Lizardfolk Stalker

Axutain's page

36 posts. Organized Play character for Azil.


Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Lol well depending g on how this final fight of tqrnbreqker's goes I might have to swap which character it applies to. I got bodied by the polar bear and well it's got some chunk to it.

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

This was an awesome little adventure, a shame it ends so quickly. Really enjoyed seeing what low-mid level play has to offer in 2E. And some reptilian shenanigans.

GM thank you for being awesome and allowing me to jump in on the table, how does credit work on this one. It's just assigned to the character I picked at the beginning(ie Jei'balt)?

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Axutain eyes the ship and the pond leading to the greater seas. "One ssship, fourrr captains... hmmm perhapsss if we stick to warmer waterrsss. I know a good ssspot off the coast of Osirion where once sssunk a fabled ssship that few others could dive deep enough for."[b]

He grins with a slyness that betrays his reptilian nature. [B]Besssidesss I mussst insssure Tiny Corrrvusss doesss not drown in mighty pond."

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Axutain instinctively dodges as the skeletal giant rakes forward with it's hooked hand, the pillar catching the blow. He wades forward into the fight and shouts, "Forrr Droon! Forrr the Captain!" before swinging for the skeletons exposed ribs.

club: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (6, 6) + 3 = 15
sneak(If gryndle flanks): 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 6) = 22

club: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

step, attack 2 times. Rolled these as if they were normal club attacks since we haven't made an official statement on what the +s are yet. Also don't think I get flank with the mephit where it is, but if gryndle moves into position then I will also get the flanking bonus and sneak attack. Oh and this is all bludgeoning damage for resistances and weakness btw idk if that's doubled in pf2e but even the sneak is considered the weapons damage type iirc?

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Seeing the effectiveness of S.B's throwing stone Axutain hefts up the Club he had procured from the room before and charges into the room with the thick boned lad.

ready club, double move

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Sorry for the absence work has been kicking my butt with 12s and I'm working on the details to get a new car tomorrow. I'll try to post later today, if I don't get around to it bot me for the round axutain will try his usual intinidate(can skeletons even get scared) attack combo.

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Axutain had remained mostly silent during the ceremoniously light show that proceeded them solving the puzzle. Mayhap just a little bit of Iruxi prayer to the constellations, but Sambo es prompted him to tilt his head.
"How old wasss Captain Renlock?"

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Axutain stuffs the rugged club into the loose belt he wears and makes sure it is fastened as they traverse into the new room. "Could do with sssome Night Glassss, but it ssshall ssserve well enough."

He stands in aw at the pillars and the various constellations, "A reading of the grand map. What a ssstrange aussspiccciousss texxt. We would do well to ruminate wisely over it's meaning."

Is the club just a normal medium sized club? Also, yeah I think that's the right of the riddle myself. Sun->stars->moon, with no exact indication of where the comet is, but judging by it leading you back home after your journey it seems reasonable to assume it comes last.

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

With this information in hand and throwing what little caution he could to the wind, on account of no immediate danger. Axutain takes up the mighty club and gives it some cursory swings. "Thissss isss more my ssstyle, and easssy to ussse for one ssskilled in ssswimming like myssself. Take care that we jussst honor your dessscendants."

He moved to the statue to give it a once over.

perception(search): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Once the elemental has dispersed and their wounds mended the Iruxi nods to the others, "Good we are all ssstill living. It would be ineffective of me if you were to drown to a writhing tide when not actually ssswiming."

Axutain follows the rest of the group to the weapon room and looks genuinely confused. "Isss thisss how warm bloodsss ressspect their ancessstors? Why not carry their honored bonesss with you? That isss the bessst way to do sssuch."

He goes about the weapon racks searching with all the subtlety and grace of a cold-blooded creature looking for nothing more than an effective tool.

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Hey all might be a bit absent this week they're doing mandatory 12s so I won't have any time to do big posts, what with the wake up, work, sleep, repeat. Wanted to let ya'll know.

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

intimidation: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
attack: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30
attack(2nd): 1d20 + 12 - 5 ⇒ (15) + 12 - 5 = 22

damage+intimidated: 1d6 + 3 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 3 + (5, 4) = 16
damage2+intimidated: 1d6 + 3 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 3 + (4, 2) = 11

"Then back to the depths of the outer sphere you go. For I cast ye back unto the waves. Begone from this place ancient and know that one of Xuetal's line hath sent ye!"

Axuatain again has a heated debate with the waves and launches his spear twice with ferocity rarely seen from the typically cold natured reptilian.

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

intimidation(Ethamental): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16

"I shall see you gone back to the place which summoned you!"
After spouting nonsensical noise at the elemental Axutain throws his Ant laden spear at the elemental only for it to catch on some sort of near-invisible cord and rapidly return to his palm for him to throw it a second time before it returns to him once more.

Attack(Spear): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
damage+sneak(If intimidated): 1d6 + 3 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 3 + (1, 3) = 9

Attack(Spear): 1d20 + 12 - 5 ⇒ (13) + 12 - 5 = 20
damage+sneak(If intimidated): 1d6 + 3 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 3 + (1, 2) = 9

intimidate, attackx2

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Closer to the elemental nooo no nooooo noo, i'd try to intimidate the elemental. Using the would be attack roll 2 it'd be 2+12= 14, no negative cause he'd speak in Aquan the language of water elements *fingerguns*. But i'm gonna go ahead and assumle it's got a will better than 14 anyhow.

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

intimidation(pink ant): 1d20 + 12 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 12 - 4 = 27
Attack(pink ant): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
sneak(If intimidated): 2d6 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9
Attack(pink ant): 1d20 + 12 - 5 ⇒ (2) + 12 - 5 = 9
damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
sneak(If intimidated): 2d6 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9

Axutain again tries to make himself appear more intimidating to the ant creature and stabs at it with his magical spear. "Detach yourself from me pitiful creature ssso I may aid my alliesss!"

intimidate, Attack, attack

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

intimidation(purple ant): 1d20 + 12 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 12 - 4 = 11
Attack(purple ant): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
sneak(If intimidated): 2d6 ⇒ (6, 2) = 8
Attack(purple ant): 1d20 + 12 - 5 ⇒ (9) + 12 - 5 = 16
damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
sneak(If intimidated): 2d6 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6

Axutain hisses and stabs at the ant then attempts to stab at it several times with his magical spear hoping to hit something vital enough to break free from the damned creature that he had hoped they wouldn't need to fight at all.

"Sssstay clear of watersss!"

I assume it doesn't speak reptile lol so i slapped on the -4, because i'm a ruffian I can sneak attack with any simple weapon, and it counts as flatfooted if it has the intimidated condition from dread striker feat. Action Demoralize, 2 actions to attack

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

In that case i shall study both and then ready my spear. So action 1/2 study, action 3 ready returning spear

Axutain sees that his allies are dealing with the front of the threat and decides to utilize his enchanted weaponry. Pulling the barnacle encrusted spear from his pack he hefts it up like an athlete would a javalin. "Blessed ancestors guide my aim."

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

recall waterboi:
Nature(watery lad): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22


Nature(Ants): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Are recalls like this free or actions? Kind of important to decide my move XD.

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

occult: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Axutain studied the shrine trying to recall any strange information from his ancestors in regards to the ways of Gozreh. But the Iruxi was instead distracted by the natural beauty of the place. "We always have the antsss asss sssacrifice if nothing worksss."

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Axuatain takes a second look at the basin from a different angle and his tongue flicks out tasting the air for just a moment. He pulls a small scrap of paper from his bag of holding, which thankfully keeps all his things nice and dry.

"Ahh warm-friendsss perhapsss I may be of assissstance once more." He shows them all the clue.

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Axutain leads the group correctly through the ant lair towards the strange basin, but he keeps watch for any other threats due to his lack of knowledge into official religions. His studies are more along the lines of the esoteric.

(Whispered) "Do you believe there isss a clue here?"

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Tiny glowy man look tasty.

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

I believe that means Corvus has the lowest bonus with a +9 so the Gm makes a single roll for the entire group using +9, idk if that's in secret or not lemme know if I need to make it or of the bonus is different.

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Axutain looks back to the others, "Unless you have all been practicing your quiet movements it may be bessst to Follow My Lead on this one if we hope to sssneak past these skittering Warriors."

probably a good idea for everyone to swap to follow the expert so we can roll a single stealth using the lowest mod of our group instead of threatening the woe of the RNGods. Benefits of the Quiet allies feat. So long as you all follow the expert and I switch back to avoid noticewe can attempt to sneak by rolling once using the lowest mod(I think sawbones) instead of us all rolling individially.

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Clambering down from the ship and going over to the beheaded snake he picks it up. "Were that you took a moment before ssstriking." The Iruxi took a bite from the still warm stringy body of the snake and worked his jaws at it for a bit. He looked to the others, "Wasste not want not. I believe is how you warm-bloods sssay it?" Following Sawbones into the entrance of the cave he looked ahead.

"I would sssuggest I take point in the cassse there are more... unexpecteds. That is if we are all in agreement on that matter?" He snacks on the snake as they all deliberate.

I believe that would be swapping from Avoid Notice to Search which would slow us down a bit since i'm lacking the feat but might cover us from other hazards.

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Diplomacy(sneks): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

"Please scale-kin we meant not to disturb your warm rest. If we can offer you a warm bask in a faster fashion than the hot-rock may, would you let us pass without quarrel? T'would be better than soaking yourselves in the fridge waters for revenge."

Axuatain hisses and clicks towards the slithering swarm in an attempt to coax them from attacking the group.

Still not sure what kind of action this is exactly.

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

I think you may have linked us the wrong map. Also go ahead and act around me i'm going to have to wait until after work tomorrow to get anything proper in, as well as.. wait these are reptiles.. right?LOL let me try to calm them down with diplomacy! But yeah i will sadly not get a proper post in till tomorrow. But that allows for our glorious GM to think on my attempt of diplomacy with the scaled menace.

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Axutain tilts his head at the strange piece of paper, "Tell usss tiny Corvusss. Where did you get this map pieccce?" He scratches his scaly chin as they all examine the wheel.

"Dessspite my time with the Captain, and the crew, I can not sssay I know what is truly the home of piratesss. I defer that to you."

society: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
And the dice hold true lol

The Iruxi would then head down, onto the deck to check the ship to see how much she has rotted over the years beached upon these sands. Perhaps there were more clues, perhaps the ship was more salvagable than they all believed?
Idk if that'd be like a sailing lore or just something he could look at since he was a deckhand?

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Axuatain delighted in helping Corvus up and went about looking at the old ship. The vessel had seen better days for certain and he was a little surprised that the Andoran Navy hadn't seized her for their own use those years ago. Heading over to the back of the ship behind the wheel he gave a sigh for what was once his favorite sunning spot.

"Perhapsss there isss aught in the hull ssstill yet to be claimed. I would have a dive before we leave at the very least." He kneels and places a palm on the deck, "May you sssail upon dissstant shoresss."

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Axutain watched the others paddle their way out to the half-sunken vessel and waded back into the water quickly swimming to catch up to Corvus. "I sssee you have been practicing. If ever you need a break I may carry you." He then continues on swiftly using his paddle-like tail and webbed feet to quickly outpace the group grasping the side of the hull and hauling himself up.

ath(climb): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

The friendly Iruxi would offer a hand up for the crew as they approached the vessel.

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Do I have to make the ath check since I've got a swim speed?

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

The lizardfolk flicks his tongue through the air for a moment, and then gives a hissing laugh at Corvus. "Do not worry I will not let you drown. But yes ssship home has ssseen better years."

Setting his Macahuitl down Axutain looks to Gryndle, "Ah this one has seen warmer seas after our releases from the armsss of 'jussstice'. Sunken ruins near the sand-homes of Totra. Though they were not ruins of my ancesstors it as a good recovery. The fissshes were hungry but I got the last bite." With another raspy laugh he takes a seat next to the bladed plank, soaking up the heat of the sands and the sun. He played idle with the necklace of bone-charm around his neck as he often did contemplatively years ago. "What of you all, tiny corvus has been speaking with sea spirits again? And what of less tiny Gryndle beyond keeping belly full for people and ssself?"

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Axutain slithered up to the beach head before giving himself a righteous shake down, his simple bone and shark hide clothing shirking off the water. The long claw paddle-like feet of the bizzare, by most humanoids, lizardfolk waded up to the long lost crewmen from ages past. Still the skink-like Iruxi hissed in greeting as he approached.

"Ahhh Sssso good to sssee you all again. Gryndle I hope you have been eating well? It'ss a great way to keep sssscales preened and shiny." He approaches uncomfortably close to Sawbones and gives him a once over. "This one has barely aged a day, though more sssun he could ssseek. Any new treasuresss to dredge up like the good ol' days?"

Catching the glint of Corvus the Lizardman's head snaps towards the tiny sprite and there is a brief moment you aren't quite sure he isn't going to lash out as if he saw a scuttling crab, before his lips part into a smile filled with jagged teeth. "Tiny Corvusss, Let usss not need to fish you out of any ssscale-siblings by the end of the day yes."

Aside from the adoring bone, tooth, and shark-skin, the lizardfolk wears a large runed macuahuitl upon his back, a faintly glowing shortblade at his hip that gives Corvus an off feeling, a seaweed wrapped spear, and a bundle of short javalins held in the quiver by sinew strings. "Sssound of pessky, but shiny poultry hard to miss, but familiar enough to me that I not snatch him from air. Find friends here on ssstrange beach. The years have been kind I hope?"

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Your Name (as you want it on the chronicle): Azil
Character Name: Axutain
PFS Number: 180851
Character Number: 2003
Faction: (You won't gain any reputation for this)
Downtime Task: (You do get 8 days of downtime, though) Underworld lore(using my other characters' stats?)
Downtime Roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

I'm not sure how the applying the stuff from this chronicle works if you need the info for my character outside of this campaign/scenario lemme know and i'll toss his info down. Axutain is officially ready for play I believe, but since he's like my 3rd character i've sat down and made in 2e if anyone would like to give him a once over that'd be awesome.

GM I've taken some liberty with the Jellyfish lamp and stuffed them into a hooded lantern, the idea being he carries around a small school of the jellyfish in a hooded lantern that's been modified to hold sea water(which is refreshed from time to time of course) Basically making a dim lantern(since they work as candles) he can use during underwater exploration. If this isn't ok to do then I understand, i just thought it'd be a creative use of the 50gp

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

Ok, so when picking wealth permanent items can someone give me a bit of advice here, cause we're only allowed a single uncommon/rare choice, mine being that i'm a lizardfolk. But i'm having difficulty finding non-uncommon items that fall into the 'common' tier of items. Or are our wealth items an exception of this rule?

Horizon Hunters

Male Lizardfolk Rogue 5 [ HP 62/62 | AC 22| Fort +8 Ref + 12Will +10 |Init(stealth)/Perc +12/10 | Effects: none ]

So i'm going down the creation list and the lizardfolk i'm looking at making is gonna be the unnerving deep diver who brings up hauls from sunken ships. He generally gives off just a creepy reptilian vibe which intimidates people.
He knows how to keep a group quiet and is oddly persuasive and claims to be able to speak with reptiles(yay reptile speaker ancestory).
Writing him up now so ya'll will be able to look over the actual profile. Soon