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Thank you again I think this will be my final build:
STR 14
DEX 20 (18 + 2 as human)
CON 15
INT 12
WIS 12
CHA 16

Studded leather (didn't have the money for the Chain =\ )

Spiked Gauntlets

Weapon Finesse
Power Attack

I prefer to leave the racial bonus on dex, since being a very short campaign I won't get to use much spells, and the smite will still be limited in usages. I got a kukri for having a different damage than piercing, and spiked gauntlet because of the nice suggestions.
Buckler is there for a little bit more AC and because is always equipped.
I didn't take Quick Draw since, from the rules, I understand that with a BAB of 1 or more I can draw the weapons as part of the movement: "Without this feat, you may draw a weapon as a move action, or (if your base attack bonus is +1 or higher) as a free action as part of movement."

Weapon Finesse because I can use DEX with each one of my chosen weapons, Power Attack because I would like to see how a 2h wielded rapier + weapon finesse + smite evil + power attack is going to work =P

Future feats will be decided after the first session when I can figure out which one could be more useful for me =]

Thanks again, I will let you know of what horrible dead my paladin died =P

Ok, some news from my group:
Druid is going to be our healer (O.o)
Thief is ranged
Last one decided for wizard.

From what I see everyone is going to be squishier than me, so my group is going to assume that I'll be in melee sometime, that's why I think I can't go full archer. Still I like the hybrid ranged/melee.

The idea is to poke the enemy from range, but then going melee at a certain point. Does a thing like DEX tank exist? Thank to "The Crusader" I didn't know that I needed a full action to remove/equip shield (I thought was instant) so leaning toward the buckler, but spiked gauntlets??

Thank you for the answers they are helping me a lot, keep them coming!

Right now after your suggestions I swapped a couple of ability scores:
STR 14
DEX 20 (18 + 2 as human)
CON 15
INT 12
WIS 12
CHA 16

and leaning towards Weapon Finesse and Power Attack as feats.

Hello guys,
I'm going to participate to my 1st PF campaign pretty soon and I decided to play a paladin. We are going to play with only the core book.

My idea is instead of playing the classic "Lawful Stupid" tank, I would like to play a more dex oriented paladin (as a background probably trained by monks), very devout, mobile, proficient in archery and melee combat.

My ability scores are:
STR 15
DEX 18 (16 + 2 as human)
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 12
CHA 18
The DM let us roll 4d6, reroll 1s and discard the lower score.

Studded Leather (I don't like the movement reduction of medium/heavy armor)

Ranged: Shortbow / Longbow, which one do you suggest?
Melee: 2h Falchion / Shield and Scimitar, again which one is you suggestion?

Point Blank Shot
Power Attack

We are going to play a very short campaign so we are going to finish it that we are still low level (~ lvl 5/6) and the group will probably be formed by: 1 Paladin (me), 1 Druid, 1 Thief and 1 Mage (or a Fighter he is still undecided).

Any suggestion?
Thank you in advance