Half-Fiend Minotaur

Baffled_King's page

Goblin Squad Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

Welcome Pathfinders!

Blind Dragon Hobbies (8465 S 212 St, Kent, WA 98031) will be hosting Pathfinder Society on Tuesday evenings. Everyone is welcome, although we will only have so much room, so if you are interested, please check out our listing on nwpfs.org to make sure there is room at the table for you (and sign-up to let us know you're coming, if you have a chance).

On August 8th, we will be offering Scenario #33: Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible. The game begins at 5pm, please arrive earlier so everyone can begin on time. Bring your up-to-date character and inventory tracking sheets, your completed chronicles, and any reference material you need.

If you need help, we will be happy to help explain the rules for Pathfinder Society, but please show up early to allow for the extra time.

Hope to see you there!

Our group is looking for a few more players right now. We need 2 or 3 more, but if there's more interest, that's great too! We really get into Shadowrun, but are on hold right now while looking for more players to get the game hopping again. Depending on interest, we are hoping to start that, or play Pathfinder or Earthdawn; if that sounds good and you are near the south end of King county, let me know on here with what you're interested in, specifically.