hard to find a game nearby!! and I was hoping that the Maptools thing would solve this.

Hey ,I appreciate the input of EVERYONE that took the time and trouble too answer,seems not many would let me in there campaign tho :)

Must admit i was thinking more these stats,and I wouldnt ask for irresistable dance[mind Id take it it the chance was there!..or on second thoughts ...mmmm no. bit too much!] ok

Not keen on quicklings im afraid,sorry,Id be happy with Petal though!

Even if it does mean I cant actually carry my share of the gold! :)

Edit: Oooh yeah Id love too see those @Dork Lord

Ok im buying my books at the end of the month and Ive been mulling over the idea of playing a pixie char in pathfinder.

I did a search here and found an old archive post about it that links to wotc,s d20 site and the builds there look amazing,if a bit complicated for my old brain.

But they use a lot of 3.5 books and if im going Pathfinder im going all the way!

So any Ideas for Pixie builds purely based on Pathfinder?

And if you were a DM would you let me play one in your world?

PS Id like too point out I like the RP idea of it most and would be quite happy taking RP consequences for playing one!

Thanks in advance! and I cant wait till february!! :D

Hi all new here,getting my copy of the books at the end of the month.

Its been a while scince I played any pnp games and as im going too be mainly playing with my family at first.I was wondering if there is a char creator sheet filler in thingie online anywhere?

Cos with 3 daughters theres going too be LOTS of mind changing going on!

Also it needs too be an adobe one if possible ,i cant afford office and excel im afraid!

Also,seeing as im here anyone know of a picture site of all the class/race combos? because ,basically,they,ll be going for it looks cool and pretty! :)

And last but not least any clubs /groups playing in NW London/Harrow area please let me know!

Thanks in advance :)