About Bair MannBot Instructions:
In combat: Rage when injured or if allies start getting hurt badly. Use sudden charge if necessary to get to enemies (use this a lot to get around into flanking or to help with difficult terrain). Try to set up Swipes, otherwise strike twice. Use Renewed Vigor (+7 Temp HP) if no Temp HP from Rage left as 1st action (in 3 action turns). If not injured, use Demoralize instead. Always AoO first enemy that provokes. Current pre-formatted attack rolls are in the Offense section. Out of Combat: Use relevant trained skills (all rolls are pre-formatted in skills section. U = untrained, T = trained).
Accent Tips:
Drink 'wooder' not wah-ter. Never pronounce t's in the middle of a word, they always come out as d's or not at all. Cut syllables out of words and then smush those words into the following words of the sentence. Don't have time for all those syllables, and T's and D's, etc. Notes: update! Bought Nothing Yet, XP 88 (lvl 8), 100.08g
Boons Slotted:
☐ - cut/paste to use for boon boxes Faction Vigilant Seal. Advanced Slot (1x):
Once Used I can slot either of the following. Neither are useful though. Convention Hero (Advanced): The underlying idea for this scenario came from a creative and enthusiastic audience at an adventure design panel at PaizoCon. You can slot this special boon only while playing a game at a convention. If you do, you begin the adventure with one additional hero point.
Ally Slot (1x): Hireling - You have recruited a non-combat hireling who can assist you with a certain set of skill checks. This ally performs the selected skills with a total modifier equal to 2 + your level, and they are considered trained in the skills. You must expend any actions and be in range to perform the action yourself, and any consequences of these actions affect you (such as falling when using Athletics to Climb). The hireling’s result cannot be modified by class abilities or spells, but it can be improved by a successful Aid check. The hireling does not participate directly in combat, cannot be harmed unless willfully endangered, and has no effect other than performing the selected skill checks.
Regular Slots (Unlimited)
Resist Corruption (-): No matter whether you’re a shining beacon of good or a jaded pragmatist with a mission, you must be prepared to shield yourself and your allies against unholy energy. While this boon is slotted, you and any adjacent allies gain resistance to evil damage equal to your Reputation Tier with the Vigilant Seal faction. ☐ ☐ Valais’s Assurance (General, Limited Use): Valais Durant is the leader of the Radiant Oath, in no small part because of her kindness and willingness to share her power with those in need. You may check a box next to this boon and spend an action to use the champion focus spell lay on hands, heightened appropriately for your level. This does not cost a focus point. ☐ ☐ ☐ Traveler of the Spirit Road (General): You have traveled the pathways near the Forest of Spirits and not only managed to avoid losing your way, but even befriended some of the local kami. The kami’s blessing follows you now and protects you from bad luck. Whenever you would critically fail a check to Hide, Sneak, Sense Direction or Track while in a forested area, you may check a box next to this boon as a free action to treat that check as a failure instead. Engraved Wayfinder (Slotless): To celebrate your success as a Pathfinder Agent, Janira gave you a compass lid engraved with your name and a Glyph of the Open Road, symbol of the Pathfinder Society. You can attach this lid to any compass, including a wayfinder, to personalize it. ☐ ☐ ☐ One-Who-Waits (Slotless): Your trials in the burgeoning monastery of Unforgiving Fire have given you an edge in overcoming physical challenges. Whenever you roll a critical failure on an Acrobatics or Athletics check, you can check a box next to this boon as a free action to get a failure instead (the GM can tell you if this wouldn’t change the outcome of the check so you do not waste this ability). Ally of the Iruxi (Slotless): You befriended the iruxi of Kihirat. This boon will have a special benefit in a future adventure. Wayfinder Connections (Slotless): Thanks to your connections with Venture-Captain Muesello, you have an easier time securing wayfinders. You can purchase wayfinders of up to your character level + 2 as long as you have access to them. If you own a standard wayfinder (CRB 617), Muesello offers to upgrade it to a wayfinder with additional features for the difference in cost between the items. Touched by the Storm (General): Your exposure to the stormy power of the Scale of the Spurned Tempest has inured you to the elements to a small degree. While this boon is slotted, you gain cold resistance 1 and electricity resistance 1. Experience Mountaineer (General): The trek from Isger to Molthune taught you tricks for navigating treacherously steep terrain. While this boon is slotted, you treat mountainous terrain and other steep slopes as difficult terrain, rather than as greater difficult terrain. Blast from the Past (General): You chose to deliver the undead Marcon Tinol to Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng, trusting in the experienced Pathfinder's ability to deal with the undead safely. This boon will have unique benefits and consequences when slotted in a future scenario. Legacy of the Gorget (General): You have made close friends in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings by retrieving Grehunde's gorget and the body of her heroic descendant, Hlavard. This boon has special benefits when slotted during Pathfinder Society Scenario #1-10: Tarnbreaker's Trail, and may have other benefits in scenarios and quests that feature Grehunde's descendants. ☐ ☐ ☐ River Kingdoms Politician (General): You have made yourself, one way or another, a known quantity in the realm of River Kingdoms politics. Upon completing an adventure set in the River Kingdoms or Razmiran, you may check a box next to this boon when using your downtime to Earn Income to participate in the political intrigues of the region, allowing you find an Earn Income task of up to your level +1. Once all three boxes next to this boon are checked, this boon has a special effect in future adventures. Fane’s Friend (General): You managed to impress the enigmatic pirate captain Stella Fane and she considers you a friend. This boon has special benefits when slotted during scenarios and quests that feature Stella Fane. Tarnbreaker Champions (General): You are a champion of Balgirdtrek, which earns you special privileges throughout the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. While playing in an adventure that takes place primarily in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, you can stay for free at any Ulfen or Varki inn or similar establishment, and you gain a 10% discount on all non-magical goods bought in Ulfen or Varki settlements (this does not stack with any other discount or reduction in price). In addition, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on all Diplomacy checks to Make A Request while playing in an adventure that takes place primarily in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. Diggen the Liar: You refused to release the ghost of Diggen thrune and instead turned the captive spirit over to Zarta Dralneed at the Grand Lodge. This boon will have a special effect in a future scenario. ☐ ☐ Secrets of the Jistkan Alchemists (General, Limited-Use): Your forays into the ancient alchemical testing site of the Jistka Imperium has left you with knowledge and materials for a few handy tricks. Whenever you craft an item with the alchemical trait during downtime, after rolling, you can check a box that precedes this boon to increase your degree of success by one (from critical failure to failure, from failure to success, or from success to critical success). ☐ ☐ ☐ Amateur Adjuster (General): With the claim settled, you’ve shored up relationships with some valuable allies and learned a bit about navigating Druman bureaucracy. Whenever you attempt a check to Gather Information, Decipher Writing, or Create a Forgery, you can check a box next to this boon to gain a +1 circumstance bonus on the check. If the check involves interacting with a Druman business or Druman bureaucracy, you instead gain a +3 circumstance bonus on the check. ☐ ☐ ☐ Numerian Archaeologist (General): You have garnered some unique experience with the unusual technology of Numeria. You can use the following free action by checking off a box next to this boon.
____________________ SENSES Perception Calculation: 12 = wis 0 + prof 12 + item 0 (expert) Special Senses: Darkvision ____________________ DEFENSES ARMOR CLASS
Barbarian Class DC: 24 = 10 + key stat 4 + prof 10 + item 0 (trained) Melee Strikes
+1 Striking Cold Iron Meteor Hammer +17 (str, expert) for 2d8+4+2 (bludgeoning, backswing, disarm, reach, trip)
+1 Wounding Striking Silver Halberd +17 (str, expert) for 2d10+4+2 (piercing, versatile slashing, reach)
Ranged Strikes
Weapon Proficiencies
[dice=Acrobatics (E) + Bracelets]d20+15+1[/dice] Boon to Negate Fumble [dice=Arcana (U)]d20[/dice] [dice=Athletics (T)]d20+14[/dice] +2 Jump plus added distance or height, +1 to Trip or Disarm if using Meteor Hammer, +1 to Force Open if using Levered Crowbar, +1 with Extreme Climbing Kit, Boon to Negate Fumble [dice=Crafting (U)]d20[/dice] [dice=Deception (T)]d20+12[/dice] [dice=Diplomacy (U)]d20+2[/dice] [dice=Intimidation (M)]d20+16[/dice] +1 when physically menacing the target [dice=Lore - Gladiatorial (T)]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Lore - Goblin (T)]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Lore - Hunting (E)]d20+12[/dice] (Hireling) [dice=Lore - Laborer (T)]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Lore - Scout (E)]d20+12[/dice] (Hireling) [dice=Medicine (U)]d20[/dice] [dice=Nature (T)]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Occultism (U)]d20[/dice] [dice=Performance (U)]d20+2[/dice] [dice=Religion (U)]d20[/dice] [dice=Society (T)]d20+10[/dice] +1 Earn Income, +1 to influence high society w/ High Fashion Fine Clothing [dice=Stealth (T)]d20+13[/dice] Boon to Negate Fumble [dice=Survival (U)]d20[/dice] Bair, Boon to Negate Fumble [dice=Survival (E)]d20+12[/dice] (Hireling) +1 to Sense Direction/Navigate/ if using Lensatic Compass, Boon to Negate Fumble, Experienced Tracker Feat [dice=Thievery (U)]d20+2[/dice] Languages: Common, Goblin ____________________ ABILITY SCORES STR 19 (+4), DEX 16 (+3), CON 16 (+3), INT 10 (+0), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 14 (+2)
Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Skill Feats
General Feats
Class Feats and Abilities
Pathfinder Training
Combat Gear: Padded Armor (Comfort), +1 Hide, +1 Striking Wounding Silver Halberd in Sheath, +1 Striking Thundering Meteor Hammer in Sheath, 5x Javelins, Lesser Antiplague, 4x Caltrops in Bandolier, Lesser Alchemist's Fire, Lesser Acid Flask, Lesser Healing Elixir (2d8+5), 2x Scrolls Soothe (lvl 1)
Bulk: 9 + 19L (1 < 11)
Coins: 100.08g (updated after 2-00)
1-01 The Absalom Initiation: 4 VS, 4 xp, 4 fame, 14g, 4s dj 1-04 Bandits of Immenwood: 4 VS, 4 xp, 4 fame, 14g, 6.4s dj Quest #2 Unforgiving Fire: 1 VS, 1 xp, 1 fame, 3.5g, 0 dj 1-05 Trailblazer’s Bounty: 4 VS, 1 HH, 4 xp, 4 fame, 14g, 4s dj 1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road: 4 VS, 4 xp, 4 fame, 22g, 0 dj 1-07 Flooded King’s Court: 6 VS, 4 xp, 4 fame, 22g, 8c dj Quest #3 Grehunde’s Gorget: 1 VS, 1 xp, 1 fame, 5.5g, 4s dj 1-08 Revolution on the Riverside: 4 VS, 4 xp, 4 fame, 22g, 4s dj Quest #4 Port Peril Pub Crawl: 1 VS, 1 xp, 1 fame, 9.5g, 4c dj 1-09 Star-Crossed Voyages: 4 VS, 1 HH, 4 xp, 4 fame, 38g, 15s dj 1-10: Tarnbreaker’s Trail: 4 VS, 4 xp, 4 fame, 38g, 16s dj Quest #5 The Dragon that Stole Evoking Day: 1 VS, 1 xp, 1 fame, 9.5g, 4c dj 1-11 Flames of Rebellion: 4 VS, 4 xp, 4 fame, 64g, 24s dj Quest #6 Archaeology in Aspenthar: 1 VS, 1 xp, 1 fame, 16g, 8c dj 1-12 Burden of Envy: 4 VS, 2 RO, 4 xp, 4 fame, 64g, 32c dj 1-13 Devil at the Crossroads: 4 VS, 4 xp, 4 fame, 73g, 24s dj Quest #7 A Curious Claim: 1 VS, 1 xp, 1 fame, 25g, 16c dj 1-16 The Perennial Crown Part 1: 4 VS, 4 xp, 4 fame, 80g, 40s dj 1-17 The Perennial Crown Part 2: 4 VS, 4 xp, 4 fame, 80g, 40s dj Quest #8 Shadows of the Black Sovereign: 1 VS, 1 xp, 1 fame, 25g, 14s dj 1-19 Iolite Squad Alpha: 4 VS, 4 xp, 4 fame, 100g, 40s dj Quest #9 Wayfinder Origins: 1 VS. 1 x[. 1 fame, 37.5g, 2s dj 1-20 The Lost Legend: 4 VS, 4 xp, 4 fame, 150g, 8s dj 1-21 Mistress of the Maze: 4 VS, 4 xp, 4 fame, 135g, 56s dj 1-25 Grim Symphony: 4 VS, 2 GA, 4 xp, 4 fame, 198g, 12g dj 1-24 Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall: 4 VS, 4 xp, 4 fame, 220g, 7.2g dj 3-99 Fate in the Future (5-8): 4 VS, 4 xp, 220g, 7.2g dj 2-00 King in Thorns (7-8): 4 VS, 4 xp, 300g, 2.4g dj Ethnicity: ... Goblin with maybe a little bit of bugbear in the ancestry
PFS Information:
PFS Number: 123584-2001 Experience: 88 (level 8) Gold: See Equipment Section Major Factions 20 = liked, 60 = admired, 120 revered)
Purchased Boons/Other