Here's the scenario...Starting a new campaign level 3 with gold, items and a magic item...However, my character is starting level 2 with no items...Here's the catch...Noble Drow(no feats required)...I know right?!...25pt buy in and campaign that will be heavily conducted onboard a pirate ship/boat...
Current stats so far(still adjustable) are...Str 16 Dex 19 Con 12 int 14 Wis 12 Char 13
Traits : Indomitable Faith/Warrior of Old
Feats : Dodge, Iron Will, 2Weapon Fight
Class : Fighter
As of right now the party consists of 7 players including me...1 undecided...1 gunslinger...1 cleric...1 magus...1 wizard...1 witch or rogue...and me---> 1 fighter/duelist
I guess my question is...Should I go Fighter 6 and then Duelist or stick with either 2 weapon Fighter or even Mobile Fighter throughout?...or Rogue/Assassin or ShadowDancer?
Before you hammer me with dip this and take some crazy class combo my thoughts on the character are...I've escaped from the Drow Kingdom(something happened that caused me to flee...future plot) and as a result I was captured by pirates/slavers...the party finds me alone on a ship adrift on the ocean, chained and without any items...I am a (insert class here) level 2 and that will be my class for atleast a few levels or indefinately( no monastaries to dip Monk, no Desert Dervish or whatever on the high seas)...also this is my characters first exposure to the surface world so I feel I should stick to what I am(Chaotic Evil...whatever class) for a few levels until an opportunity presents itself for change...
Assuming the majority of the campaign will take place on the high seas I am leaning towards a mobile/two weap Fighter of sorts or even a Rogue...I don't like the idea of going overboard in heavy armor but like the idea of hopping all over the deck and climbing the rigging without penalties...If I stick with the plan and go Duelist, I will keep Int at 14...but if I go Fighter or Rogue whatever I can dump a lil Int to add to another stat...A Char dump is off the table(13) because Noble Drow have a min of 13 and thats that...What other char/arch type would you recommend for this?...Stat changes?...Traits and Feats?...
I guess the possibility to dip a level may come up later but as of now I don't see it happening for a few levels...