He sees a dark-haired child traveling in a caravan reading books while dangling off the back of a wagon. Harrow cards mark his favorite places in the book.
He sees masked men questioning a man on his knees. Wrong answers are rewarded with wraps with a staff. When enough correct answers are given the men help the man up and hand him the staff.
He sees a man in black and white leading a small donkey through a pass into Ustalov. Weather proof book boxes are on the back of the beast.
He sees a deck of Harrow cards being shuffled. A card is dealt, its face reveals a Bodak, it is 'the Lost' card, the sign of emptiness and lunatics. The next card is flipped, it is 'the Lost' card, the sign of emptiness and lunatics. A third card is flipped, it is 'the Lost' card......
He sees a woman dressed in the black of mourning open the door to a library for a man in black and white. The shelves hold generic tomes. Hidden in the desk is an old tome that defies him understanding its title. Setting it on the desk, the man opens it to a middle page....the vision goes black, but the woman's screams continue in his head...or is that the man screaming while remembering.
A black and white robed man stands on a vista above a great city of towers and lights. Raising his staff high there is a blinding flash and a horrible wind bearing the stench of death...the screaming returns...