Hasbim Ibn Sayyid

Baldrek Zar'Zaron's page

469 posts. Alias of Sir Longears.


Hit Dice 2/2 | Martial Focus 1/1 | Stamina 4/4


HP 20/20 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | F +5 R +3 W +1 | CMD 17 (+ situational) PSD 12 | Init +4 | Perc +2

About Baldrek Zar'Zaron

Reference Image

Baldrek is a large man in all definitions: tall and strong as a bull. His hair reaches his shoulders, is black, turning to grey, with pronounced receding lines. His beard and mustache are full but trimmed some and show much more grey than his hair. His nose is large and hawk-like, even if broken and bent in at least two places. His eyes are black and his eyebrows are bushy. His skin is brownish and tanned, appearing as coarse as leather, with his arms showing quite a few scars.

His clothes are simple. His trousers are baggy but tight at his ankles, which are protected by hard boots and leather greaves. He wears a tunic with short sleeves and on top of it a strikingly purple blanket scarf, as well as old arm guards.

Male human (kelish) fighter 2
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +5
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 20 (2d10+4)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1; +1 vs. fear
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. with armor)
Melee trident +7 (1d8+4) [P]
Melee unarmed strike +6 (1d4+4) [B ]
Melee dagger +7 (1d4+4/19-20) [P/S]
Ranged dagger +5 (1d4+4/19-20) [P/S, 10 ft.] or
Ranged bolas +5 (1d4+4 nonlethal) [B, 10 ft.] or
Ranged javelin +5 (1d6+4) [P, 50 ft.] or
Ranged net +5 touch (entangle) [10 ft. max]
Special Attacks boast (25ft.), impale, martial focus, parry spell +2, shove, stamina (4 points)
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +6 (+2 to dirty trick, disarm, reposition, steal and trip); PSB +2; CMD 18 (+4 vs. disarm; +2 vs. dirty trick, reposition, steal and trip; +2 vs. sunder); PSD 13
Feats Deft Maneuvers, Dirty Fighting, Weapon Focus (thrown)
Talents Armor Training, Bloodthirsty, Gladiator Training, Self Confidence
Spheres Brute, Gladiator (braggart), Lancer
Background Feats Alertness
Traits Twitchy
Skills (10 Ranks)
Athletics +5 (2 ranks, 3 class, 4 Str, -4 armor)
Influence +5 (2 ranks, 3 class, 0 Cha)
K. Dungeoneering +5 (2 ranks, 3 class, 0 Int)
K. Martial +5 (2 ranks, 3 class, 0 Int)
Sense Motive +3 (1 Wis, 2 feat)
Survival +6 (2 ranks, 3 class, 1 Wis)
Armor Check -4
Languages Common, Kelish
SQ conditioning (courage) +1, manhandle, martial tradition (gladiator), unarmed combatant (1, 1d4), weapon training (thrown)
FCB +2 to CMD vs. disarm and sunder
Associated Feats Improved Unarmed Strike
<M> Boast (gladiator sphere) If Baldrek has martial focus, after confirming a critical hit, reducing an enemy to 0 or fewer hit points, or succeeding on a combat maneuver, he may perform one of the following boasts as an immediate action with a range of (25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 ranks in Intimidate you possess):
<> Bloodthirsty Baldrek may make an attack against an enemy within the area of his boast using a wielded weapon as part of his boast.
<> Prowess Baldrek may roll the next weapon attack he makes before the end of his next turn twice and take the better result.
Deft Maneuvers (feat) Baldrek doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity when performing the dirty trick, disarm, reposition, steal, and trip combat maneuvers. In addition, he receives a +2 bonus on checks with these maneuvers and he can make a psychological maneuver to feint in combat as a move action. Baldrek also receives a +2 bonus to his CMB whenever an opponent tries these maneuvers against him.
Dirty Fighting (feat) When Baldrek attempts a combat maneuver check against a foe he is flanking, he can forgo the +2 bonus on his attack roll for flanking to instead have the combat maneuver not provoke an attack of opportunity. If he has a feat or ability that allows him to attempt the combat maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity, he can instead increase the bonus on his attack roll for flanking to +4 for the combat maneuver check.
Impale (lancer sphere) When using an attack action to attack with a piercing melee weapon that deals lethal damage, Baldrek can take a -2 penalty on the attack roll to give the target creature the impaled condition on a hit and forcing it into a square within his reach if it was not already. Baldrek then may release the weapon as a free action, remove it as a move action, or remain controlling it, which requires the same amount of hands as wielding it. While controlling the weapon, Baldrek has his movement speeds reduced by half and he may use the controlled weapon only to attack the impaled creature, ignoring its armor, natural armor and shield bonus to AC. If Baldrek attempts to move, he must make opposed Strength checks. If he fails, he loses control of the weapon, while if he succeeds move the creature with him. While the impaled creature is being controlled, it can't move. If Baldrek is disarmed, he loses control over the weapon and the impaled creature. An impaled creature may attempt a combat maneuver check against his CMD to either break his control over the weapon or to remove it. If no one is controlling the weapon, the impaled creature may remove the weapon as a move action. Any creature may attempt a grapple check against the impaled creature's CMD to gain control over the weapon. This check is made with a +4 bonus.
<> Condition Impaled: An impaled creature is battered and must succeed a concentration check (DC 10 + user CMB + spell level) to cast any spell or spell-like ability. A creature can only be impaled by a single weapon and further attempts to impaled it automatically fail. When the impaling weapon is removed, the creature loses the impaled condition and it takes bleed damage equal to the damage dice of the impaling weapon.
Manhandle (brute sphere) When Baldrek successfully performs a bull rush, drag, reposition, or overrun combat maneuver (assuming the target decided to block you and did not simply move out of the way), he may apply the effect of one manhandle talent he knows to that creature as a free action.
<M> Martial Focus Baldrek can achieve martial focus after a minute of rest, or by taking the total defense action. He may not by any means regain focus more than once per round. Once he has gained martial focus, he remains focused until he expends it, become unconscious, or go to sleep. Baldrek can expend his martial focus as part of a Fortitude or Reflex saving throw to be treated as if he had rolled a 13.
Self Confidence (gladiator sphere) Baldrek may perform a boast as a standard action to regain his martial focus. Doing so does not require the normal triggering condition for a boast.
Shove (brute sphere) As a move action, Baldrek may move up to half his speed and make a melee touch attack against a creature. If successful, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to his Strength modifier and gains the battered condition until the end of Baldrek's next turn. He may perform a shove in place of the attack granted by a charge, although this does not grant the extra movement.
Stamina (Ex) Each day, Baldrek gains a stamina pool with a maximum number of stamina points equal to his BAB + his Constitution modifier. Baldrek can’t spend stamina points if he is unconscious, fatigued, or exhausted. Dropping to 0 stamina points causes him to become fatigued until he has 1 or more points in his stamina pool. Baldrek regains stamina by resting for short periods of time, but he stops regaining stamina points if he enters combat, takes an action that requires a Strength-, Dexterity-, or Constitution-based check, or takes more than one move action or standard action in a round (which effectively halves his overland speed). For each uninterrupted minute he rests in this way, he regains 1 stamina point. If Baldrek is suffering from any of the following conditions, he can’t regain stamina points: confused, cowering, dazed, dead, disabled, exhausted, fascinated, frightened, helpless, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, petrified, shaken, sickened, staggered, or stunned.
Unarmed Combatant Baldrek deals additional damage with their unarmed strikes based on the total number of unarmed spheres and talents he possesses.
Weapon Training (Ex) Baldrek has proficiency with all martial and exotic weapons from the thrown weapon group. In addition, by spending points from his stamina pool when he makes an attack with a weapon that belongs to the thrown weapon group, he can grant himself a competence bonus on his attack equal to the number of points spent (maximum +5).
Weapons bolas, dagger [2], javelin with amentum [3], net [2], trident
Worn scale mail
Slotted Items
Wands, Rods, Etc
Belt Pouch 58gp