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The Savage Tide
Campaign Background

1. All of you are from the environs of New Haven. More details on that later.
2. You arrived individually to New Haven (the town/city) and joined the Adventurers Guild, a recent organization founded by the Iron Heroes (who are on the original D&D 3.0 adventure path following the mythical great red wyrm Ashardalon. New Haven is our own campaign town).
3. As part of the guild's services, you have been recruited as a team for an assignment. Consider it a first date for your 'team.'
4. Turns out that this is a special mission. The client is Lady Lavinia Vanderboren, of Sasserine, a free port city on the southern edges of known lands. She has need of an adventuring party from outside of Sasserine (so she can trust it), a smuggler's dens of numerous, conflicting and shifting loyalties. But she can't afford much, hence where you come in.
5. Lady Lavinia's family has a past relationship with New Haven's rulers, the twin half-elves. Based on her request they have decided to work through the new Adventurers Guild (they know the founders) so they have plausible deniability for interfering in another sovereign city's affairs.
6. A mysterious female monk (New Haven's law enforcement), rumored to be a former companion of the Iron Heroes, met with you in a tavern outside New Haven's walls (the Red Wyvern). She has given you the following missions:
a. Protect Lavinia's interests (unknown to Lavinia)
b. Do Lavinia's bidding (where it does not conflict with a. or instructions from this monk)
c. Keep your eyes and ears open for any signs of Infernal (Devils) or Fiendish (Demon) influences.
7. The monk has also told you to expect the following:
a. She will infiltrate Sasserine and operate in the background. She may initiate contact with you by leaving a particular rune for you to observe.
b. You can expect to pick up a fourth member of your team in Sasserine. The monk thought it was important for you to have someone local to help you in the city.
c. Recognizing that this could be a long journey, your pay will consist of an advance of 5pp each (50 gp in value) with a monthly stipend if needed (delivered surreptitiously by the Monk). Successful completion of your mission will result in at least a 1,000 gp reward, more if the challenge and results merit it.
8. In addition to the advance, she also provides you the following:
a. Background materials for you to read before you enter Sasserine (see attached PDF – published campaign materials). Much of this was in an extensive briefing she gave to you.
b. Two potions of Cure Light Wounds (level 6) for each of you.
You set off the next morning. All transportation provided by the Monk, although she does not accompany you. You travel with a large caravan from a merchant heading on a trading expedition to Sasserine. This merchant is accompanied by his young daughter and regales you with tales of the Iron Heroes, whom he claims to have personally brought to New Haven. Despite your doubts as to this and similar tall tales he tells, it makes for a nice diversion. Your trip takes 15 days by land, traveling south, before you board a ship that takes several days to reach Sasserine, which is just inside the subtropical zone.
9. Your heads spinning with excitement and questions, you manage to find an inn to rest before you head.
10. Your first task is to meet up with Lady Lavinia in her Vanderboren mansion.

You do learn the following before you meet her:
- Lavinia is the eldest daughter of the Vanderboren family.
- A tragic fire about a month ago claimed the lives of her parents, Verik and Larissa.
- The Vanderborens were survived by their two children, Lavinia and Vanthus.