Balsin |

Thank you very much for the reply.
Now after reading that, I am even more concerned about the gated population ramp up.
Those who get in first have a HUGE advantage in that they are basically able to form up and lay claim to what will basically be uncontested or minimally contested territory and resources, all just there for the taking. They also get a jump start on building up skills and diversification.
Every single player who comes into the game afterwards (and not by choice) will be at a disadvantage. You don't think that many potential players will be turned completely off at the idea of entering a game centered around non-consensual PvP at a severe disadvantage?
This is not exactly true. People who start early also have built in disadvantages in that a low population can lead to a depressed economy. How much economic activity can you have with a small population?
There's no reason why the game designers can't build a system where a more populated world provides its own advantages and opportunities to the newly minted player.
Furthermore, the release of the game is constrained to the River Kingdoms. At time progresses and the game world expands, there can be plenty of chances for new players to claim their own glory.