Balaghara's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


haha I suppose fun might have been the wrong word to use :P

glad you liked it, the world sounds fun!

Steady and safe my father always taught me, avoid the adventuring life your mother chose. Something I had put to heart for far too long. Before the bombs fell I was an architect, keeping my head down and generally avoiding the adventuring lifestyle that so many in the world were drawn to. Architecture seemed the perfect job, given my affinity for the earth and that it would keep me out of harm's way. No one ever got killed designing buildings.
That all changed the day the bombs fell, I had been working on a long term project at Vigil in Lastwall and was nearly finished when the bombs begin to dot the sky. Nobody knew what the bombs were and before anyone could even act it was too late, Vigil fell and I was trapped beneath the very structures I had designed.
For what seemed like weeks I languished in this strange green energy that now permeated the area. My terror grew with each passing moment and for the first time in years my mind went to my mother, had I failed her by living by my father's words? I wondered if either had even survived, that terrified me too. I needed to know for certain and so I had to survive, but in this moment I felt I had to be like my mother, like an adventurer.
My only sustenance was a single drip of green water that I managed to get into my mouth between the cracks and with each drop the green energy that pulsed around me seemed more alluring. I know it is the green energy that kept me alive and my thoughts became focused on it in my time alone. I was barely conscious when the other survivors dug me out of the wreck, they thought I was one of the monsters appearing in the wake of the bombs based off my appearance. My blurted common was all that stayed their weapons and even still, these other survivors didn't trust me. I asked them about the green energy for I needed to know more, but they grew further distant with each question. They were more concerned with finding other survivors, many came and went. Weeks passed with us lingering in the ruins of Vigil, I suppose it was a kindness that they brought me food and water for I had eyes only for the green energy and would sit within it for hours at a time in meditation. No one ever joined me.
In passing I heard a name mentioned...Prevail? They said survivors were gathering together in the Fangwood to the south, many argued we were doing better here. In the moment I had no time for such arguments, I was still drawn to the green energy. So much did it absorb my attention that when next I left the green energy I was alone, they had all left. For a time I wondered if they had ever truly been there. While I knew that they green energy would keep me safe the old feelings that had turned me away from adventuring began to creep back and I felt fear for the first time since I was trapped after the bombs fell. But I felt different, I knew I didn’t need to fear adventure as I once had, I felt I had true power now thanks to the green energy. I made a choice then, that I would go and find Prevail and learn what they knew of the green energy and teach them what I knew. I had lost a lot of time in the green energy, but I felt the power it had given me. It was difficult to resist the green energy now but I needed to find allies and Prevail was the only option I knew I had. I wasted no time in beginning my journey south, staying as close to the green energy as I could.

Adar, Oread Sorcerer

would a sorcerer of elemental or orc bloodline fit?
Just want to check as well, are the variant tieflings fine for race?
And we just get to choose one of these mutation combos rather than roll for it right?