Human on Flying Carpet

Ban!utu's page

10 posts. Alias of xyrophobic.


Male Human Mwangi (Zenj) Ranger 4

I am in if you get a group going.

Male Human Mwangi (Zenj) Ranger 4

Ban!utu finishes cutting out the archophlage wraps it in a cloth and hands it to Nbula saying "I too am ready to get out of this swamp, a few nights on a dry surface would do my body good. Let's see if we can get some work and a meal."

Male Human Mwangi (Zenj) Ranger 4

Ban!utu finishes cutting the mold free stands and says to Nbulu "Do they think it is theirs, we tracked it here and braved the cave?"

Male Human Mwangi (Zenj) Ranger 4

seeing the plant mound shamble no more, Ban!utu retrieves his weapons casts a weary glance at the outsiders and proceeds to start collecting the strange parasite, which the city people will pay so much for, carefully cutting it out and protecting it from the sunlight.

for Zoom and Nbulu:

so yeah I just went ahead and decided that Ban!utu knows about the arcophage and was up here trying to collect it to sell. I also copied Nbulu on this as I assume also that we were working together. This will allow us to maybe barter passage/work agreements with the boat captain and crew. If this is out of bounds then let me know and I will recant my actions

Male Human Mwangi (Zenj) Ranger 4

Ban!utu swings his falchion again at the overgrown shrub then decides he may be better off shooting this thing from a distance and moves back to retrieve his bow and get out of reach.

Falchion attack on mound (1d20+9=19, 2d4+4=6) does he happen to flank with the spiritual weapon, if so add 2 to the attack?

reflex save (1d20+7=22)

Male Human Mwangi (Zenj) Ranger 4

Ban!utu steps up and swings his falchion at the entangled mound, shouting to his Mwangi brother in polygot(what is this thing?).

Falchion attack on mound (1d20+9=11, 2d4+4=9)
and a new reflex save
reflex save for spell again (1d20+7=17)

Male Human Mwangi (Zenj) Ranger 4

reflex save for larkspring's spell (1d20+7)=25

Male Human Mwangi (Zenj) Ranger 4

As Ban!utu comes crashing out of the cave, he has a strange look on his face when he notices the crowd below him, no time for that now. He turns and fires his longbow at the mound of vegetation following them.

Initiative (1d20+3=11) Longbow (1d20+9=29) crit! (or not, dam plants) damage (1d8+4=5) +1 damage if within 30'
let me know if you want me to confirm the crit.

if the plant will make it to him this round he will also attempt to sling his bow and draw his falchion. Might be too many actions not sure if he exited the cave this round or last.

Zoomackulas Eichendar wrote:

Everything looks great guys, be looking at the game thread today for your introduction into the game!

Ban'utu, can you put in your PC sheet Ban'utu appearance, thanks!



I forgot to ask about the PHB2 variation where I do not have an animal companion. Will that be ok?

Ban!utu reporting also!